Thank you for your love and mercy. I am grateful for this day. DB and I have fun plans to shop and go see the new Star Wars movie. Tonight we will mess around with the pedal board and use the loop/flange on Kashmir on Uke. Thank you for the free time to relax and enjoy our weekends. Thank you for a wonderful Advent and family gatherings this Christmas. Thank you for the blue sky and beautiful view outside our back yard. Thank you for all the birds, cranes, ducks and geese that are so fun to watch while I’m working. Thank you for our jobs and the funds to pay our bills. Thank you for blessing me with all this and so much more. You are amazing, Dad and I are so glad you and Jesus have a plan for saving us all here on planet earth. We need your help badly! Holy Spirit, we need a break through revival like none other! Come and heal our sick and broken hearted. Thank you that you are here with us! Thank you that you love us and will always take care of us. Pour your grace into our hearts, come Holy Spirit, enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.


Scriptures Dec 20th

Micah5: 1-4a

It says, “His greatness shall reach to the ends of the earth.”

Could you use little ole me in any way for this revealing and reaching out to your people? Would you like to have a tool like the Trinity App? JC care (we wouldn’t need Obama care anymore; it’s broken and your people need healing!) Food Multiplication feature, prayers in song for miracles- an app of your design, Lord. If you think it’s a good idea, just let me know. I’m open to changing jobs. Use Me, Lord. I would love to work full time for you. I don’t need much. But I do need free time, a studio space, and some start up money. So, if you would like to invest in Eternal Party People, Just know I am ready anytime. Maybe we could look into a jackpot win from the Hoosier Lottery? Could you use that avenue or something better? (Illinois isn’t paying their lotto winners since our state is about bankrupt!) Well, whatever you have in mind is fine with me. I’m just waiting on your lead. Your greatness will reach the ends of the Earth and every knee will bow to your Glorious Love and Kindness. Come Lord, Jesus!


Psalm 80

Show yourself and we shall be saved-

yes, you did show yourself but were rejected. Lord, thank you for saving us. Look down on us and take care of this vine, and protect what your right hand has planted. Give us new life, and let every person call upon your name. I am sorry you were rejected; help me bring your love to lost souls.


Hebrews 10:5-10

Behold, I come to do your will. By this “will”- we have been consecrated through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Thank God for your sacrifice, Jesus. Thank you Father for your wonderful plan of salvation! Please come soon and finish the work you have in mind and let me help you in any way you need.


Luke 1:39-45

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

Elizabeth knew that the savior was in Mary’s womb and she was blessed by the visit. John leapt inside Elizabeth when they first met here in this scripture. Thank God for Mary saying Yes! And thank you for giving her someone to share the wonderful news with.


Q1-Mom, I want to always say yes to Jesus. Could you help me stay true to my word, that I will always do what he asks of me? I can’t do this on my own, but with you and the Holy Spirit, I can do all things.

We are so glad that you say yes. You don’t know all that this entails. There will be many trials, but we will work with you and get you through it all. Just do your best. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get every single thing right. There is much mercy available for you. You have a good heart and good intentions; we can use that. We love you and we all are helping you: Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Angels, saints, and me… you are well equipped and ready for battle. It will be a glorious party and you will love your decision! Yay for the Yes! I will always be helping you, coordinating every step with all that you need. For all grace from God will flow through my fingers out to my children.


Q2-Dad, Thank you for the 7 again last night. I love you and I love your little hints that you give me to keep going on in faith. Just for asking’s sake: could I win the Powerball tonight?,…7!!! If you don’t want me to ask anymore or play it anymore, you will need to tell me. Otherwise, if not, I will keep hoping, keep playing, keep asking and praying for it. I am tenacious. I think you like that about me?

Hahahhahahah, Mar, I love you. It’s not Christmas yet…




Q3-Jesus, when you come in glory, could I be near you and see your beautiful face always and for all eternity? I need to be with you. I love you. I long for your return.

Mar, you are my bride, of course you will be with me all eternity. I long to be with you and all the church and to enjoy the eternal party with my people!!!!


Q4-Holy Spirit, help me get closer to you so I can hear what God is saying to me. I really want to be an instrument in your hands. Holy Spirit, Happy Spirit, Will you please take over me – wash over me and fill me up with your powerful healing love so I can share it with my friends? My friend RW has CP. He needs your healing badly. He can no longer feed himself because of the progressing disease. I will visit him and I ask you to flow your healing power through my prayers for him. Heal him enough so that at least he can go back home feeding himself, able to drive his chair around and get back to Church to praise you for his healing. Let him sing and run and shout your praises to the world. Let him and his healing be a proof of your healing power and so he can bring many to know you and love you. By your miraculous power, through Jesus, you can do anything. Please heal R.

Mar, you need to pray for him. Visit him the next 2 weeks and pray for him. You will see the break through you seek if you believe, and have love in your heart for him and others that need your prayers. You will see breakthroughs. Keep the faith. Keep praying. We love R’s sense of humor and we desire his healing very much. It’s a spiritual battle. Prepare yourself and pray about this often. A great revival is coming soon. Many will be healed of all kinds of terrible diseases. Lucy is shaking and about to cry!!! He is very angry, too bad for him. He loses the battle… remember how the good book ends, Mar? He loses. We win. Amen? Amen!


Closing: Thank you you guys for your help and love and kindness! Please be with me this day and show me your way. Help me pray well and in the spirit when I go to meet with R. Please give me courage to pray for him in front of DB and anyone else in the room. Please heal R! Oh, and I’d love to win the lotto tonight. (I had to get that in again…)


xo!!!  ~amen.