Thank you for your love, my beautiful Jesus! Holy Trinity, my heart belongs to you. Your love amazes me. You are mine. I am yours. Thank God for that! Thank you for the beautiful gift of faith. Thank you that you have good plans for me. Thank you that you can use a wretch like me. Thank you for your unfathomable Divine Mercy. You are calling us all by name for your great purposes. We are blessed to be in your family. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Thank you that you are calling us to be a part of your great redemption. Thank you for a fun day of tennis, celebration at your Holy mass and please bless my visit with R. Please help me pray a powerful prayer with the Holy Spirit, we are beleiving for healing on the CP he struggles with. Thank you that R will be able to feed himself and drive his wheelchair. Thank you for your healing power through the Holy Spirit. Thank you that you hear our prayers. Thank you for everything. You are so good to me. I love you.


Scriptures Dec. 21st

Song of Songs 2:8-14

I love this passage. I love that Jesus is my beloved and I am His. Let me see you, let me hear your voice. Your voice is sweet. Your love is divine. You make me shine. The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance. Yes, the time is near for your return. Arise, my beloved, my dove, my beautiful one, and come! Let the future begin! I am alive on God’s great dance floor. Let the party begin. Let the bridegroom come soon. Help me be ready for Him. I love you, Holy Trinity!


Zephaniah 3:14-18a

Thank you that you have removed the judgment against me. I know Lucy has accused me of many things, and I am sorry to have given him reason to bring such accusations against me. Thank you for your mercy, Dad. Thank you for sending Jesus to save me from these sins and many mistakes in my life. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to purify my soul and heal my wounds. Thank you for being so happy about my return home, that you sing joyfully because of me, and you sing as if at a festival. Help me sing along with you. (In tune please)


Psalm 33

Sing to him a new song… on the lyre I would like to skillfully chant for you praises, lifting up my heart in love and gratitude to you. You are my help and shield. For you my heart rejoices and in your holy name I trust! The plan of The Lord stands forever… blessed is the nation whose God is The Lord, the people he has chosen for his own inheritance! Lord, let the United States repent and turn to you. You have all good things in store for us if only we could turn back in love towards you and your will. Please make sure that the person that is voted into the Presidency will be true to your son and do the will of God in all things. I pray your will be done in this area.


Luke 1:39-45

From Elizabeth we get the Hail Mary prayer. Thank you that Elizabeth greeted the Blessed Mother, for in her example, we give Mary honor and praise.

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me, a sinner, now and at the hour of my death. Amen.


Q1-Father God, could you give me courage like none other and strength for the journey. The grace for long suffering in patience and with love…

Mar, you are fearless, what are you talking about? You have always been courageous. If you need a little more, you can count on me giving it to you. You have asked for a very beneficial grace. You will have all that you need for the mission. Thank you for asking; if you need more courage and boldness, I will be sure that you have it.


Q2-Mom, you are my momma in combat boots! Will you take it upon yourself to be sure I don’t get squashed in this battle? Protect me with your warring angels and allow me to feel their presence, to know I have nothing to fear. Your protection is priceless and I lean on your watchful guard. With you, I am secure in each footstep.

Yes, Mar, I will always be on watchful guard as I have since you were born. I will catch you if you fall and I will be sure to have Angels take over whenever you may need help. You can count on me, the angels who love you take good care of you. Your guardian angel loves you so much. Don’t forget to thank her! Her name is Edwina! Isn’t that a great name? lol! We thought you would get a smile on that one! You can ask her for assistance. She would really like that. She can help you when you pray for healing, as she can coordinate new body parts to be delivered to the sick when you lay your hands in prayer.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I love you. Could you create in me a spirit that can sing beautifully in tongues- a voice that shines like the sun with love for everyone. Could you give me the grace to sing new songs to Father God that will help move other people’s spirits when they hear it. I don’t naturally have a beautiful voice, rather an out of tune and unskilled voice. Please cause a creative miracle on my voice to transform it to what you have in mind for this mission/assignment. I need a lot of help!

Hahaha, ok, we’ll work on that. Keep praying for this. It is a miracle to press in on in prayer. You will be surprised at your own voice. For it shall praise God like none other in the history of the world. People will love the song/prayers and be moved to tears, laughter, joy and their regret for past sins will be turned to forgiveness from God. Many will be saved, Mar. Keep pressing in for this creative miracle to occur. It will in time, but only with much prayer and fasting.


 Q4-Jesus, You are last in line today, but I’ve saved the best question for last. Jesus, in today’s reading in Song of Songs, I really felt your love for me through the scripture. I wanted to thank you for the love you have for each one of us. It must be so sad to love your beloved so much only to get in return much indifference and even strong dislike for your most precious and holy name. I am so very sorry. I know at times in my life, I also have caused your heart wounds. How can I make it up for you? Is there anything I can do for you to help your tender heart heal from those wounds?

Thank you, Mar, for wanting to do something to help me heal my holy and loving heart. You can do 2 things: #1 know that my mercy is endless but that my beloved spouse, the church, needs to ask for forgiveness for their sins. Otherwise, I cannot redeem them from the evil one. I paid the price on Calvary, but many are not asking for the most necessary thing which is forgiveness– if they don’t ask for forgiveness, legally, then Lucy will have access to their souls for all eternity. It’s that serious. My heart is most wounded because many will not be with us eternally at the party; instead they will be apart from all that is good- in agony forever with Lucy. That breaks my heart. So, what I ask of you is to warn people in your music and in person when you can. Stand up for truth. Be courageous and bold. #2 The second thing you can do for me is to smile, love, be joyous, laugh and sing your songs. Enjoy yourself. Love much and offer it to everyone; love all people- especially your enemies- even if they want to kill you. There will be many Muslims that will not like you and what your singing about. Do not worry about your safety, but love them as I have loved my enemies. You can do this. I will give you the grace for it.


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Thank you for your help and advice. I will try my best, and you guys will do the rest. I open up my heart for you and your family. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me love more. Help me not be afraid. Help me be bold and courageous. Give me the grace to sing even when people will hate me just because of the words I say. There is power in your name, Jesus! No lie can stand against us, I am made strong in Christ. For all things are possible with you, God. Holy Spirit- break through! Happy Spirit, break through – break in on us! Save us, Holy Trinity! Jesus, I love you! Have your way in me. Help me break into prayer when you find it an opportune time. Help our family on Earth all come home to you! xo,
