Appreciation & Gratitude. Thank you, God, for getting me out of my funk from yesterday. Thank you for all the many blessings you give me each day. Thank you for the working air conditioner this summer! Thank you for music! Thank you for friends and family. Thank you for health, love and laughter! Thank you, dear and wonderful Father, for WEEKENDS! I am so excited to have another beautiful weekend. Thank you for being my dad and for your love.
Q1- Holy Spirit, my good friend, thank you for your help with your guidance, love and support. Thank you for your sense of humor and for putting up with me. I know I’m not easy to live with!
*** lol, if you only knew what I put up with, you would never have said that! I enjoy being your partner and love to help you, guide you and laugh with you. I really enjoy your company and only wish that you would think of me more throughout the day. Look within and ask me questions, make random comments that include me in your thought process and your daily schedule. I can help you so much more than I am right now, if only you would ask for it and include me more. Ok? I love to be more involved with the lives of people that invite me into their heart. I have so much to offer. Thank you for starting your day with me and for ending each night with prayers to God. I love every minute between those two times!
Q2- Dad, thank you for your patience. Help me be more patient. Help me become who you want me to be… I want that for myself more than anything. I know I fail miserably in that endeavor. With God, all things are possible… so, please help me by equipping and empowering me to become who you want me to be. I need to improve in many areas. Where should I start?
*** We always ask you the same thing whenever you ask that question. I want you to relearn how to relax, laugh and have fun in your day to day routine. I can make it unique and fun for you, even while you are working. Just smile more and you will help relearn this skill. The loving laughter skill is where we want you to start improving and focusing. Why is that so difficult for you? I know. You are so serious. You want to be a good soldier and do your part. You don’t want to fail in any “tests”, etc. Well, I have one thing to tell you: Forget about all that! Just have fun! Ok? So, surround yourself with people that are easy going and like to have fun. This is imperative. Yes, I said “Imperative”… lol, I really do mean this, Mar. It is vital that you have fun… no pressure. Just go enjoy yourself. The test is this weekend! So, it’s on! You have to laugh and smile and then report back to me on Monday and tell me how much fun you had! Lol!
Q3- Jesus, will you help me make decisions each minute of the day, so I keep focused and follow your will for my life? I know Love is my guide… Holy Spirit is my captain. This ship seems to be sinking sometimes! Help!
*** lol, you’re not sinking… you are just going for a refreshing swim in the ocean of my love. Haha! I am with you. Never fear, your redeemer is near! Lol. We are working with you and will never let you down. When it appears that you are alone, that is when I am carrying you on top of the waters. Together, we will walk this path that God has laid out for you. Don’t feel like you are alone in this. I am holding you up and together we will get to the finish line. We’re going the “Distance”… just like the song (Cake) sings…. We’re going for speed… but you’re NOT alone… not all alone… in your time of need. J I like that song, too. How I lovz ya!
Actions Requested:
#1: Have FUN!
#2: Have more FUN!
#3: Then go out and have some more fun!
Don’t be so serious! I am with you. You are not alone!
Closing Comments & Petitions:
Ok, I get the point here. Thank you! I am pretty sure I remember how to have fun! I’ve got my marching orders… I’m on it! Thank you, I love you! Please heal my Dad’s leg and for RF, and his healing, also. For all the people on m prayer list, and for all those in need of your help today. I pray with them in spirit. Amen! XO~Mar