Thank you, Dearest Father for your Mercies which are endless. Thank you so much for music. Music transforms my reality and enlivens me, lifts me up and gives me hope. 4,3,2,1, Earth Below us… drifting… falling…floating weightless… calling, calling home. Come Lord Jesus, bring us home. Home is with you. Give me your love and truly become my- everything, so that I can hug and love and see as true.   Thank you for your endless and unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you that you never fail to amaze me. Thank you for your love. Thank you that you never leave me to myself, but that you are endlessly helping me each moment. Thank you for your kindness and your sense of humor. Almighty Father, We copy and we are standing by for your kingdom. Ground control to Major Tom… I’ve got my helmet on… comensing countdown. Engines on. Check ignition and may your love be with me. Off I go. Thank you for sending me with your love to the world. I’m ready to leave the capsule. I dare.   I’m stepping through the door… the stars look very different today. I’m sitting in a tin can far above the world. Planet earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do. Come, Lord Jesus. Help me in my mission. I love you. Thank you that you will be able to use me. Forgive me for my mistakes. Thank you for your mercy. I’m feeling very still and I think My spaceship knows which way to go. It’s a go for Illinois

I am sorry for my shortcomings and mistakes: I had a little too much to drink. It hit me hard … just the one drink… Oops.


Q1- Father, are all systems ready to go?

The computer has the evidence- the countdown starts. J The count goes on. earth below us… floating weightless, calling home… come on- we’re ready to come home! We’re now in orbit, stabilizers up, running perfect… Hello Major Tom, We’re standing by… we love you, Mar! Coming home, Earth Below us… calling home.


Q2-Momma, My Momma in Combat Boots: Let’s kick some Lucy Butt!!!!!!

hahahah, Mar,honey, I think you’ve had a little too much of a drinkey on an empty stomach… but yes, Let’s kick some Lucy Butt! Oh, My… I think you’ve become an influence… Houston, Rodger, and we’re standing by for your cd… We can just go to soundcloud to check it out. Right, Honey? The computer has the evidence, Mar… you’ve really made the grade. The papers will want to know which tee shirts you wear. :0)


Q3- Holy Spirit, Forgive me for this but I would like to ask you if you are able to work within me when I am a little tipsey… I had one drink and I’m a lil out of sorts. Does it mess up your mojo?

Ha, you crack me up endlessly, Mar. No, It doesn’t mess up my mojo but it slows down your response to my leading. Be careful. As a night-cap, no problem, just don’t go out in this state. You will make mistakes if you do.


Q4-Jesus, I love you! When will you come save us? We NEED YOU! Help, SOS, Come Soon! Will you be coming soon for me?

Yes, Mar, get ready. Get other people ready. Sing and preach my return. You can do it. We have faith in you and know that your songs will usher in my kingdom along with the Trinity App… we can’t wait. Just a little longer. Hang in there. I will be with you. You are a great light for the world. Don’t hide it. Shine your love on earth and I will be with you!


Closing thoughts/Prayers: Thank you, God that you are coming soon. Thank you that you can use me, and my services. I am ready to work for you 100%. Hire me, Lord and use me for your purposes. I am so ready, Lord,-I can hardly contain myself. I want to go space-trucking… will you send me on your tour of the stars? Take me on your way. I’m stoked about your story of Love. Help us all, as the times change, to do your will… Take me into your heaven. Show me the way to see you in heaven. I’d like to come check it out. Take me up? It would be awesome! It’s keeps getting darker here… I want to be a space cowgirl… show me the universe. I want to be where you are, Dad! Take me there, someday whenever you see fit. I’d like to go on a tour. XO, Amen!