Q1- I am very tired, so I think what I will do today is ask one question and then let anyone here comment/answer the question. Ok?   Ok, here it is…

Is it time yet? This is what I would like mostly to know. Do I have another 8 years of waiting? 5 more years? 3 or 2 years? 6 months? 3 months? Or maybe 3 weeks? Or maybe only 4 hours… tonight’s drawing? The reason I ask… it is not because I don’t trust you. I trust in you completely. I trust that you have all things lining up beautifully. I just would like to humbly ask you the timeframe so I can plan my life and know what needs to get done. I have wrapped my brain around winning. I am prepared. After blessing our families and charity and paying for our new home/studio, I would get a personal banker to put the rest into safe keeping with a 1 or 2% interest rate and live off the interest monthly. I would be able to actually have time to do all the things you have been asking me to do. I would build a studio/home with a workout room and a tennis court. EPP would become a reality and I could have it properly formed with the help of professionals. I am doing my best, but I am so tired and have difficulty getting everything done each day. I just thought if you could give me an idea, I would be able to plan my life better. I know you probably can’t give me specifics. That’s ok. How about an estimate of a timeframe of the next chapter to begin?

*** Ok, Dad here- you have a lot of this planned out. That is good. I like a faithful soldier and a trusting soul. Even though I have been telling you that you will win… and then when you didn’t win, you kept smiling and believing. Even when it was difficult to deal with the letdown, all the energy you’ve put into this… you still went to Indiana to get your tickets and put them into your safe deposit box. That shows tenacity, faith, hope, trust, and dedication to your mission. I know it always embarrassed you when you would talk about this to your doctor or psychologist, or even your spiritual director. It seems odd that God would ask you to buy lottery tickets. That’s ok… I’m odd. Lol. You kept playing even though you knew it didn’t make sense. You felt in your heart that this is what I was asking you to do. Well, Mar, you are very close to winning. Maybe tonight, or in the next couple of weeks. The battle is tough and I know you’ve been beaten up quite a bit.   I will make all things new. Not just for you, but for all of my children. The time is now for a change of management! Hold on. Get ready for your dreams to appear in your reality… you are so close. I love you. We all love you-,Mar. Go take a nap and enjoy the ride. We are with you every step of the way. Your mother has been asking me every hour of the day… lol. Yes, you will soon see an answer to your prayers. You will be one powerful key person in the family business of helping us continue our mission of Saving Souls. Thank you for your dedication, love and for never giving up. Hang on. It’s going to be a fun but wild ride.

Actions Requested:

Hang on!

Go take a nap and enjoy the ride…