Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Thank you for coming and thank you that you will be returning soon! We miss you, we love you, and we need you, Jesus! Thank you that you are always with me in spirit and thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit! I love that you are with us in every way at all times and I thank you for coming to dwell in my heart. Help me always to remember you are with me, even if I forget from time to time. Thank you for a beautiful Christmas Day! The sun is shining and it is 50 degrees outside, a gorgeous day! Thank you for my family and for our health. Thank you that you will watch over my Mom when she has her cataract surgery this week. Thank you for success in each of her eye surgeries. Thank you, Dad, for being the most amazing and incredible Father to the whole world, thanks for adopting us all into your family. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to rescue us from the clutches of Lucy. Thank God you defeated death when you were on the cross! What an ingenious strategy, God, your ways amaze me!


Scripture for Dec. 26th

Psalm 31

You are my rock, my refuge, my stronghold giving me safety. You will lead and guide me. Matthew 10:17-22

Please give me the right words to speak also. I will not worry about how I am to speak or what to say, give me at those moments what I should say. Let it not be me that speaks, Lord, but let it be you, Holy Spirit, that speaks through me. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Help me endure to the end, even when hated, because of your name. Amen.


Q1-Jesus, Happy Birthday! I love you and wish you peace on earth with many eager hearts for your return. For your birthday gift, I decided to meditate and journal on the scriptures during advent. I really enjoyed doing it and plan to continue throughout the year. Thank you for speaking to me through the scriptures. Thank you that you gave us scriptures to ponder your greatness. It is truly unfathomable how you are spoken of throughout the Old Testament through the New Testament! From Genesis through Revelations, you are glorified! Happy Birthday, my sweet and loving savior!

 Thank you, Mar, for your gift of love! I appreciate your prayers and your love through Advent and all the time I’m in your heart, one of my favorite places to dwell. I’m glad you are having a wonderful Christmas! Holy Trinity is most at home with you.


Q2-Father God, I am so grateful for your strategy to save humankind through Jesus. What an awesome gift you and Jesus have given us. Thank you also for sending the Holy Spirit, who guides, loves, protects and loves us so much. All encompassing and all powerful Father, Thank you, thank you, and all thanks to you for loving your children so much that you want only the best for them.

Mar, my daughter, you are right. I want only the best for my kids. Your mother and I both are excited and can hardly wait for the family reunion and wedding celebration for the Bridegroom. You, the church, and all of Heaven’s host will soon be having the most amazing time from the beginning of time up until then. The party will be grand, we will finally all be together again. We are thrilled and very excited for it! Just a little while longer and then I will invest… yes, you heard me right. Soon you will be starting the plans for EPP, Inc. We need you to get out the invitations and psych people up for the homecoming party! 🙂


Q3- Holy Spirit, will you help me plan the party? We’ll need Trinity App to get people introduced to the Love of God where your love is not recognized. The confusion of other religions needs to be sorted out, right? How should I do this? I don’t want to offend anyone, but Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

You are right in saying that. You don’t need to worry. You will be given what to say, sing, do, and not to say, not to sing and not to do. It’s all been taken care of. It will be amazing. You don’t need to try and figure out how this will all be done. God’s got this… remember? Ok, so you just have fun and say whatever we lead you to say. You will be the instrument of my peace. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will make himself known in all the world. Your job is to enjoy, love, laugh, sing, and invite all humankind to the Eternal Party. Not one of God’s children will be lost. Jesus came for everyone, so it’s going to be a lovingly wild and amazing party for all time. Thank you for offering to help us with our plans. Yes, we are up to something, and yes, we will be able to use your help. Thank you.


Q4-Blessed Mother, Please intercede for my Mom’s eye surgury. Help her be calm and at peace, able to get her needed sleep and a fast recovery. Also, please intercede for me, for the winning numbers on the MegaMillions drawing tonight. … and 7 for the mega ball. Please ask baby Jesus if it is our turn yet. I think the game is at a turning-point, if it is the Father’s will, please let it be done accordingly. I love you, Mother, please pray for me that if I don’t win, that I will be ok with that. For the Father’s will is divine timing and all knowing, more than what I could know. Please, if it is His will, let us begin the new chapter and get going with the party planning… I don’t want to be too pushy, I just want to knock, ask, seek and be persistent- as it is stated in the bible. So, jackpot winner, or something better – whatever He wants. But, please intercede for me and for the world who seeks the face of Jesus.

I will talk with Jesus. We will go together to the Father and see about your requests. Hang in there, Mar. It can’t be too much longer. The Father will never give you more than you can handle. Trust in Jesus. All good things come for her who waits. 🙂 We love you, honey. You can trust that I am praying for you always. You are in good hands. God loves your tenacity.