Gratitude: Thank you for reassuring me that you will watch over me. Your protection is very much appreciated. Thank you that you said it is going to be better than I could ever imagine. Thank you for including me in your plans for ushering in your Kingdom. Thank you for trusting me with such an important job. Thank you that you are equipping me for this mission. Thank you that you said in so many words, that I would win the lottery, and that the Trinity apps will be vital in your Kingdom Come. Help me write songs and give me the right words whenever possible. Thank you that ISIS is going to be converted to Christianity, and for the ones that won’t be peaceful, I pray that you foil their terror attempts. Thank you that you have all things in the palm of your hand. I love you. Thank you for the gift of faith. I don’t know where I would be without you.


Q1- Mom, Blessed Mother Mary, could you reassure me that your angels will be guarding my every move? Also, my family’s protection, please?

Q2- Holy Spirit, will you put your words in my mouth, and use me for any purpose you see fit? Will you please move me any way that you think would be good- as in move me around in ways that would be beneficial for the mission? Work through me, use me, protect me and let’s have a blast during this whole journey?

Q3- Dad, could you tell me again that I don’t need to worry about ISIS coming near us? Tell me I’ll always be safe? (I know I am asking Mother the same questions- I just wanted to hear your answer also.)


Answer Q1- my daughter; always know that you are my beloved daughter. I have the mightiest warring angels looking after you. You have a legion of angels on call for your every need. Also, DB, your M&D are covered the same manner. You do not need to worry. As you see threats all around you, pray. Pray for yourself and others and you will be reassured of safety. I hear your prayers and Jesus is my heart. Your prayers to Jesus through me are powerful. Never forget me.


Answer Q2- Yes, Mar- it will be amazing. Do you like to float/fly and sing in tongues? With your permission- we will do amazing things together. Do you mind if you glow? Would you like to travel space and come to heaven for a short vacation(s)? Would you like to make people laugh, cry and come to know and love God? Would you like miracles to happen through your songs, and your prayers for people? Would you like to have duplication whenever needed- as in food, money, clothes, etc.? Would you like to have a recording studio (called Shamrock Studios) and Trinity App? If so, do you need an investor? Would you like to play the harp, guitar, ukulele, drums, and any other instrument on earth and play it as a professional would? I can work through you in all these ways (and MORE) if you say yes. Oh, it will be so wonderful, amazing, incredible, and out of this world if you say yes… What do you say, Mar?


I SAY YES TO ALL!!! Oh my Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I can’t wait! I love you! Smooches- I love you!!!! thank you, Holy Trinity! Thank you, Holy Spirit! Move through me any way you see fit! Don’t let Lucy have access to me, though. Please protect me from that ever happening.


Answer Q3- Mar, you are safe. Don’t you think I am in control? Don’t you know that nothing can happen to you without me approving of it? I will never give you more than you can handle. You will face challenges from time to time, but always know I am with you. I will get you through each obstacle. The journey is long, but will come to a sweet end before you know it. Enjoy the ride. It will be tough sometimes, but you will be repaid double for each challenge that Lucy puts you through. Remember that I always know exactly what all is going on. Your dad loves you and I will always have you in the palm of my hand. I know the number of hairs on your head; I know your heart and will always guide your steps. You are doing great, Mar. Keep up the good work. My investment for EPP, Inc.- your check- is coming soon. It’s in the works. Keep the faith. I love you.



Prayer Requests: Thank you dad, I am so glad we talked. Thank you Mom, I appreciate all you are doing for me. Thank you Jesus, Holy Spirit; Holy Trinity- I love you! Thank you for helping me. Please don’t let me be late in doing your will. I know time is running short. The world is in a desperate place. Come soon, Lord Jesus. Help me not to mess this up. Help me not feel the stress of all this. Help me stay sane. Help me in all things, especially to not lose faith or hope. Thank you for your protection! Thank you for all the blessings you are showering me with. Make me worthy. Wash me clean of my sins and hear my prayers, please.  Help all your children come home to you with none lost in the shuffle… save us, Jesus.


I love you!
