Thank you, Holy Trinity for your gift of love to the world. Thank you for saving us and giving us eternal life with you for the party of all time for all of eternity. Lord Jesus, you rock my world! My King, my love, my -everything… help me love your more! Help me to not hurt you anymore… help me to live a pure and loving life for your glory. Thank you for the gift of faith and the gift of being grafted into your family. Thank you, Dad for calling me your daughter. Thank you for Advent season, help me prepare for your coming as best as I can. Thank you for leading me in all things. Help me obey your lead and empower with your most Holy Spirit to do your will at all times. Help me lay down the sin of overeating and help me get to my God-Given natural healthy size and weight. Thank you for your help in all things. Thank you for friends and for my family. I love them so much. Thank you especially for DB. Lord, bless my marriage and give me the grace to love him better and more completely with words, deeds and prayers for him.


Shortcomings/areas of Sin in the last day: Lord, show me what areas you would like me to work on and become more aware of what you would like me to change. Help me focus on you and your works, your love, your will for my life in all areas; especially in the area of food consumption. Forgive me for not looking to you before I eat and to know when to stop. With your forgiveness and help in the future, one day at a time, I believe you can help me lose this stubborn weight problem that I have had my whole life. I am sorry for my gluttony and idol of food. Please forgive me and lead me in the right decisions with regard to what I eat. I offer myself, and my food to you as a sacrifice for your glory to show my love to you. Help me offer myself in this way to create a beautiful tabernacle for your most Holy Spirit to dwell in. Amen.


Scriptures: Dec 15th

Ponder/What am I thinking?


Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13

Trust in The Lord. Draw nearer to God.

I need not be ashamed of all my past deeds since I trust Jesus; God’s beloved son that He sent to free me of sin and wipe away all my tears. Serve God and help bring together a remnant of Israel. Live a life free of sin, speak no lies; no deceitful tongue; pasture the flocks and none will disturb us. We shall rest in The Lord, at peace and with joyful singing we will lead many to Jesus.


Psalm 34:

God hears my cry. Help me to always praise you and let my soul glorify you always. I look to Jesus that my face may not blush with shame. God hears my distress and saves me always. Trust in God. He is good always. He is close to me, a poor sinner that is brokenhearted looking at the world as it is. He saves me in my distress. He rescues me. I incur no guilt because I take refuge in Jesus’ Divine Mercy. Jesus, I Trust in You!


Matthew 2:28-32

To do the will of God is my life’s goal. I am renewed in my spirit for good works in Christ’s agenda. Help me do your will always. Help me lead others to believe in Him.


Q1-Dad, thank you that you are in divine time and have all things ordered for a specific day and hour. Will you help me continue to be faithful in knowing that if you are going to invest in EPP through the lottery, could you help me remember that “with God, Anything is Possible.” If this is not your will, please take this desire away from me, but if it is your desire that I continue to play, please give me the grace to be joyful every time I lose and give me the strength to continue to hope and believe and to not be to terribly disappointed when my numbers don’t come in. (Oh and by the way, just to remind you: my numbers are: …and 7 Just incase you forgot)

*** hahahha, Mar, you crack me up. I haven’t forgotten. You are in the palm of my hand. I’ve got this! Leave everything up to me. You are in a good spot and you are taking the right steps Don’t fret a thing, but enjoy every day of Advent and be happy and grateful that you are well taken care of always. I will equip you and Holy Spirit will empower you in all things. I will give you all you need: Strength, insights, love, protection, stamina and good thoughts. Don’t worry about a thing. I love and cherish you, Mar.


Q2-Jesus, I feel so sad that I have hurt you so much in the past. Help me to not do anything in the future that wounds you. Please forgive me for all the past thoughts that were harmful to your precious heart. Help me to catch each thought that is not in accordance with your will or thoughts against your sacred heart.

*** Mar, I love you. Your sins are forgiven. My heart is healed by your love. Nothing could ever separate my love from you. You are bathed in my forgiveness and mercy. Thank you for being so attentive to catch thoughts and hold them captive to my will. Holy Spirit will help you with this also.


Q3– Holy Spirit, thank you for all your help. Help me be who Jesus would like me to be. Will you help me be more loving towards DB?

*** Yes, Mar. I will help you in all things; especially in this area. DB needs your love and attention very much, especially now. I will give you ideas, but all you need to remember is to ask: What deed, word and prayer can I do for DB today? Be faithful to this, and you will see much growth and love increased by this method of giving yourself more fully to God’s will for your marriage.


Q4- Mom, help! I have so much need of spiritual growth that I need your help in sorting it all out. Will you coordinate my growth in Jesus, please? Will you send your spouse, the Wonderful Counselor, to help me with this? I’m feeling a little overwhelmed in my weaknesses and lack of love.

*** Mar, of course I will help you. We have made great strides together in just a few short months already. I will help you be who God wants you to be, by your desire for this- you make us all very happy. Stay sure and steadfast in pursuit of this goal. You will see amazing things in your future. Don’t grow weary, or faint. We are going to have a blast and many wonderful things are in store for you and DB.


Closing Prayer/thoughts: Again, thank you so much to all of you that are helping me. I can’t thank you enough! Thank you for this time together. Please help me to always come to these daily board meetings. It takes some time, but God will provide the time necessary. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Please be with UM and help him mentally. Please stop the progression of Alzheimer’s and restore his memory. Please be with C during this time and give her the Strength she needs; and help her with the legal battle. Please work in her life and stop the continuing harassment from the enemy. Please be with my cousin, A. Heal her husband, C with a new heart. Give them long life with much laughter with their baby daughter, Z. Please give my mom a successful eye surgery with quick recovery. Please give my dad a strong and renewed heart and all of his organs renewed. Please help my dad with all of his health issues, give him long life, healthy and prosperous, along with my whole family. xo,
