Eternal Party People . Board Meeting Minutes
Date Held: March 2 2016 commencing 7:15pm
Held At: Secret meeting place
Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 7:17 pm.
Appreciation & Gratitude: I would like to thank you for the assistance I received today. Thank you, God, for sending me quality people on this journey. My assignment is possible with the help you are sending me. Thank you for my honey, he is the best! (Even if we drive each other nuts sometimes.) Thank you, Mom, for reassuring me of my safety with the help of my guardian angel, Edwina, St. Michael the archangel and all the other warring angels assigned to protect me. Thank you that I have nothing to worry about. I trust in you and I thank you for your protection always. You give me the courage to share these pages with the world… even if it may be anonymously; it still is a challenging feat of courage. I am not one to speak out usually, but I just can’t not tell of your love! I thank you for making use of my services in any way you choose. Thank you for saying that you can use an ordinary girl like me for your purposes. Thank you, Jesus, for making me worthy, by your blood, I am created anew. Use me, Lord… I pray you can find something useful in my blog to meet people where they are. Thank you that you will come to them and shower your love upon each and every one of the readers. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Jesus, I trust in you! Jesus, and Mary, help me help you to save souls. I want into the family business of sharing your love with the world. Thank you for giving me the desire, faith, courage, and love for this work. Thank you that you will bless EPP and use it for your purposes. I love you guys!
Q1-Father God, I would like to ask you a huge favor. Would you reconsider investing in EPP for me? I would like to get help to start it up anonymously and would like to incorporate EPP. I don’t want to do this without a lawyer and tech help, trademark help for the name and logo. I also need to know for sure that this is something you are behind and want me to go forward with. I will take this slow, but should I wait indefinitely until I win the lotto or something? Do you approve of all these plans I have for the blog? Do you like the name?
***Mar, I do not need to reconsider anything… I told you I would invest. I haven’t changed my mind. My timing is different than yours- that is all. I will surprise you in when, how, how much, and you will be so glad you waited all these years. Take your time. Give yourself time to plan how you want it to look. Know how many tabs you need. Do your research on anonymous blogs. Look into plug ins. Research how to get emails going. (Mail Chimp) Research vs. blogger. Keep actively working on all this and more… I have many ideas for you. You’ll love it! Ok, so how long must you wait is the question… I only ask you for patience. Just a little while longer. I know you’ve been waiting on this for years… 8 years coming this October… I will bless you and I will bless your endeavors with EPP. It will be awesome, and yes, I love the name! It will indeed be an ETERNAL PARTY (for the) PEOPLE. Don’t do anything officially yet; hold off on starting the blog. You have much work to do before then. You will have help from a lawyer and tech help/trademark assistance. Hold on just a little while. Do your homework. Get ready. Here we go!
Q2-Love, I thank you for your guidance today in my meeting with D. He helped me figure out some things…. namely that this is an important job and I don’t want to mess it up. “The whole english speaking world” will have access to my board meeting journal, poetry, music, and all content I put up on EPP blog. No pressures here. Right? So, you, dear Holy Spirit, I thank you for giving me calm. Inexpressible peace. Thank you! Please keep it coming. No paranoia, no anxieties, please. Thank you for ruling my mind. You constantly are blowing my mind with your love. Thanks! 🙂
*** You are so welcome, my dear Mar! I will continue to bless you with calm, peace, love, and if you rest in me, look inward where I dwell, I will bring you bliss. Be quiet with me each day, I have many blessings to give to you. You will find your time with me in silence to be a more regular date with love for your soul. In this way, you will grow in love and be able to share your love with others. People will be glad to know the Holy Trinity through the seeds you will sow in their hearts. Thank you for saying yes to this assignment. We appreciate it. I know it’s difficult in many ways. We bless that.
Q3- Jesus, your peace is like a river. I want to just flow with you in your timing and in your love. You make all things easy. You take my yoke and make me float on air. Thank you for being my all: my best friend, my spouse, my peace, my love, my counselor and director; you are the air that I breathe. I breathe in your love and peace and breathe out all stress. Everything is taken care of… right? I’m not going to blow this plan of yours? Is it your plan? If it is your plan, I want to be a part of it… whatever that may be. Let’s get ready to party eternally with all the angels & saints- together we will praise you, laugh with you, love you and be loved by you! I can’t wait! Help me send out the invitations, ok? (EPP) Could you ask Dad if we could win the lottery to get things started right? (That or something better.)
*** 🙂 You make me smile, beloved. I love you with all my heart; and I have a huge heart for sure. I am so glad that you want in on this party planning we’ve got going. People will be so happy they rsvp to come, especially knowing the alternative. (Yikes) Yes, we will help you start our blog. We will do this. It’s not all on you. Beloved, we are in this together. Don’t worry; it will all get done in the perfect timing. Hold off on doing anything official. Like we said just do your planning and work out how you would like it to look. Get your “about page” together, Get your logs prepared to download. Downloads needed will be from Nov 2015 to current. All those pages will go up when you start your blog. Then you should log every day or at least every other day. So get ready. Don’t do anything official yet. We will help you with a lawyer to get the EPP, Inc. official. Then we will set this up properly with taking care to do this anonymously… that way you won’t have to worry about what people think of you or worry about stalkers. We will help you out. It will be awesome and your studio is also coming along nicely… yes, we have one picked out for you! We can’t wait almost as much as you can’t wait! HA! This is a blast and we are so glad that you heard our request for your help. Thank you for saying “Yes.”
Q4- Mom, You are so good to me. Your unconditional love is unimaginable. How do you love us all when much of the people on earth don’t believe you exist or even think about you and your motherly love for each of us? I was oblivious of you. I didn’t think of you or know of your love for me. For me. I didn’t understand that you are MY mom! My momma in combat boots! You rawk! You watch over your children so protectively and lovingly! I am so glad that I finally got to know you. To know your love. To know how you intercede to God for and with me. I have a favor to ask. Could you PLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEE ask my Almighty Father, Creator of the Universe, to invest soon… I am trying to be patient, but can hardly wait! I know that the chances of winning are next to nil, but with hope against hope, I pray that …WITH GOD, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Would you please ask Jesus to also go to the Father to request an investment for EPP..? I appreciate your help. Of course, if it is in accordance with God, then please answer this prayer. If not, please take away this fantasy of mine. For that may very well be all that this is. Is it an illusion? A Fantasy? My mind gone wild? Grandiose ideas…
***There is a plan. We are still in the early preparatory phase. You are one step ahead of us… you usually tend to run ahead of us. Take it slow. Take your time. Do your homework and wait. Wait on God. He wants you to wait. Good news, beloved! He will invest! YES! He says yes… just hold tight. Try not to think about it. Just plan your blog. There is much work you can do before you sign up. Get ready… this dream is about to become your reality. Can you handle it? Can you handle this much awesomeness? Yes, I believe you can! Get your rest. No stressors. Take these easy days of planning seriously. This is going to be a large business for you to run. It needs to be planned carefully. No cutting corners. Protect your “Brand” and talk to your audience. Know what you want to convey. Work out how you want it to look. Get your logo ideas narrowed down. Prepare your journal/board meeting entries so they will be ready to upload to the blog. You’ve got this, Mar. … And we’ve got your back. You’re not in this alone. Remember that. <3
Actions Requested:
*Do my homework: Organize blog, pages ready, logo, brand, and anonymous options
*Spend quality time in silence with Love- do this every day as much as reasonably possible
*Remember: with God Anything is possible: God will invest. Be Patient! Wait for God’s next move – wait to sign up for company/blog
*I’m not in this alone
Closing: Thank you again for giving me good news and for not changing your mind about helping me. I apologize for needing to hear this again. I don’t doubt God’s help; I just feel like it’s taking so long, maybe I should go ahead without his help financially. Today, I feel like you are trying to tell me that you want me to wait a little while. So, I will do my homework. I’ll get preparations together. Thank you for taking off the pressure. No hurries. I like that. I always worry that I am so late in coming to this venture; maybe I lost too much time to make this work. I feel scared that you can’t use me anymore because time is up. No, those are Lucy Lies. I now know that God doesn’t hurry anything. God is the author of time, and God can’t be late! I am God’s living enterprise, and God can’t fail! So, thank you, God, that you will make my endeavors successful for your glory, in your divine timing!  xo, Amen! ~Mar