Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, Father for the beautiful gift of music! Music is powerful and love shines through the notes. Help me make a small contribution to the vast collection of music in the world. I know I don’t have much talent, but I make up for that with heart. Help me share your love through my songs. Give me the words, melodies, rhythm and hook. Fill me with your music and take me as your own living enterprise of a channel for your peace… makes me an instrument of your love. Thank you that you have given me this dream, even though I really don’t have talent with any instrument, or vocal expertise. All I have, I give to you to use for your purposes. Thank you that you say you can use me, inadequate as I am in this area. Thank you that you are growing the compassion in my heart for others. Thank you that I would like to share music with the world, for you give wonderful dreams to me. Thank you that you gave me a husband that puts up with me and even allows me to work with the songs he created on synth. Help me write lyrics to songs and vocal tracks that don’t stink too badly.
Q1-Dad, these pages are exposing me and my looney self to an extent that I have decided not to post them at this time. Is that ok with you?
*** You don’t need to do anything you are not comfortable with doing. If it doesn’t seem right to you at this time, I think you should listen to yourself. Maybe once things start happening that we discussed here in these meetings, and then you may feel differently. Once you get your Sham…Rock Studio, you can go ahead and share your story with people. Sounds Good? Ok, good. So, don’t worry. Write whatever you want here. This is just for us; no need to share this with the world quite yet. Keep emailing yourself so that you have it computer dated each meeting. That way, people will know that you are not making up any of this. It will be an interesting book, or blog; that’s for sure. I’m glad you decided. Now we can get to the best part- deep heart to heart discussions.
Q2-Jesus, So, the court case against me (from Lucy) has been completed last night. I am not sure, but I thought I heard God say that there was a requirement that I must fulfill before I am qualified to win. Tell me if I am wrong, but I heard God specifically say that I have to prove that God is my Lord and that I listen to God over my stomach! I was strongly accused of loving food over God!!! That Eve lost it all through an apple that she ate in disobedience-and that the battle is won by not eating and obeying God. In the past, I have felt that God asked me to not eat when I am not hungry or if I am called to a fast- and I disobey often to His leading. So, am I right that I must lose 20 pounds to prove that I love God over food? (And then continue to lose until I reach my goal weight- then also to maintain that weight.)
*** You have the right idea, Mar. I am sorry to tell you, but this is for your benefit. Remember, God has all things working for your good. The plant-based diet you are attempting to follow will take a little time to get used to and you will feel so much better, believe me. It doesn’t mean that you can’t win if you don’t lose the weight, it is more of a strong suggestion and we will see what happens each new day. Nothing is set in stone- you could win tonight. God looks at the heart. Go to Him for all things. If you want to eat something that is not on your list, ask God to help you. He wants to help you; if you will only ask. Mom will help you; also, if you talk with her about what would be a good meal, she will be there for you anytime. You will have rapid weight loss with the periodic fasting you are called to do. During this time, fast and pray. Offer up any discomfort, frustration, or unmet cravings. Offer it all up for lost souls. It sounds like a hard thing to lose 20 pounds, but you are not alone and the time will go by so fast. You can do this, Mar. Enjoy yourself; it’s going to be a new life for you!
Q3-Love, my sweet, sweet happy spirit, I love you. Thank you for your encouragement and letting me know what I must do to turn the page of this chapter. With your help, I know we can do this. Please talk me through this because my memory is so bad, it’s not that I don’t want to eat only plant based meals and only eat when I’m hungry… it’s just that I forget! I eat something without thinking. I’ll have to put a reminder all over the place: my phone reminders, on the fridge, on my hands! What should my reminder say?
***Ok, on your phone reminders, say, “I eat plants when hungry!” (11am) “Down 20 for the win” (4pm) and …at 8pm say “No more food tonight I’m losing 20!” Then on in your kitchen, with post it’s: on fridge, countertop and one on mirror in your bathroom. “You Got This!” Don’t write on your hands- that’s just gross. J
Q4-Mom, thank you that you will be my coach! Please give me an idea what I should eat and remind me to wait until I am hungry. Also, could you encourage me to get some exercise every day – at least a 30-minute walk/jog?
*** Sure, beloved daughter. I am here with you. We will get through this together.
Actions Requested:
Post reminders on phone app, fridge, bathroom mirror and office.
Offer up any discomfort & unmet cravings.
Go to God to fill me with his love for satisfaction.
Go to the office and rest in Him when I want to eat and I’m not hungry.
Closing Remarks: Thank you for your help. I am sad that there is yet another delay in this process. But, I am happy that I haven’t completely ruined the plans for EPP, Inc. by my disobedience in the area of food gluttony. Thank you for unending chances and that I haven’t completely blown the plans of God. Please mold me into the pot you desire… I am somewhat of a cracked pot down here; remake me into something you can use. Thank you for your encouragement. Not many people can say that if they lost 20 pounds, they would be qualified to win millions for their project/company start-up. I am so blessed that you will help me in this most difficult area for me. Thank you, Jesus, for winning the court case in my favor! You’re the best lawyer-advocate in all the multiple universes! You have my best interests at heart; you always take such good care of me. I am sorry for my complaining and upset attitude when I first found this out last night. It is going to be a great challenge, and with you guys helping, I am sure to lose this weight and do it healthfully on a beautiful vegan diet. It will be well worth the wait. Hugs to you all. Amen! Xo, Mar