Eternal Party People Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: March 1 2016 Commencing 5:55pm

Directors present:

Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Beloved Daughter (“B”), Archangel Michael, Edwina (Guardian Angel)

Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 6pm.

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, God, for giving me back my mental health. Thank you that the dizziness will soon go away with your help. Thank you for a great relaxing day. Thank you for blessing our marriage with a peaceful home with much laughter and love. Thank you for my parents and their health. Thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you, to all angels, for protecting us when needed. Thank you for saving my life so many times. Thank you; Love, for your gentle guidance and for caring for my wellbeing and happiness. Thank you, Jesus, for giving your life over to save me from eternity in hell, which is what I deserve, but because of you, Jesus- I am forgiven. I pray to one day be finally with you in paradise …for eternity.  And I pray that all your kids come home.


Q1-Father God, I love you! I feel as if I am going nowhere fast… I have thoughts of giving up trying to make something happen with EPP. Should I think differently about helping to usher in your kingdom? It seems like all this is all in my mind… an illusion and a cruel trick being played on me. What should I think about all this?

*** I’m glad you asked me, b. You should trust in God. That is what I would like you to do. You don’t need to try so hard to make something happen. I have got all things under control. It may not look like it, but I am up to many great things that are about to happen for the world. It will be “even more amazing than you can imagine.” Remember my words? Yes, you do. So, look up! Your redemption is near. You will have an important role in ushering in my son’s Holy Kingdom. Hang in there… our mantra, I know… but it is true. Don’t give up and don’t listen to the negative voices trying to get you to doubt all that is about to occur. That is nonsense lies of Lucy. That sounds like a good name for a song… “Lies of Lucy”… 🙂


Q2- Jesus, I heard on TV tonight that in Canada you can be put into jail if you harm anyone mentally by doing anything as little as such as to invite someone to your church more than 1 time… or if you are “exclusive” by saying that my religion is the only way to get to heaven… should I be careful what I say in this journal/meeting minutes? I prefer, and I really don’t want to go to jail one day because of something like that. Am I being overly cautious or concerned?

*** There will be persecution. You, however, do not need to worry; there is nothing illegal about what you are typing here at this time. When the laws change, here, then we will reassess the situation accordingly. You can’t be put into jail for something done when there were no laws of that kind. And besides, who knows if Christianity is the only way to get to heaven? There may be “loopholes” that are not well known by the world. This is a complicated matter that no one knows all the details except the Father. Just do your best to follow our lead. You’re doing great. You don’t need to worry about some possible law someday possibly in the future. Smile. Everything is going to be fine. Thank you for being such a dedicated soldier for God.


Q3-Love, will you tell me something that would make me more at ease about all this? Are you really leading me to create an EPP Blog? Is this something that would make God happy?

*** Yes, this is making all of heaven happy. We are happy for the message of the good news (God’s love and mercy) to go out to the whole world and it will be backed with miracles upon miracles! This is the first step for you that will take you towards assisting in ushering in the Kingdom. I hear your doubts. Just don’t worry about how all this is going to happen. Take it one step at a time. Trust me. I would not steer you in the wrong direction. Trust in me, my beloved- trust in God. I know you don’t trust yourself and always wonder if you are making all this up. It is no illusion… it’s just taking a longer time than you thought it would take. God’s time is not like your time. Be patient. Do what makes you happy and do it often… journal, write poetry, create songs, and plan EPP Website/blog. We are with you in this adventure. It will be fun! Enjoy!


Q4-Mom, Thank you for your intercessory prayers for me. Thank you that you are helping my prayers get heard. Help me help you and Jesus save souls. Pray for me to be the person God would like me to be. Help me in my assignment with your loving protection and intercessions. What should I do that would make the most

Difference in this path of mine? What is missing?

***Just keep the momentum with your website and keep praying, loving, and take good care of yourself. This is a long road ahead. Keep plugging along. The only thing that is missing is you need a little more patience. God is hard at work. Keep doing your part, as you feel led. Know that you are on the right path and making much progress. Don’t give up. Don’t even think of giving up… when that lie enters your mind, look up. Know that with God, all things are possible. YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH! Don’t doubt yourself… Don’t doubt God. Have Faith! Trust in Jesus.

Actions Requested:

Trust God

Don’t listen to the lies

Don’t give up, Have Faith!

Website is on God’s plan

All of Heaven is happy to see me share God’s love and Mercy with the world

Trust in Jesus


Closing Remarks:   I needed this boost in my faith. I am sorry that I doubt not so much you, God, but myself. I doubt myself because I am just one lost soul down here on Earth… what can I do? Apparently, I am onto something big… so, I will just continue here to make a fool of myself- believing that I can create material where miracles will occur that could change the world… “Usher in God’s Kingdom”… how much more grandiose can a girl get? Yes, it’s true; I’m certified to have access to that claim! Thank God I’m not paranoid anymore. The increased meds helped that! 🙂

Love you! xo, ~Mar