Q1- Mom, you told me that I should be offering up this turmoil I am going through. This emotional pain I am going through, the illness symptoms of grandiose thoughts and the fear of failing you, are something I should be offering up for the body of Christ. Thank you for reminding me.
*** You are welcome. I really want you to know that all the troubles that you are going through are powerful in healing the body/the church. I will mediate the offerings and a grace from God will be added to your efforts. Thank you for being so dedicated to our cause and for your efforts in helping us save souls. It is true that we like to work through people, but you need to know that you are not responsible for saving other people. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. God has all things working for the redemption of his children. You should have a reminder, say 10 times a day: “I can’t do this, but you can. I’m giving you the wheel. Help me get to where I need to be. Make me your instrument of your peace.”
Q2- Abba, Father, help me get out of this sadness and fear. I know it is not of you, but of the enemy. St. Michael, the Archangel, defend me in battle. Be my protection from the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, I humbly pray. And, do thou Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl the world searching the ruin of souls.
***Satan is accusing you and beating you up with the doubts, sadness and fear. St. Michael is with you. You only need to change your mind about this situation. Say: I am a child of God, God is in complete control, and this is not my responsibility… to save people. The only thing I need to do is focus on the good, the light, the love and the laughter. Darkness cannot remain where the light is shining. Shine your light, love and laugh – the enemy hates that. There is nowhere for him to hide… when the light shines, he will flee.
Focus up. Focus on God and his goodness. Think only of the good and positive things in your life with gratitude; don’t let Lucy win by taking away your love and light. It is simply a choice. Turn the channel- so to speak. Decide right now to not go to this place of doubts and fear. I am in control, me, your Almighty Father! Don’t you think I can get you to where you need to be? You could never ruin my plans… you don’t have that much power, dear Mar, Lol. Relax and enjoy the journey. All things will be revealed. Don’t get lost in the despair. You are good at compartmentalizing. Put this behind you and don’t look back. Make some music and get lost in the joy of each day’s new beginning. I am with you always. Never fear. God is here. J
Q3- Jesus, thank you for defeating the devil when you conquered death itself on the cross. If there is anything I need to do, please make it very clear so that I can follow through and do it. Don’t let me get off the path or distracted. What should I be focusing on this week?
*** You should focus on having fun. Plan some “artist dates” and go on a few trips to do something you love doing this weekend when DB is playing tennis. Café, movie, thrift shopping, read some of your blogging books or the WordPress book. Mainly, relax and enjoy your weekend with no stress. Nothing needs to be done except have a wonderful weekend. Do that, and you will be doing the will of God. See, that’s not a terrible assignment… go have fun! You make everything so difficult. You really need to relax and enjoy yourself. No rushing around. Nothing “NEEDS” to be done- except this one request we have of you… smile. Laugh, love and enjoy yourself. Just “be”. Ok?
Q4– Love, Holy Spirit, please help me out of this bad habit of putting too much pressure on myself. Help me destress and enjoy the beautiful journey with God.
*** Making the decision to enjoy yourself is half the battle. Now we (you) only need to remind yourself to get out of the bad habit and start living in love and laughter. It is so important. Don’t belittle this request. It is extremely important that you get this one little thing remedied. Don’t stress over anything but will complete faith in God, rest and know that God is in control. You are not God… thank God, right}? {yes! I would have ruined everything if I was the one in control! so, yes, thank you, Father, that you are in complete control and I have nothing to worry about.} Only rest and relax in my love. In that way, you will be able to share that love with others. Don’t let the enemy take that away from you. Live in love, light and laughter. Amen!
Actions Requested:
God is in complete control.
I can’t save anyone.
Notice the symptoms of the illness and know that:
Only God can do that.. and it is not up to me to save the world.
Enjoy the weekend. Rest and have fun.
God is in complete control of all things.
Rest and relax in God’s love. Live in love, light and laughter!
Closing Comments & Petitions: Thank you for setting me straight! I know how to rest and relax and I know how to have fun! I can do this! You have completely turned this around for me. Help me remember today’s lesson/board meeting. I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for lightening my load. Thank you for your love and the gift of laughter. Amen! XO~Mar