What a gorgeous day, God! Thank you so much for the sunshine! It was great to be able to air out the house, clean the windows, rake the leaves… on December 16th!!! I was very productive so far today, laundry, cleaning… I’m pooped! I think I’ll take a short brake before I tackle the poetry class homework, wrap the presents, upload posts, declutter the filing cabinet and storage closet, and enjoy some guitar practice! Thank you for the cardinals and blue jays that we got to watch this afternoon… I love life! Thank you for the gift of living in this crazy world! Thank you for making it so enjoyable and blessed- I know ALL good things come from you!
*** You are so welcome, Mar! I love giving good gifts to my kids- especially when they take notice of even the little things and say thank you. You may think you aren’t grateful enough, but I see your heart and I know all that you feel is often gratitude! I also like that you hardly ever complain. One thing I would like you to work on is to not feel like DB needs to do more. He is doing his best and he works hard, so when he comes home- it is good for him to relax. Reward always comes to those who deserve it… so don’t worry if you feel you do more than he does. Try not to ask him to do anything, but do all things with a good attitude, lovingly and giving of yourself. When you do favors for him (or anyone) do it with love and the reward is great. Love you give is all that you can take with you. Heaven will be worth the effort where the reward is eternal and not only that, but comes 1000 fold in return for the good you do on Earth. Think of this when you do something and start to feel like it isn’t fair, that you think you’re doing more than he is, etc… and remember that when done with Love, this is all you can take with you. Love. Love wins. Love rules. Love is everything. Share it with everyone you meet, everyone you think of, and everyone (especially everyone) that is difficult to love. There, your reward is great. We love you, Mar, and you are doing great… don’t give up and keep growing in love. Especially do all things for DB with love. I know this is especially difficult for you when you believe he’s evil and sent to torment you. When you love in the face of this issue, your reward is 10,000 fold of a reward. It’s like a bonus round! Lol. Rack up the points here, and your assignment will be smoother and easier to manage. Remember this. This is key to success for you. Loving when difficult- take it as a challenge and relish in the victory! You will go very far in a short amount of time. Pray and intermittent fasting will enhance the potency of your prayers. Pray over everything. You will see many miracles happen if you do this… more than you could ever imagine. Miracles will break out in the music you will record. People will know your mine by your love. Especially since it is often a challenge for you… you can do this! I know all things. I see your struggles. I am telling you it doesn’t have to be this way when you look at it as a chance for the bonus round! 10,000 fold of a reward! Can’t you imagine the power of this? Try this… imagine the game show Jeopardy- then look at each situation where you are struggling to be loving and imagine the box flipping open and it says: “Mar, if you succeed in loving right now, your points are not $200— it will be $2,000,000!!!” Lol- That would be… More money to give away to bless others who need a touch of love in their life! It’s a game of love! You should write a song about this game of love so you can remember to use it more often!!! To make it a habit! Our love’s in Jeopardy… Baby!!! Oooohhh, ohwooohhh! Greg Kihn Band. Eternal rewards are better than any amount of money can buy and blessing others is the name of the game.