Thank you for giving me so many options to grow spiritually, help me be faithful in completing all that you have given me to do. Thank you for giving me time to do it all. Thank you for family and time spent with them over the holidays. Thank you for safe travels for us all. Thank you for a beautiful day today, the sky is so blue, sun is shining and I have all day to spend with you. Thank you that you see my heart and know that I am trying my best. Thank you for blessing me in so many ways.


Q1- I feel rushed around with all the projects I am currently working on: Marian Consecration, Advent Retreat for busy people, Spiritual Direction meetings, Consoling the heart of Jesus workbook, Magnificat daily scriptures, Praying the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Novena for Divine Mercy, then the mass/blessing for consecration on Dec 8th, then the Induction to Divine Mercy Group on Dec 13th, … what else? Oh, Catholic Daughters of America meets soon also. I think I’m missing something. oh, yes: Board Meetings Daily. Have I become unbalanced? I think maybe. What would you like me to maybe put off until January? Help, my head is swimming a bit.

Q2-Mom, will you promise to help me get to where you want me to be? Will you guide me, so that I will be more loving and peaceful? I can’t wait for December 8th- I need you to order my life for Jesus.

Q3-Holy Trinity, you know I am doing my best, how can I do better? I feel like my best isn’t good enough. I am impatient, rude to my parents sometimes, I don’t feel like you are in charge of my actions but rather, it’s me ruling. I don’t want to rule. I want you to have your way with me. I can’t change myself without your help. I am asking. I am begging, won’t you please change me to a person I can be proud of. Make me a loving Christian that is filled with your Divine Holy Spirit. Make me smaller, and you greater… in me.


Answer to Q1Send Catholic Daughters an email apologizing for not being able to come to the meetings but would like to help out with their charities this winter. Find out who to make the check out to. Mail it in. Also the Consoling the Heart of Jesus workbook needs to be done in January instead of Christmas. Your gift to Jesus for his Birthday, instead, will be the Retreat for Busy People for Advent. You will enjoy that and grow spiritually. You will find a wonderful practice for the rest of your life. Scripture studies daily with the many different ways to go about it will be a treasure for you that you won’t want to give up. It’s not too much to do the rest. I will help you. Just do your best.


Answer to Q2- I will be in your life in a definite presence for you, but you need to rededicate yourself daily by talking with me. Growing with me leading you. I am excited also for Dec. 8th. You are making wonderful progress to understand how this all works. I will help you; you will be more loving and peaceful. All of heaven is excited for you. You will find much rest in my heart and Jesus loves all that your are doing in preparation for Dec 8th. Don’t worry. Just do your best. I will line up all things for you and your journey.


Answer to Q3- Mar, we are all helping you and always have been with you. You are finally becoming aware of the need for a relationship with Blessed Mother. She will help you do better. She will give you the grace to be patient, loving, charitable, and a person you will be more proud of- a person that shines like the sun in love of God. We will fill you more each day with the spirit of love. You will become less, and we will be greater in you. Don’t worry. Don’t try to hurry and force anything. Go with the flow and enjoy the ride. We love you, Mar. Don’t stress about anything, but instead trust God’s will and way for your life. You will be where you need to be. Really, you need to breathe in God and breathe out your stress, impatience and false self.


Prayers: Thank you for your help and guidance. Thank you for helping me with my schedule for December. I think it will be good to put off Consoling Heart Jesus to January. Also, thank you for reminding me to mail in my check to Catholic Daughters of America; that is the least I can do for my group. Thanks mom, for being the key person that is in charge of changing me to look more like Jesus. Help me grow quickly in God’s love for others. Help me remember to do a Word, Deed, or Prayer each day. Please bless Sr. C with her needs, her healing, her intentions and our time together this advent. Please give my Dad and Mom, DB and me, long life- prosperity, help us all do your will.

Please remember my request is still out there for an investor for EPP, Inc. A lottery jackpot or maybe something better that you have in mind… Help me complete my mission and assignment. Show me what to do each day. Please bless all the people that I wanted to pray for, who I cannot think of with my memory impaired. Here are a few I remember: for BN’s quick recovery, TD and her family, for J’s leg to be healed, for M’s health and happiness, for Mom’s intentions, for C’s job situation, For G’s new job, for S’s recovery and health, for all the people on the St.M Prayer request list, for all priests and seminarians- especially in our diocese. For safe travels over the holidays for my family, friends, and our church members. For my work to be successful. For my clients to sell their products. For my dad’s clients and the clients to come quickly. For my dad’s health – strengthen his heart, clear out excess cholesterol and fat from his blood, give him nourishment that his cells need, renew and regenerate all his organs, and help him lose weight supernaturally and completely. For all these, and for the intentions of Pope Francis. For anyone I am forgetting. For all the lost souls, the souls in purgatory that you all come to the light and glory of Heaven. Also, to the saints- please pray for me.

