Q1– Dad, I would like to ask each of you a question that I am curious as to how you guys might answer. How are you doing today?

*** I love it when my kids ask me how I am doing. I have to tell you that I am doing exceptionally well. Do you know why? I’ll tell you, Mar! I am doing fabulously well because you are having a good day. Also, because you say “yes” to me whenever I ask. That makes me so happy! I am doing great because all things are unfolding as they should. Your lives are about to change for the better soon! Not just you and DB, no, I mean the lives of everyone on earth will soon be free. Free from lack. Free from suffering. Free from sickness. Free from themselves; freedom from evil. If you saw what I see, you would agree… a new day is indeed about to enter your stratosphere. A new world. A whole new way of life. The kingdom age is soon upon you. It is at the door. So, yes, Mar, I am doing fabulously well. The process is unfolding perfectly and you are part of this amazing plan. Be glad. Be happy. Soon you will feel it. Soon you will have an entirely new life to live. It is beautiful; your life is soon about to change. I am thrilled for today and tomorrow, and the next day. And the next. Soon the world will know my love for them. I am doing exceptionally well today. Thanks for asking!


Q2– Jesus, how are you doing today?

***I have to be honest with you, Mar. I am tired. I have been working so hard and running this race, my legs are giving out. Besides that, I am super excited for the next chapter to begin. Then, I will be able to enjoy the ride a little more with you. There has been so much left to do, and I have been trying to work with people to get things lined up for the plan to succeed.   There is no doubt that all will work out in time, it is just a lot of juggling and preparing people. I have been working diligently in your life, and you have been working so hard, also. I know. Your case is coming along perfectly so far. Kudos to you for the scrutiny you’ve been under- you have outshone each case in your favor. Lucy has been accusing you of some ridiculous things that have no substance and all lies. The computer has the evidence. You will have double what Lucy stole from you. I promise you that. But yes, I am tired and looking forward to a short vacation before things get into gear. Thank you for asking. I am thrilled that soon we can finally focus of important things, like starting EPP, Inc!!! Yes, of course, the Father is going to invest in this idea/dream. He put it in your heart. Rejoice! Soon you will see your dreams shaken into reality. We love you. Thanks for asking me how I’m doing. When you’re strong, no one asks how you’re doing. You know, Mar. You know how it is. Love you!


Q3– Love, how are you this afternoon?

***I’m a little hoarse. I’ve been speaking as loudly as I am able. My whisper has been close to a shout for many years now. People are so busy and not listening to me when I try to speak with them. I know you try to listen, too, but it is as if there is a huge gap from my heart to the hearts of my kin. It would be much better if people, including you, would try to listen for the still small voice—I can’t yell any louder. It’s going to get better soon, when all learn to take time on a board meeting to speak with us. That idea the Father gave to you, to start board meetings, was the best way for me to speak with you and all the world. I hope people decide to try it. It works, doesn’t it?!!! God will bless those that come to board meetings… each person is our living enterprise, and we need open communications! Thank you for coming here most days since last November. God bless you for saying yes to that also. Other than being a little sore from straining to speak with people, I am doing well. Thank you for asking. I am really excited to be able to talk with more people. Just remember to try to read past meetings, I know it is hard for you to remember things… even when they are very important. That’s ok. God made you that way. Just try to look back on the meetings from time to time. Love you!


Q4- Mom, how are you today?

***I am so glad I get to answer this question, also! I am doing very well today! My chickie is doing great, working hard, coming to board meetings, loving life, thrilled with her assignment, and is healthy and pure hearted… I am so happy to be with you, Mar. My prayers are being answered. You’re in the perfect position for your blessing. Try not to worry. All things will work out perfectly according to the way God has deemed perfect. His timing is perfect. You’re going to see mighty miracles happen in your life. Soon you will be living your dreams. His Kingdom will come! His will –it will be done! So, yes, I am doing exceptionally well today! You have been through a lot and we have gotten you this far. We will not leave you alone in your fight. You will be victorious in this first tedious long-lived battle. The rest of the battles will seem like nothing once this first challenge is in your past. You have nothing to worry about. You’re strong and you’re on the winning side, so no worries! I love you, Mar. Hang in there… just a few short last minute things to prepare and you’re on your way! I will be praying for you. Love you!

 Actions Requested:

My life is about to change.

Read past board meetings!

Invite others to start board meetings- that is a key component to communications.

I will have double what Lucy stole from me. Jesus promised.

I’m strong and on the winning side- no worries!

 Closing Remarks: Thank you, you guys are the best! Thank you for getting me this far! Thank you for giving me wonderful doctors, counselor, spiritual director, family and friends! I am blessed to have all these people in my life. Please bless them and keep them healthy. Thank you for all the amazing blessings that you give to me. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to be able to be all that you want me to be. Please give me courage, victory over darkness and love to share with others. Increase your love in my heart so it overflows to all the people I see and all the people I speak with. Give me your grace to be the woman you would like me to become. Courage, wisdom and love- please increase it in my soul. I love you! Amen! Xo ~Mar