Q1-Father God, I wonder if you still have plans to invest in EPP, Inc. or if you are just laughing at my plans… “we make plans and God laughs.” I hear that a lot. Is it true in my case? Should I reconsider my dreams?

*** I put the dreams in your heart. It may not work out the exact way you think things should go. Never fear. My ways are higher and better than anything you could imagine. Don’t worry if it seems like things are taking longer than they should. I have perfect divine timing on all things. I am lining up everything perfectly for your good. The only reason why I’m laughing at the plans of my kids is that they have no idea how much better I can make things turn out if they just allow me to do my work. I have amazing plans for you and DB. Rest, Relax, and Realize that my ways will be worth the wait. I love you!


Q2-Jesus, I am enjoying a relaxing day. Thank you for weekends!

***You are so welcome! Now, people work to live… soon all of humanity will live to have fun! Heaven is so much fun.. Kat Kerr has it right, people have no idea how much fun is awaiting them! Earth is so bogged down with struggles, it will be a shock to many when they get here that they will have fun 24/7 except that there is no time in heaven so it’s more like Fun 100% of the time! It truly is an Eternal Party for the people! Thus, you will start Eternal Party People, Inc. to get them into party mode… it may take some work to get people transitioned over to the Fun Side!   Have fun tonight at the show. You will see how S Stereo throws a fun party. The street fest tonight will be so much fun. Don’t miss it. Be sure to check it out!


Q3- Love, thank you for helping me to see when the enemy tries to speak lies and inflict paranoia. I can’t believe that some people I know, I won’t say who… you know who… is afraid to go to church because she feels that she may be a victim of violence- someone with a gun may come and shoot down people. I find this scare tactic of the enemy somewhat interesting. He must be struggling for any way to get to people. He’s desperate. I won’t fall for it. I won’t stand for it. Please help my friend heal her phobia. Thank you for showing me what the enemy is up to and for allowing me to know that I need never fear- I have angels protecting me from such things. I WILL NOT FEAR my hometown… not now. Not ever. The enemy needs to look for some other sucker to fall for his tactics and leave my friend alone! The enemy’s days are numbered. It will be a city of love and light with no tolerance of any evil. We will take back our cities. Love wins.

*** Well said, Mar. Love wins. You are correct. I will help you learn how to do this. It will be easy. Lucy’s days are numbered. It is going to be fun to watch it happen, and you will have a blast leading the way for light to shine out the darkness. As easy as turning the light-switch on. The darkness just disappears! Your friend will be free again one day. Pray for her. It was good that you suggested counseling to her. It is a phobia that can be overcome with help.


Q4- Mom, thank you for your love. I am so happy and thrilled that you are my momma in combat boots, you rock and you are Queen of Angels! That means that you assigned to me some of the best angels in your army- they are assigned to guide and protect me, and I thank you! It is such a relief to know that I don’t need to worry about violence to me as long as I am sensible and have common sense.

***You are very welcome. I watch out for all my children and if anyone calls to me for help, I answer. You are loved! You are right, you don’t need to worry about terrorism or any other violent acts. You will be well taken care of at all times. Enjoy your life and leave your safety to your “security guards” that being the host of angels led by St. Michael the Arch Angel. They are on special assignment to protect you. Feel free to ask them for special extra help when you feel you need it. Don’t forget to thank you angels every day. Get into the habit of thanking them, they really appreciate it and it gives them a boost.   They love it when people thank them. They work hard and deserve thanks.

Actions Requested:

Rest, relax and realize that God’s ways are better than my ways!

God has divine timing for all things. Be patient.

IN heaven, we will need to get used to fun 100% of the time! Thank you, God!!!!!!!

Love wins! Shine the light and darkness just disappears!

Don’t for get to thank the angels that protect me.

 Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you for showing me the lies of the enemy and how he tries to scare me. I will not be scared, not now, not ever! I thank you, God, for your guidance and for meeting me here at the board meetings… and also throughout the day and all through the night, you are with me. I am so glad that you never leave me to myself. You are always working on my behalf and showing me the path to take each day. Thank you for your guidance each day as you lead me to my destination with you in heaven one day. For now, I am enjoying the process. Thank you that you have amazing plans and that I am a part of this eternal plan. Thank you that I am part of a process that is happening right now as we speak. Thank you that the Eternal Party will be well attended! I pray that all your children rsvp and that not one person will miss out on the eternal party!   Help me share your love and shine your bright light to this dark world. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to be the person I need to be to fulfill my destiny and complete my assignment well. I love you! Amen   Xo! ~Mar