Thank you for time to enjoy you and be with you. Thank you that I don’t have to rush this December. Thank you for your provision in all necessary things and even for blessing me far beyond my needs. Thank you that I am able to share with people less fortunate. Thank you for giving me a heart for the poor, help me love them more each day. Thank you for my sponsor children, please bless them with your love, laughter, peace and prosperity. Thank you for my good friend, M; help her find her next job that she will enjoy and be glad to have found. Thank you for DB; for blessing our marriage and friendship with your love and protection. Thank you that we always have a lot of fun when we are together. Thank you for Mom and Dad. They are great parents who always do their best and give of themselves in so many ways for our family.


Q1-Jesus, what is your favorite thing about your birthday?

Q2-Dad, what is your favorite thing about Jesus’ birthday?

Q3-Holy Spirit- what is your favorite thing about Jesus’ birthday?

Q4-Mom, what is your favorite thing about Jesus’ birthday?


Answer Q1-Besides everyone remembering me, my favorite thing is the music… I love music and the Christmas Songs are my favorite time for receiving worship in song. Please play Christmas songs in your home this year… especially play it for DB. He will enjoy it, too. I love hearing you sing to me… thank you for your loving worship.


Answer Q2- I love seeing all my children happy, pure and loving each other. Christmas is a time especially fun for children. I love the children and adults with child-like spirits. My kingdom is for the pure in heart; like little children before they are hardened to my love. Christmas is supposed to be fun; I look for the people that are joyous… it makes me smile a big God-Sized grin. 🙂


Answer Q3- I like to be able to touch and reach out to people that are sad during the holidays. When I am able to be used for such a purpose, it brings me great joy. I love when people reach out to others in need. I am with them in spirit when good deeds are done and Christmas time is especially busy with outreach efforts. I am right there in the middle and loving every minute of it. I am able to reach more hearts for the Father during this time also. I love everything about Jesus’ birth… it’s a joyous time for me!


Answer Q4- My favorite thing about it is being with the infant Jesus and celebrating his birth with all my children on Earth. My baby, Jesus, my love, my heart… I love everything about Christmas. I love the celebration of the birth of my savior, my king, my everything and I love sharing this joyous time with the earth. May his love and peace spread across the earth this season for the salvation of all my kids.


Prayers: Thank you for sharing with me your thoughts of Christmas. I love it and am excited for the whole season; help me stay stable and at peaceful rest this month in the love of Jesus every day growing closer to the Holy Trinity. Thank you for being with me and for these Board Meetings. I start Thin Within program online today. Please be with me and renew my heart. Give me peace with food and to only eat when hungry (zero-5 eating). Help me go through the book and use the tools for success in losing weight finally and forever. Help me look to you for help and guidance.

Retreat for Busy People this Advent:

Tomorrow’s readings: Tues, Dec. 1 .  Ask: What was I thinking about? What was I feeling? What was Jesus trying to say to me through the images and words of this passage?

Isaiah 11:1-10 .  I was thinking that Jesus is first coming with his mercy before His Just Judgements. I was thinking how good it is to be redeemed and saved from His Judgement. I felt Jesus was telling me by the images of the wolf living with the lamb, leopard and goat, calf and lion… with a little child leading them… that this will happen in my lifetime. The child leading them is Jesus and all the people that make themselves little like Jesus. I felt Jesus telling me that I will be one of the little children leading others to heaven along with the angels. The earth will receive their king. Jesus Christ is born, hallelujah!


Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,1 .  I was thinking about asking Jesus if he could use a tool such as the Trinity App I have in mind… could he bless all the nations through this tool? May His name endure forever, as long as the sun and even longer! Save the children of the needy; may he crush the oppressor… Change in management, Lord- Come soon! Rule from sea to sea to ends of the earth… may the kings bring tribute to him. God, I feel you may be able to use hard workers to share your love with others. Please bring many to help work your vineyard. Send me to help gather your people all in one voice acclaiming your Kingship! Blessed be God Forever! (That’s what I was thinking about and felt God’s approval in my desires.)


Luke 10:21-24  I was thinking how blessed I am to have shown me the son and through Jesus, the Father. I am so glad to be his daughter. I am glad to hear your word and to believe the truth. I am blessed to alive at this time. Jesus was speaking to me that He loves me and has shown himself to me because he wants me to know I am not alone. He will help me always and is always with me.


Thank you for this time together. I love you, Trinity- you are amazing! I love you Mom, thanks for your help in my life and for your love. Envelop me, Holy Spirit, mother please orchestrate my life. Use me, Lord. I love you!

