Eternal Party People Board Meeting Minutes
Date Held: March 4 2016 Commencing 8:00pm
Held At: LR on MRC with iPad
Directors present: Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Beloved Daughter, Archangel Michael, Edwina (Guardian Angel)
Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 8:05pm.
Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you for such a great nap I had today! I don’t usually nap in the middle of the day, but I really needed that! Thank you for music and great entertainment with my honey. Thank you that we get along so well. Thank you for finding me where I am at and loving me to where you want me to be. Thank you that you lead me gently onward. Thank you for family and my work, health and all my needs are met. Thank you for giving me faith to move mountains. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy and love for each and every one of us here on earth.
Q1-Dad, I have been sick now for about a month… I’ve gained weight on the higher dosage… could you please help me lose this and get down to my goal weight? I just want to be able to exercise again without dizziness. I need to have my hunger scaled back down, too. Could you do something about this for me?
*** You’ll do great on the whole foods plant based diet/lifestyle… I will help you. We will revamp your kitchen and have a system for groceries so that you only buy what’s on your plan. DB will love it, too. The weather will be perfect for exercising outside so you won’t freeze yourself. Mark my words, by fall you will be at your goal! Trust me on this one. You’ve been through a lot. I will help you in this area. Since you asked for my help, I will answer your request. Yes, I will help you and so will your mother, Love, and Jesus… we will all help you get there. The transition may be tough, but once you get through the first 30 days, you will really enjoy it and have no problem sticking to it. Getting off sugar is the challenge. We will help you.
Q2– Love, today I watched a show that was talking about the importance of quiet time. Could you be with me when I set aside time for this so you can help me with balance and introspection. I need to slow down. I need to hear your voice more in my daily work.
*** Yes, that is what we have been asking you to do… spend quiet time and make it a priority. This is key in your mental health. I will help you with making this quality time with God. You will love it. Today you had a long nap and this was our time with you also. It was time well spent. We were so proud of you by you just napping! If only people knew that we want everyone to slow the heck down. The world is spinning so fast, how can anyone hear our voice in all the madness? Yes, naps are good, quiet is good, long walks in silence is great, getting out in nature is awesome… breathing in fresh air is wonderful too. I will be with you in a special way during this time that you set aside for us. We love you and want you to be well.
Q3-Jesus, Could we maybe win the lotto this weekend? What do ya think?
*** It will be a surprise, b. I can’t tell you when; you know that! Just relax. Enjoy life. It’s coming soon… soon. Soon. I promise that you will be glad you waited. Don’t worry about a thing. Have a great weekend.
Q4-Mom, when should I start the blog? Should I wait until I have the money to get a company set up with a Lawyer’s advice? Or should I go back to SCORE to get it started? Should I wait on God like he has been telling me? Of course, I should wait and I should get preparations ready for it. Why do I go back and forth on this? I just don’t want to let down everyone and mess up your plans. I doubt myself. I doubt that I will ever win lotto, or ever have investments from God. I doubt if I should even start EPP, Inc. I don’t know what I’m doing here. Just getting old. Just wasting my time. Augh.
***Have faith, beloved. What happened to your faith that could move mountains? You have all you need. You won’t let us down, because you don’t hold us up. 🙂
You should do your homework/getting the blog ready. Don’t think so far in advance. Just work your plan one day at a time. It’s going great. We will make you know for sure when we want you to start it officially. Right now, just focus on quiet time, research blog set up, etc. and get some posts ready. Create your “about” page. Write poetry and get out your guitar and ukulele. Have some fun. Rest up. And above all, don’t worry. We’ve got this all taken care of; all the plans are in place. Hang in there. You’re doing great. Kudos on the nap today! We were glad to see you slowing down for a change. Love you!
Actions Requested:
Have faith.
Plans are in place
Napping is good
Guitar, ukulele, poetry – enjoy
Closing Remarks: Thank you for your support and love. I’m glad I’m not spinning around manic; thank God that we caught this early and for getting me back into balance. I’m tired. Thank you for meeting with me, I need to sleep now. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have more energy. nite! xo,~Mar