Q1- Father God, do you have any suggestions for how I could improve my life… what areas should I be focusing on? Physically: diet & exercise, spiritually: Bible study or small groups, mentally: Managing the illness I deal with by slowing down or taking time to be quiet and “rest my mind”, quiet time with you, or any other areas?

*** You are doing great. What I would like you to focus on is balance. You are doing a great job of that! There are many things you have done in the last 10 years. You have accomplished a lot! You have lost about 140 pounds and kept it off! Your diet is super healthy now, low fat whole food plant based vegan… need I say more? You work and you “play” in a balanced manner. You are taking good care of yourself and DB; you manage the home. You have been making music, praying every day, resting in my love. You have been faithful to board meetings most days. You are exercising again. The only thing I would suggest is that to get the last 50 pounds off, that you focus on getting up earlier and exercising Monday through Friday… 5 days a week. Get it in before work, it will be a great way to start your day off to a great start. The other thing is slow down. Smile. You will get to where you need to be. No hurry. Better late than never… take good care of yourself. I will help you lose the weight you want to get off. Look for my signal to you to eat… the growl. You can’t go wrong if you wait for a growl. The weight will fall off if you do that. It is a new habit I would like to teach you.


Q2- Mom, would you please give me the grace I need to accomplish all that God has instore for me? Would you help me wait for a growl and eat within the boundaries of hunger and fullness?

*** You are making a change now. You will be able to wait. Only ask for God’s help when you are tempted to eat when you are not hungry. I will give you the help you are looking for. I will prompt you to go to God for your assistance in each instance. It will get easier.   The more you choose to follow God’s lead, the easier it will get. His is a new habit you are forming. I know you forget… I will remind you.   You can do this! Keep busy, and get your mind off of what to eat next. You have come such a long way. Write some poetry or short stories, or work on your book when you want to eat, that will get your mind off of food and you will accomplish so much!


Q3- Jesus, I really needed your help yesterday and you came through! Thank you for your help.

*** You are very welcome. Sometimes you just need to take a break. You have been working so hard. A little downtime with a good laugh is all you needed. Glad I could help, but you really took control of the situation and showed the enemy what you are made of. You are tough and a mighty warrior. He tried to knock you down, and you really put an end to his plans. You know that the attacks are not able to hurt you, only terrorize. You weren’t taking the bait. Good on you! Keep the good faith, love and laughter going… we love you!


Q4-Love, Holy Spirit, thank you for your guidance. Help me look for it more often!

*** Yes, I can do that for you. Listen for the hints I am giving. Sometime, it is very slight and sometimes I am obvious, but you have given me permission to do what I need to do to get through to you. I will interrupt you when needed, and my guidance will shine through. When you asked for my help and requested that I get your attention when needed, I wrote it down. I will make good of your request. I will not leave you alone to your own efforts. I am with you. I will always be with you. Think of me as your “main man” who’s got your back. I will equip and empower you at all times. You can count on me. It is going to be amazing! We have so much in store for you! Just never give up hope. It looks a little dark outside, but the light is beginning to stream in!

 Actions Requested:

Start a new habit… wait on God’s signal to eat and I will lose the last 50!

Wait on the growl… keep busy by work and writing.

Mother Mary will give me the grace I need to start this new habit.

Keep the good faith, love and laughter going!

Love the Holy Spirit, is my “Main Man” who’s got my back!

Never give up hope.