Gratitude: Thank you for technology! And also for a husband that is able to help out when it’s not working very well. 🙂


Thank you for musical instruments and the ability to create songs. Thank you for giving me songs to sing. Thank you for the joy you bring. Thanks for your love and friendship. Thank you for helping me get over this nasty cold. I’m feeling much better and hope to be 100% soon, maybe tomorrow? Thank you for all that you have given me… so much. I really don’t know where to start and never end. I thank you first for giving the world you son. For forgiveness through his shed blood- For my sins. I am so sorry. Thank you for the friendship and love DB and I share. Thank you for marriage and long life together. (I’m thanking you ahead of time.) Thanks for giving me parents that are amazing and a sister I love. Thank you for sweet nieces and a nephew that is adorable and kind. Thank you for a home that I feel safe in, enjoy, appreciate and am very grateful to have. I also love our view over our balcony to get daily shows of your beautiful sunsets over the lake. Thank you for everything… this doesn’t scratch the surface. I am sorry I can’t thank you enough for everything. Trees. Thank you for Trees. I love trees.


Q1-How are you doing tonight, Dad?

Q2-How are mom and the angels doing?

Q3-How are Jesus and the Holy Spirit doing?


Answer Q1-THANK YOU FOR ASKING! Not many people ask how I’m doing… I guess when you’re strong, nobody asks how you’re doing. You would know, Mar. (You don’t get asked very often how you’re doing…) Thanks- I’m doing well. It’s a busy time for us. The end of times and a new beginning is near. I am arranging many things for you and DB to do. It’s going to begin very soon. You will win the lottery, but you need to take it slowly. Don’t feel rushed. All things will be revealed and all things will happen on schedule. My schedule is not rushed or hurried. Enjoy the ride. If you hurry things, it may very well ruin all the plans I have for you. Don’t try to force anything. Have trust in my timing. I am the author of time and I am never late. My perfect will is going to be worked out. You don’t need to worry about “doing” anything. Just enjoy the ride- it’s going to be amazing. So, in answer to your question, I’m doing great. Busy, but great. You are also doing great. No need to worry about a thing. Thank you for asking. I love that you ask God how He’s doing. You are precious.



Answer Q2- Mom and the angels are also busy. There are many battles going on spiritually at this time. Mother is ready for all who call on her. Many are taking the opportunity and calling out for her help. She is also with you in all your challenges. She is very happy that you are rededicating yourself to Jesus thru Mary. She will be able to help you even more with this dedication. Angels are enjoying the fact that they are being utilized much more now in these end times. They are excited, as is all of heaven, to be so near to Christ’s Reign on Earth. His Kingdom will be soon here on Earth. Yes, you will help usher it in along with the help of your Blessed Mother, the angels, saints, and the Holy Trinity. So, everything is coming along as planned. Just remember to thank the angels for all their help. You make them work hard (slow down!) and keep them on their toes. 🙂


Answer Q3-Jesus and the Holy Spirit are two different stories. Let’s discuss how Jesus is doing then we can look at how the Holy Spirit is doing. Jesus is sad, Mar. Jesus sees all the hatred and evil in the world that is covering the Earth with a darkness that is consuming his brothers and sisters. He is sad that they are not open to receiving his mercy. The mercy is burning him because it is not finding enough people that ask for it. He has an ocean of mercy and not enough souls ask for it. He is also sad that you are going thru such a difficult time. He is glad that you are making yourself available for this mission, but sad to see you struggle. Jesus only wants you to be happy. Try to ignore the insults and jabs of Lucy’s puppets. They are soon to disappear. Your marriage will be pure joy. Just remember that. Soon you will be free of this rock in your Birkenstock. 🙂

The Holy Spirit is on the other hand, super excited for the next decade or two. You are going to have so much fun with Him. You will be used for the good of the Kingdom, and it will be better than you could ever imagine! The Holy Spirit is also very busy, but it is not a challenge, but a Joy! The fire of our Love for my children is going to consume the darkness. The Light will be incredible and sweet.

We know that everything will be fine. Just know that I see everything and I know your innermost thoughts and the love in your heart. You are doing great. Don’t worry about a thing. Don’t think that you might “ruin” this. A plan of salvation has been craftily thought out so that none of my kids is lost. You just need to do your best. Keep coming back to daily board meetings. OK?

I love you, Dad.

Jesus, My God, My all. How I love you. Your gift is wonderful and I adore you. Help me spread your love to the ends of the earth. Mother of Mercy, to you I cry. I send up my sighs, frustration, and despair to you. Help me make beautiful out of the situations I find myself in. Help me turn my frustrations over to you to offer to the feet of Jesus as an offering. For the lost souls- may they make their way to your loving arms.




Prayer Requests:

Please keep me in the palm of your hand. Guide me. Help me stay on the path. For renewed health and for DB’s health. For C. For M. I pray for my Mom and Dad , DB and Me- for long life, health, prosperity, joy and peace.