I am trying my best to hit my goal of daily meetings… even if they are short visits here. I hope you don’t mind.
Tonight in the homily at mass, Father mentioned not to “Give up” and that “Anything’s Possible” – that’s so funny because that is the title of each of my poetry written on the Lotto! Haha! Dad, are you trying to tell me something here? Lol. He also mentioned that there were some healings reported from prayer at our parish this year. That’s awesome that he announced that, and I pray that it becomes a weekly announcement as you work powerfully through your children and heal your family physically, mentally and spiritually! Do you think we can start a healing movement in the local Catholic Church?
*** Well, Mar- “Anything’s Possible”! Whatever you do, don’t “Give Up!” Lol
You will see amazing things start to happen. Your next chapter is about to begin and you should know that I love you and I love all my children. I hate to see them suffer. I am coming and the world is about to change in many miraculous ways! Sing about it and sing loudly! The world needs to know that their Heavenly Father loves them and is about to lavish his love on his kids in a way so that they will know I am real and that they are well taken care of in many ways- that I desire all to come home to heaven for all eternity. It will be a fun, amazing and wild ride! Please take care of yourself so that you can live another 50 years on this assignment! Live long and prosper! Lol. Enjoy the ride, mar! I have great plans fo you. (And the world!)