Q1-Mom, on Sunday, your angels blessed me with a miracle. Somehow, I feel like it has left me. Why do we sometimes receive created miracles, and then find that they disappear after only a few days? You know what I am referring to, what happened? What did I do wrong?
***You were appreciative, so don’t think you weren’t. You didn’t do anything wrong. The devil comes to STEAL, Kill and destroy. He stole it from you, but just know that only God can take something done for harm and pay you back triple in goodness. Just keep pressing on. God will see that your angels will restore to you what he stole and quadruple the original miracle in scope and size. You are in great shape. Don’t give Lucy a second thought. Focus on good and on God. You have many future miracles to look towards. It’s going to be a fun ride, Mar!
Q2-Dad, so, tonight is the Powerball win? Did you say you wanted to invest in EPP, Inc? Is it time for a new day to break forth? Do you think now is a good time? I’m stable. I’m praying and fasting… I know it would be absolutely nothing I could do to deserve it, only through your goodness, mercy and desire to work through me in a “powerful” way! With God, All things are possible! Am I doing this right? Can you use me to help spread your love and help people come to know and therefore, love you more? Am I living it right? I am your living enterprise, and God cannot fail!!! I’ve got a smile on my face, I can’t wait. And I know one day, you will bless my efforts. I am praying for your smiling eyes to shine on me and my little life offering. Everything happens for a reason. There is not a reason why I have this dream in my heart for all these decades, if you don’t have a plan for me to shake this dream into reality! Come, on, Dad! Let’s rock this Sham-Rock studio into existence! If it doesn’t matter to you, then I guess it doesn’t matter to me. Whatever you want, daddy-oh! … Bring it on down to me; if you feel in your heart you want me to start EPP, Inc. I’m waiting on your lead.
***Loll, haha, Mar- you crack me up endlessly. I love you and your tenacity. It does matter to me. It should matter to you. You’re in the family business- remember? We shall see about tonight… hang in there a little while longer. You will be glad for the wait. I have perfect timing, remember that I am the author of time? So, you’re in good hands. Relax and Let God. Keep dreaming.
Q3-Jesus, I need your help. I am having a small problem believing that you are going to do all these miracles that I’ve been thinking about… because of my faith. Could you please give me a boost? Could you give me the faith of Abraham? I need the faith to move mountains! But, apparently, I don’t have faith the size of a mustard seed. Won’t you bless me with a faith that cannot be shaken; a faith that can look at the world and make something that can last for God’s glory? I need a big boost of your loving faith. Please help me, Jesus! I just haven’t met you yet. I’ll never give up. I can see every possibility, help me do mighty works of faith- for your Glory, your good, and your will be done!
*** I love a prayer like this. Your request is in the works. Your order is being processed. Keep a look out for it… test it out. You will find many miracles around the corner! You just haven’t met me yet. Soon you, and many others, will be getting visits from me. Your faith will be mightier than a mustard seed; for sure… the size of a mountain is what it will be. Welcome to the end of time… where you’ll find, miracles happen all the time!
Q4-Love, my sweet, sweet best friend- it seems as if this spiritual war is overwhelming. I mean, the people I love put “Hex” on me endlessly. This paranoia… is it real or imagined? It seems as if I have physical proof. But I am not sure. Regardless if it is real or not, it is draining, frustrating, and I’m sick of it. Sorry for my anger, but Lucy pisses me off. He is such a loser. When will we all be free of his tricks and evil? I don’t want to fight anymore, but I know the road ahead is long. I’m in need of some of your love. I feel so alone most of the time. It’s ok, though, because I know that you never turn on me, you never want to harm me. You never have evil intent for me. I mean I can’t even count on my family to be normal for me 100% of the time… it’s more like 50/50. Their cycling back and forth (evil/heavenly) is exhausting. I try to ignore and avoid when it’s happening. But you know what? If that’s the price I have to pay, it is worth every tear. No one but you know what I’ve gone through, you alone feel my pain. Thank you.
***If you call my name out loud, you will know and feel that I am with you. I will answer you. I am with you every second of every day. I will restore all that the devil has stolen. All that pain, you offer it up… it is being put to great use. Many souls are going to be released from purgatory and hell with your pain offering. You know that many lost souls are found when pain is offered up. Imagine what could happen if the world offered up their pain to the foot of the cross! Hell would be emptied out in an instant. The pain in the world is by far enough pain to release all the captives and make them free. In the name of Jesus, all lost souls could come home to the Father. He is awaiting his children and has prepared an incredible future for their eternity. You could never imagine heaven. No matter what you hear from Kat Kerr, you still could never imagine all that your Dad has created!!!! It’s going to be awesome; share what you know and sing about it all. You have a great heart and soul… share it with the world. Don’t be shy. Be bold. Be Courageous. We love you and cheer you onward.
Actions Requested:
Focus on Good and God… many miracles in the future! Don’t give Lucy a second thought.
Remember I am in the family business (saving souls)
I will be glad for the wait. God has perfect timing!
I will soon have visits from Jesus.
Welcome to the end of time, where miracles happen all the time!
Sing about releasing the captives; children come home…
The world needs to offer up all pain to the foot of the cross for their release.
Closing Remarks: Thank you, God, for calling me to your meeting. I feel like I need a breather… a little fresh air. I want to cry but I’m thinking of the future you’ve told me about. I receive all that you have for me. I love you! Please send me all the faith I need to accomplish your will and bring about your plans to fulfillment. Come set me free. Love, come, set me free. Amen! XO! ~Mar