The TV is showing Paris terrorist attack updates on CNN. Lord, help the hostages escape safely. Protect all involved. Help bring safety to the world from horrendous terrorist attacks. Bring your peace, dear Lord.


Q1- Why do people want to kill and terrorize the world? What’s wrong with them?

Q2- Will ISIS and other terrorist groups ever become filled in their desire for blood?

Q3- What will stop this insanity?


Answer Q1-People that desire to kill and terrorize the world are being lied to thru and thru by the evil one. All evil comes from Lucy. It is hard to understand and I really can’t explain how this happens. It’s as if Lucy has very seductive and motivational ways of getting people to want to kill. It starts many times with these people when they are very young. Lies that are so far reaching and deep, it saturates their thoughts. In time, they are led to follow the teachings of murderous rogue religion as their beliefs become  twisted. They strive for insane and horrid acts. They are still my children, though, Mar. They still have time to come home. Don’t ever give up hoping and praying for their souls. I don’t want to lose any of my kids. We will help you and protect you as you sing your songs, many Muslims will return to me through Jesus’ open heart; which is the doorway to come back home.


Answer Q2-These terrorist groups will not be filled until their hearts of stone soften and return to my love for them. Christ will make himself known to them in many loving and merciful ways. Many will convert. Many will return to me. They will not be filled with their desire for murder until they return to me and ask Jesus for forgiveness for their sins. Jesus will forgive them if they only turned to him.


Answer Q3- Love and mercy will cure their souls. Only Jesus’ love will heal them.