Thank you:  Thank you for a great guitar/songwriting lesson. I learned lots and am excited to rewrite the music for Away in A Manger. Help me do a good job and have fun with it! Thank you for the funds to be able to take lessons again. I really enjoy it! Thank you for talent and patience of my instructor. Thank you for a wonderful day. Mass early this morning and then Divine Mercy Group met. I really love the people that are offering the program and the other members are sweet people, too. Thanks for showing me the way back to the Catholic Faith and for all the opportunities that they offer. Thank you for helping C and for finding her a safe home to live in until things settle down for her. God bless MP.for helping her and for being a wonderful example of Christian love and works. Thank you for my job. Thank you for my Sponsor, E. She is perfect sponsor for me, very kind and helpful, understanding and not pushy or judgmental. She also understands Mental illness and is very knowledgeable and insightful. I’m so blessed! Thank you!!!!


Q1-If I give myself fully to you, Mother, will you protect me from any physical intrusion of Lucy- what I mean is, if I ask you to take full control over me with the Holy Spirit, what if I get scared? What if I feel like it isn’t you or the Holy Spirit, but scared that the devil is possessing me? I want to be possessed only by God! Giving complete control over to Him (and through your will and guidance) But what of the devil and his tricks? Can you promise me that I will never be controlled by the devil????? I really need to know. Will you help me understand? What does Louis Montfort mean? (in the 33 days to Morning Glory booklet; day 14 to be possessed by the Holy Spirit) He says: If people are able to be possessed by the devil, why couldn’t God possess us through the Holy Spirit… I want God to possess me completely! But, I’m scared of Satan’s trickery and need reassurance.

Q2-Mom, blessed Mother Mary, help me get to you, to love you more, to trust you completely… help me pray, help me in my sorrow, help me do God’s will, show me the way to love Jesus properly, help your child who needs you so much. Help me be humble, patient, loving, kind, and wise. Can you give me these graces? Can you give me all the graces that God has in store for me? Any leftovers from others, I’d take them, too if it’s ok with you… 🙂

Q3-Mom, I really want to be the best person I can be and in my mind that would mean to be a saint. Now, I know I am the furthest from that and have such a long way to go. Will you help me on my journey to strive for perfection (which I know is impossible until I reach heaven) Help me be the best version of myself. Would you mold me into a person that Jesus could be proud of to call his bride? Can you help me become that person?


AnswerQ1-I will always protect you. NOTHING will happen to you that your Father does not give His approval. Satan cannot possess you with the trinity, me- your mother and the angels all watching over you. You are in good hands. I love you and want you to know that you have nothing to worry about in this area. Now, people may call you possessed in their confusion. The world has never seen the things that you are about to do, so they will be very worried, confused, and lashing out claiming you to be possessed by the devil. But you need to know that in no way will the devil have access to your physical movements. You will never be possessed by the devil. You don’t need to worry about that. People will spread rumors and talk, but that is just to be offered up to the foot of the cross and add your suffering to Jesus’ passion as a sweet offering to your Father Almighty. Many souls will be freed from their misery with these offerings. Always offer up sufferings for lost souls. Many will be saved from hell with your (and other people’s) sufferings being offered up to the foot of the cross.


Answer Q2- Mar, I love you. Thank you for asking for graces. Many people never ask for their graces, and then they go wasted… until someone like you asks for them. So, yes, I have many graces for you. You will be opening up each as a gift. None will be lost. In time, you will see the fruit of them upon your life. You have grown so much in the spirit realm that if you look back a few years, you will see that you already have receive many graces from Jesus through my hands. I give out God’s graces with pure joy. When someone asks for them, I am thrilled that I get to give them a gift from the heart of Jesus to their heart. You will be receiving the gifts you asked for in due time. You also have many other graces coming that you had not thought of yet, it’s going to be fun to watch you grow in the next years.


Answer Q3Yes, I will help you. The graces you receive will be the means for the outcome of spiritual growth and holiness. Your mother hears all your prayers. I will grant them to you with joy. Keep rededicating yourself to Jesus through me, and you will make quick progress. It takes a lot of prayer and work to understand what this all means for you and to be diligent daily with this is important. I will help you if you ask. Start each day with a greeting to your Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, your angels, and the saints and to me. We will be with you and can only help you if you ask us… so, don’t forget us in your prayers. Jesus loves you and his passion wipes all your sins away… he sees you pure when you go to confession regularly. Just try your best and the rest will follow. I will help you. We love you. You are in good hands.


Prayer Requests:  Gentle Mother, Gentle Dove: Teach me wisdom. Teach me love. I am so happy that I started the Board Meetings- I am really enjoying and getting so much out of it. It is imperative that we continue these meetings; please help me continue them faithfully each day.  I love you guys, you’re the best!!!

