Thank you for the greatest Love of all- you, Jesus! Thank you for your incredible sacrifice, your grace given to us freely and abundantly. Thank you for your forgiveness and laying down your life taking lashes for sins I caused you. Please forgive me, Lord. I love you. Help me not to offend you anymore. Thank you for giving me your mother as mine. Thank you for lending me your mother’s heart so I can be one with her to be a better bride to you. Help me, Holy Spirit. I am nothing without your love. I can do nothing without you. Have your way with me. Help me do your will. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you that you never leave me alone to myself. Thank you for you unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for family and so many blessings. Thank you for clothes, shelter, food, and for the abundant blessings on top of all that which I do not deserve. Thank you, Dad. xo!


Q1-Mother, how can I make a better consecration to Jesus through you with your help? I only have one more day to prepare; I don’t feel like I did a good enough job of getting ready. What more do I need to do to more perfectly prepare?

Q2-Holy Spirit, how can I better be used for you? What do I need to do to have you live within and move my heart completely? I want to love other people better; with your spirit leading. I feel like I am so self focused and impatient, controlling, unloving- I need your love to enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.

Q3-Jesus, I am trying so hard to become the person that you deserve; someone with a more perfect love for you and for others. Help me, Jesus!

Q4-Dad, Help me be who you want me to be. What do I need to do? My God, I love you. Help me love you more. Holy Trinity, possess me to do your will. I am yours. You are mine. Hallelujah!


Answer Q1- My Daughter, we will always be growing more and more each day in preparation to love Jesus better. You will make a beautiful consecration on Tuesday. You have grown much over the last 32 days and you make us all very happy. You can do another consecration and each time you do another, you will grow more and more. You are amazing, be proud of your efforts. I am so happy that you want to be moved and enkindled by the Holy Spirit and you want to be in my heart. Indeed you are in my heart. Your heart is home to me and the Holy Trinity. It will be more pure each day and you will grow much in 2016. Never give up. Keep trying and keep praying. Always remember to come here to the Board Meetings. We will help you here and you are helping us by saying yes to whatever we ask. It will be joyous. Look UP! It’s going to be awesome and a wonderful journey. Blessed be Jesus Forever!!!


Answer Q2-By asking and desiring that you can be used by God, you invite me into your heart and by asking and desiring that my Spirit possess your life- we will do this over time. It will transform everything in your life. Thank you for desiring more of us and less of you. You will grow in love for others. Breathe in and try to focus on being more patient. Love only comes through patience.


Answer Q3 Mar, I am so glad that you are coming around in love for others and in turn, for me. As you love others, you are loving me. Just remember that. I am happy that you are consecrating yourself to me through my Mother. Mom will be a great ally in our battles. She will help lead you and me to Victory in the last day’s battles. All of God’s grace will come to you through her hands. All of my mercy is dispensed and blessed through her hands. All victory come from me, Jesus through Mary so that we can humiliate Satan even more in his defeat. I will let you crush Satan’s head a few times with your heel, too. It’s going to be a long fight, in your time and your years, but it is short in eternal time. Take care of yourself. Eat only when hungry, mother will help you if you ask for her help. Remember, as you love others, you are loving me.


Answer Q4- Mar, keep praying that- “Lord, Help me be who you want me to be!” This prayer will get you to where you need to be more rapidly than if you forget to pray that. Pray that many times a day and the Holy Spirit will lead you to where you need to be. We love you. You are doing a great job in growing in the spirit. Keep your chin up, your redemption is near! His Kingdom will soon be here in full glory. Keep trying your best. I will use you and have great plans for you and DB. I will use your “Yes” and I will bless all your efforts. Keep working on all that you feel led to do. The Holy Trinity has many plans that will include your dedication to help- praise God for that! It is an enormous honor, Mar. You will do great. Keep praying, and keep your heart open in love for God and for others.


Prayers: Thank you, God, for your love and all that you give me to do. I want to do everything you ask, help me know what to do and give me the courage and strength to do it all. Give me a stronger faith. Please help me get the spot on my face removed with out too much pain or scar, please let the doctor get it all. Help me get in to see the doctor and give him help in deciding what to do. Thank you for guiding my life. Help me make smart moves and not to be dumb about things that matter. I try. I am in need of your help in all things. Alone, I can do nothing.


Scriptures: Dec. 7, 2015 Hear any questions posed within my heart, listen for a response.

Isaiah 35:1-10

What struck me most is that the mute will sing!!! … To enter Zion Singing. Lord, I feel as if my voice is in chains. I can’t sing your praises. I feel so inadequate when I try to sing. My Desire is to sing for you! I can’t wait until you bless my vocal chords with a voice to sing out your praises without reserve. Open my throat as you wish. Take over my voice, Holy Spirit! Use me to praise you and lead many to praise you. Lord, I desire to sing and I hold tight to this promise in your word that the Mute will Sing!!! Please loose my vocal chords. Free me to sing for you! Give me a talent and a voice that sings powerfully and in tune! NOTES OF LOVE LET LOOSE!

Psalm 85:9ab ,10-14

How near is the salvation to those who fear him? When will glory dwell in our land? When will kindness and truth meet; when will justice and peace kiss? I long for your return. I lift up my soul. Use me- Lord… Can I shout to the skies; awake my soul. I want to shout to the sky that you, Lord, you have come back for us! I want to go home with you, I look for your salvation every day awaiting your glory to come live with us. I look for your love in the air… I feel it is coming. I can feel it! I hear you call my name! I’m smiling in anticipation of your love for all to conquer death.

Luke 5:17-26

When they all saw you heal the paralyzed and he picked up his stretcher, were there people that still refused to believe? I think if this happened in today’s world, people still wouldn’t believe. They would say, “oh, it’s rigged. That man was paid to pretend that he was paralyzed… or in their heart say oh, no one can be healed – and still not believe. Jesus, how do you put up with all of us? The complete and total ungrateful and unbelieving… I want to help change that for people in the world now. I want everyone to worship your holy name and love you!

John 10:11-16

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father- and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

Jesus, the other sheep that are not of this sheep pen– could they be the lost children of today’s world? And if so, could I help you gather them all to your sheep pen? I would like to help you bring them also to under your care and help them listen to your voice. Then, there shall be one flock and one shepherd-You Jesus! I am not going to hide my love for you. I don’t care if they label me a Jesus Freak; there’s no reason to hide it, It’s true- I love YOU!