Thank you for family and friends on my birthday, they shower love over me and bless me. Thank you for my home, all the purple comfy blankets, miracle red couch (you know, you know!) thank you for music, God! Thank you for medicine that works, and for my doctors that help me with dealing and managing mental illness. Thank you for using me my unique brain for your good will; I pray you can use me more in the upcoming years. Thank you for all the blessings you shower on me always. You out-do yourself every day with new and exciting surprises!!! Thank you for family.


Q1– Jesus, how does heaven celebrate your birthday?

Q2– Dad, since it’s my birthday, would you tell me something that I should know that would make me laugh and smile to hear?

Q3-Holy Spirit, will you guide me more completely today so I can feel your presence on my birthday in a special way?

Q4- Mom, I don’t want to leave you out of this wonderful board meeting, could you ask Jesus for me if it is our turn yet? I am ready to move on to the next chapter if it is ok with Jesus. It’s a go for Illinois? (Major Tom-William Shatner) Rodger, Go for Illinois… T minus one minute… just a slight pressure… The computer has the evidence… the count down starts!!! 4,3,2,1— Calling Home.


Answer Q1We celebrate it everyday but when all of Earth celebrates it, we join in the festivities with all sorts of amazing lights of unheard of or ever seen on earth colors, music that is the most incredible and beautiful praise for my special day. We celebrate it also on December 25th even though it’s not my actual birth date. We have cakes for everyone, flavors you would not believe! We dance in heaven and create new worlds for fun. There is no time in heaven, so it is all eternal and difficult to explain, but my birthday is truly an event we celebrate in heaven and we love to share it with everyone on earth that wants to join in the fun. Actually, in heaven we party all the time. It’s joyous!!!


Answer Q2-Hello? Dad? — I’m thinking, Give me a minute, Mar. Ok, here goes: I can’t tell you the surprise that’s coming. I will tell you that it’s going to be grand. How’s that? A surprise is coming; I just can’t tell you what it is. You will love it.


Answer Q3-Yes, take time with me this morning to focus on your forehead and meditate the name Jesus, I love you… you will feel me filling you up with my love.


Answer Q4Haha, Mar, you are so funny and loveable. I will ask Jesus for you, and we shall soon see what happens. God is the author of time, just know that everything happens in his time, his divine and perfect time. Let go and Let God surprise you when he wants to. We hear your prayers. Since you asked for my help and want me to ask Jesus if it is time, I will not only ask him if it is time, I will put your prayers as an offering to Him; I will arrange them all beautifully on a golden platter with flowers and a nice Italian dinner of His favorite lasagna with garlic bread and a salad. We will discuss it over dinner. I will intercede for you and DB. Jesus especially listens to the prayers I offer up in this loving way. Keep hoping. It will come soon. I think it is your “turn” 🙂


Prayers: Thank you for all your love. Help me be the person you want me to be. Equip me with everything I need for the assignment… help me be successful in my mission. Show me I am not crazy in all this thinking. Help me believe that this is real and not an imagination gone wild. Please help M find a job that suits her best. Bless my family and friends. Bless the world with your peace and joy. Help me eat from 0-5 and lose weight as I grow in my relationship with you, God. Bless H at TW, and all the participants in the study this month. Help everyone that needs to lose weight. It’s such a frustrating thing to deal with. Help me have a great advent and learn much from the “Busy Person’s Retreat”.

Tomorrow’s readings: Dec 3rd Meditation Prayer: read slowly, savor the words, absorb them, repeat word or phrase, reread passage lovingly as I would a letter from a dear friend, or as I would softly sing a chorus of a song.


Isaiah 26:1-6

Open up the gates to let in a nation that is just, one that keeps faith. A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace, in peace, for its trust in you. This sounds crazy even to me, but I hear my Father telling me that His Kingdom will come. It will come to C and to the United States as we trust in God and repent. One Day, Heaven will come as we trust in The Lord. On that day, we will sing this song: “A strong city we have; He sets up walls and ramparts to protect us… open up the gates… I see an incredible vision of my parent’s home as the doorway to this heavenly place. There is a Ska checkered drive with people dancing in the cornfields waiting to go in. Yes, I have quite an imagination, but God is good. Heaven will come! I trust in The Lord forever. For The Lord is an eternal Rock.


Psalm 118, 1, 8-9,19-21,25-27a

Open to me the gates of justice; I will enter them and give thanks to The Lord. This gate is the Lord’s, the just shall enter it. I will give thanks.

I pray that all people can enter and give thanks to The Lord. I want all people to come to the eternal party. I will give thanks! I will always give thanks. Always. Use me, Lord. Your will is eternal and just. You love all your kids and want all to come to your home in heaven to be with you forever and enjoy heavenly eternal bliss.


Mathew 7:21,24-27

Build your house on the rock, not shifting sand. Not everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven… Lord, help me do your will, I want to build my house on the rock, the rock of your salvation. I would like all people to want to do your will so that all can enter into your presence and enjoy your eternal party! Help me do your will always! Give me all that I need for your purposes.


1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23

… I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me. What then is my reward? In preaching the gospel, I may offer it free of charge, and so not make full use of my rights as a preacher of the gospel. Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible…To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.

My thoughts as I meditate on the above, gives me conviction to speak the words that Jesus gives me to speak through the Holy Spirit. To be brave, courageous, and bold. Do not fear offending others with the gospel. The people that hate me because of it also hate Jesus. Do not worry. Be free to speak your mind on the gospel. Much good will come of it. I belong to no one but God. He is my master and father and friend. Good things will come because I will sing out and praise my Father without abandon. Help me do your will, Dad!


Mark 16:15-20

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. … then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and The Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

I feel God calling me to a great ministry for a revival like none other. I am so unequipped, by God and only with Him is any of this possible. I am going to need a lot of help, Holy Spirit, if this is true! I need you!!! Don’t let me down, God… Don’t let me ruin this… it’s all on you. I am just a willing vessel. Make me into who you can use. I say yes. I ask for your Holy Spirit to be within me and guide me. Help me have courage to do this. I would like to preach the gospel to all creation, in my own little way. Give me a song and a prayer for this. (Many songs and many prayers, with much love and laughter for your glory.)

