Good Morning!  Thank you so much for getting me up this morning at 6am.  I didn’t want to ruin the plans you have for me this morning.  I didn’t want to miss what you have for me  to do!  Last night you asked me to start getting up early and this is very difficult for me!  Thanks for a good night’s sleep and I love getting a head start to my day.


Q1- Do I have to wait much longer before I can start the next chapter and close my business, start up EPP, Inc?  I can’t wait to commit to work for you 100% of my time and energy.

Q2-  What name should I call the podcast channel?

Q3- Who should I have on as my first guest on the podcast?


Answer Q1- Be faithful to the small things I ask you to do, in this way you prepare yourself for the bigger things that we will do together.  Remember, a soldier who does 90% of what he is told is a terrible soldier.  I need you to train yourself to hear my call and to participate in what I’m doing 100% of the time.  Don’t delay to obey… the Bible is saying this over and over.  You hear my voice.  You know what to do when it’s asked of you.  Start now with the next chapter.  You don’t need to wait to win the lottery.  I have much for you to do before then.  I know you have your business to run.  I will help you with that.  Consider it my will right now for you to continue with your work right in front of you.  You are working for me now and even more fully for the Kingdom soon (through EPP, Inc.). Don’t feel like you are waiting.  Starting today, you are an employee of God.  The investment funds are on it’s way.  You’re just in limbo right now.  Be faithful in your work and know that everything is unfolding as it should. 


Answer Q2-  I am very excited for your podcast channel to start up.  Once you have all the meetings uploaded, we can work on getting it up and running.  The name is up to you.  I think it should have Eternal Party People in the name with an additional word… how about simple: “Eternal Party People Podcast”


Answer Q3- How about DB?  It would be great if he would agree to do it!  If not him, that’s ok.  It doesn’t matter who you start with, maybe just introduce yourself and tell a little bit about your story?  I like what you told PE  last week that you feel like when people will hear my story, they’ll just think I’m odd and crazy.  But that once you win the lottery, you will be considered “Eccentric”!  Lol. That’s true and that is funny, but you don’t need to wait to win the lottery to be accepted.  Many will love you once they get to know you.  You’re not as crazy as you always think you are.  No.  You are a child of the King of the Universe and we have big plans for the world, don’t we?  There is much work to do!