Thank you for the delicious vegetable, yummy tomato soup, seed, and walnuts. Thank you for helping me get through the grocery store without buying anything not on my list of healthy foods for the week. Thank you for my DB- honey pie. Thank you for my sweet mom and crazy funny and out of this world dad. Thank you for my time with them. Thank you for MP. and the Divine Mercy Group. Thank you for SMP. I love the people there and also for all the available mass. Celebrating you at mass is my favorite time of the week. I should take advantage of it and go more than 2x week. Help me find time to go. Help me sleep earlier and get up in time for 7am mass. I love you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Daddy and thank you my sweet, sweet Holy Spirit. Trinity Rocks!


Q1- I feel like I’m running in circles sometimes. I have so many things I want to do, am I over booking my days and not leaving enough time with you?

Q2- Mom, could you help me to not sin? Would you protect my mind from the darts of fire that Lucy is shooting into my thoughts- I always try to catch him in the act, help me to not miss protecting myself and help me defend myself?

Q3- What do you say about us winning the jackpot in the Powerball tomorrow night?


Answer to Q1You will soon have much more time… hint hint. So, don’t worry if you can’t get to it all. Tennis, guitar, church, adoration, DMG, writing poetry/songs, reading, walking/jogging, house management: shopping, laundry, dishes, cleaning… run your business…it’s a little overwhelming I know-but I’d like to spend more time with you. I know it is a lot on your plate along with working 5 -6 hours a day. I have a great idea: Do all these things with me in your awareness. Focus on me and I will help you get through each day. You will go through it all as a joy.

Yes, Father-God! That would make everything even so much better! I LOVE living with you!


Answer to Q2- Asking and you will receive. Yes, Mar, I would love to help you with this challenge. You are doing a good job of catching some of the thoughts he has put in your mind, but prayer will always help. I will talk with your angels and Jesus, we will be more vigilant to help you in this area. Expect less darts, and the ones that do get through to you, I will help you catch in the act. What you need to do when you notice thoughts that don’t agree with Jesus’ teaching, just pray this prayer: “Scratch that, I don’t agree with this thought. Blessed be Jesus forever!” If you do this, you should expect less darts – much less stress and mental peace will be greater. I love you, Mar. You are doing a wonderful job in this battle. We are all cheering for you.


Answer to Q3– Hahahahhahahahhaha!!!!!!! You had to ask! lol . We’ll see. Take it easy. Enjoy the journey.


 Prayer requests: Powerball this Wednesday, Dad? You said to ask, keep asking, ask some more, be persistent, keep asking and praying. You’re getting there. One more thing is that you help me believe even more that I will win. Help me know I will win without falter. I’m knocking, asking, believing, hoping, praying… it’s not just for me – no. It’s for Trinity App, Shamrock Studios, EPP. Help me remember always that this is all for lost souls, your mighty and Holy Kingdom. Not me. Not just me, I should say. I know I will be happy when I win so that I can start this amazing next chapter of this story. I would like to have help to be who you want me to be. Help me know what to think, to do, to say, to be… come to me and shower me with you love. Forgive me my sins. Help me live a pure life. Wash me clean. Jesus, I love you. Thank you for putting up with me, nasty sinner I was, and still struggle with sins. Please forgive me. I know that lashes you took had my name on not just a few of them. Please forgive me for putting you through that. I apologize to you for hurting you, for disappointing you. You loved me through it all. God bless you, forever, Jesus!
