Q1-Hi Dad! Thank you that you thought of a plan to help me get motivated to start losing this weight. A great plan it is, indeed! Am I holding up your plans and slowing things down, yet again… or is there no rush and should I be concerned that this process is not going anywhere – so it seems.
***Lol, don’t you think I know what I’m doing? You are right where you need to be. God never rushes around… you shouldn’t either! I am the author of time. I created the universe, so don’t you think I have this party planning organized for perfect timing? You will be where you need to be at all times. Please don’t doubt yourself if you are doing all that you feel led to do. You have been listening to me and you are faithful to meet here each day to get your marching orders! You’re an excellent warrior and for the most part you listen to me. Just try to obey in the area of eating and we’ll be strengthening this in every area of your life. It’s going to be amazing. Hang in there just a little while longer. I know your heart. “The computer has the evidence!” The court case went perfectly- just as I planned. Always. I know everything from the beginning of time to now and into eternity. I am outside of time. Trust in me. I know best and you are exceptionally suited for this assignment. Enjoy the process! Enjoy the bounty of plants… springtime especially has fruits in season. Try them all. Check out the Farmers markets! Feast on plants when you are hungry and you will see your 20 down quicker than you can imagine. I will bless your efforts. When you want to eat and you’re not at a growl, come visit with me… go to your private sanctuary or adoration chapel and let me love you with sweetness washing over you.
Q2-Jesus, I think I am strong, but at times it all seems so overwhelming. I don’t want to ruin this. It is a monumental task ahead and when I look at where we are and how far we have to go, it seems impossible. I know I can’t do this. I can do nothing by myself; but with God, all things are possible. What should I do when I look at the big picture and feel lost and alone on this assignment?
***Mar, we know that this is a tough assignment. But, you should know that once we get you over this hump of struggling, it will be smooth sailing and great fun! Once you know for sure that God’s got this, once you win and open Sham…Rock Studios, you will know that this is truly our plan for you and for the eternal party. You will know 100% that this is not just your imagination, you will then finally know that you are backed in these plans by the Father of the Universe, Father Almighty, the creator of Heaven and Earth. Won’t you feel better then? Yes, you will be on cloud nine. You will be used to help usher in my Holy Kingdom, Mar. You will finally know for certain, that you are on the right track and following the will of God. That’s right… let it out. It’s ok for you to cry. You are so strong, and yes, you have been through hell and back. Be glad. Your redemption is near. Freedom cries out from all the earth. You will be leading many to freedom by sharing my love for them. You will help my love spread across the earth to all people. We will bless your efforts and be with you in each step of the way. It will get easier for you to work in miracles- soon my love will wash over all people. The time is coming soon, when all heaven will reach the earth in amazing and powerful ways. Rejoice! Be glad! We’ve got your back. We have amazing plans for you and the EPP!
Q3-Love, my counselor and right-arm man, I love you and thank you for helping me get through these meetings. You know what I need and you are working hard on my behalf. Thank you that you’ve got this all figured out. What should I do today and tomorrow to help the process of this love project? I have a lot of free time this weekend and I want to use it according to your Holy Will.
***You are doing it perfectly. You planned to relax, pray, slow down, and most importantly, go for a walk/jog. This is important for stress management. You really need to do some quiet time not just on the weekends, but try during the week to take small breaks throughout the day. Go for a 2-mile walk over your lunch hour if possible. This is important. Resting your mind is very important for your mental health. Don’t let your schedule hedge out rest. Do everything slower. You rush so much, it will break you if you aren’t careful. Everything will get done. Do not worry. Give it all to God and know that you are well taken care of.
Q4-Blessed Mother, thank you for showering graces to me. I desire to receive all the graces that God has in mind for me. I especially would like the blessings of wisdom, courage, and patience in long suffering, prosperity, supernatural musical talents, love and compassion for the people in my life and for my enemies.
***You have great requests and I would be so happy to offer all of these to you from the Father. Keep asking for blessings. The more you ask for, the more we can give you. You have not, because you ask not- is the unfortunate way of God’s people. Ask for all things, big and small. Keep asking, pressing on in prayer. I will go to the Father and see what we can do about this for you, B. Expect great things! Don’t worry about anything. It is all worked out. It will all be all right. Smile, all of heaven is cheering for you. Can you hear them singing “Don’t worry about a thing… every little thing is gonna be alright!” Bob is leading all of heaven in the song right now… it’s so fun, you will love heaven. Help is on its way. Heaven’s gonna break through on all of Earth! Be patient, though. Your Dad is in no hurry. The dreams that you dream of, they are all from your Father. I know you are pressing on with so much effort. You need to step back a little. Get in the flow of God. Relax and slow down. Listen to music and dance, laugh and know that God’s got this all taken care of. You put too much pressure on yourself. We love you.
Actions Requested:
God never rushes around… I shouldn’t either.
Get in the flow of God.
When I want to eat and not at a growl, go to God in my sanctuary or the Adoration Chapel.
Listen to music, dance, laugh and know that God’s got this all taken care of!
They have amazing plans for EPP!
I put too much pressure on myself. Chill, Mar Chill.
Closing Remarks: Thank you so much for yet again an awesome board meeting! I’m gonna go ahead and let my hair down! Chillaxing here, how about a nice long walk, come with me you guys. I want to talk with you all the time. You are so wonderful to me. Thank you for taking such amazing concern over me. I love you and thank you for your concern. Thank you that you lead me to rest and love. Amen! Xo, ~Mar