Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you for helping me get up at 5am this morning as we planned. Thank you for a relaxing start to my day. Thank you for a good night’s sleep. Thank you for always taking care of me. Thank you that when things looked hopeless, scary and dark- you were there to get me through it all. Thank you, God, that I am not suffering paranoia or anxiety and have been feeling well for many months now. Thank you for working in my life to make all things brand new. Thank you for a beautiful day ahead. Thank you for my family and our health. Thank you for your unfathomable divine love and mercy! You are so good to me! Thank you!


Q1– Father God, I love you! What would you like to tell me this morning?

*** I know you are tired and feeling sleepy. You will wake up soon and you will be able to work. When you are done, you can take a short nap which will give you enough energy for the rest of the day. Get to sleep early tonight and up again at 5am tomorrow. This is a habit I will help you create. You will love the extra time that this will give to your schedule. I will bless your early morning hours. Yes, coffee will help. Lol.

Q2- Jesus, I love you! What would you like to tell me about us starting EPP, Inc?

*** Don’t rush things. All will flow easily and mannerly. Do not run ahead of me. I will help you get everything in place. You can research it in the car this weekend. Don’t worry about the name being taken. I will reserve “EPP” for your use. You are doing great. I will lead. You only need to follow. Ok? No worries. Trust in me. I will not disappoint you.


Q3- Love, my good friend and Holy Spirit, I love you! What would you like me to know to do today?

*** Today I only ask that you slow down by 50% and think of me throughout the day. I am with you. I love you and I want you to experience my peace and love.


Q4– Blessed Mother, I love you! What can I do for my dad? Will you please pray with me to the Father for his healing of his leg and Supernatural weight loss?

***I am praying. What you can do is spend some time with him this afternoon. Bring him the care package you got for him and just go be with him for a little while. When you are with him, pray for him -if he will allow you to.

 Actions Requested:

Don’t run ahead of God. He will show me what to do in a divine manner.

Research URL,, starting a blog, etc. – this weekend in the car on way to Madison.

Slow down by 50% and think of Love throughout the day.

Pray for Dad when I go over to visit- if it’s ok with him.

 Closing Comments & Petitions: Thank you for your love and support. Help me be all that you ask me to be. Equip and empower me to do your will. Please allow me to start the next chapter and start anew. Give me the strength I need each hour to do what you call me to do in that hour. Help me not to look too far ahead. Show me what needs to be done and please give me the health, understanding, patience and endurance to do it. Amen! Xo ~Mar