Q1- Jesus, please heal my father’s leg! He is in pain and I am very worried about him. What can I do to help? I pray but it seems to not be doing much benefit. I will continue to pray, but is there a better way for me to pray for him?
*** Keep pressing in prayer. Have faith. Don’t give up. Remain steadfast and positive. Mother Mary will help you. Offer up any suffering to the Father with your intentions for your dad’s healing. This is a spiritual battle. Pray to St. Michael also.
Q2- Mom, please pray with me. RF also needs prayer for his healing and dialysis. My mom also has prayer requests. Please keep my parents and RF in your prayers with me. I don’t pray enough or even very well when I do pray. Mother, please teach me to pray. Please take my prayers and multiply them and make them beautiful for Abba. What can I do? I feel like I’m trying to pray and it seems so insignificant and I feel so small. Do I make any difference for the people I pray for? Are any of my prayers making a difference?
*** yes, they are making a world of difference. You cannot see it, but your prayers are making a shift in the spiritual that allows for progress in the natural. You could set aside more time for prayer. I know you were gone all last weekend, and did not find much time for talking with God. You should slow down. Recalibrate again to slow down by 50% and take the time to rest in God’s love. He has so much to tell you and so much to give to your heart and soul. I am with you. God is with you. I know it is difficult to see the people you love in pain. It is a part of life, but know that in heaven all will be perfect. In heaven there is no pain. Don’t worry so much about the here and now. Focus on saving souls. It is the Father’s business and you asked to be in the family business… remember? Am I right? {Yes! I want to do all that I can do for God.} Focus on EPP and starting the blog. Ok? You will get the letter from the Secretary of State soon. Be sure to get to work on that asap to get the finalized domain, hosting for the Blog and your email all set up. That is the next step you need to take. These are small tests to see how dedicated you are. Be diligent in following through. Keep praying for investment funds. All things are unfolding as they should. Keep the faith. Keep praying for your loved ones, but especially pray for the lost souls. We want all our children to come home. Please ask them to RSVP to the eternal party. We love you. Smile. It’s all going to be ok. Hang in there.
Q3– Abba, my daddy needs your help! Please help him heal his leg and circulation.
*** Don’t fret. Pray with confidence. I hear your prayers. Keep on praying. Pray a novena to Mary the Un-doer of Knots novena… that will help you pray more focused each day for the next 9 days… for your dad’s healing. Start today. 8/8/16-8/16/16.
Q4- Love, please help me pray with a strong effectiveness. Please show me what to do when I am with people in prayer. Show me the best way to pray for people. What is the best way to go about this?
*** Singing is powerful prayer. Write songs for the people you want to see healing and watch the results! You can use GarageBand to create short songs for people. Have fun with it and pray earnestly while creating the songs. Email them to the people you pray for and it will encourage and lift their spirits also. Try it. Try one for your mom and dad. It sounds weird, but it is powerful. King David prayed in song and on the harp. Why not GarageBand songs? It sounds weird, I know. But just try it. You can sing in tongues in part of the songs, too. Many miracles will begin when you do this in faith. Try it, I’m serious. It will be a fun outlet for your prayers. Don’t be so sad, upset, and frustrated in prayer. That won’t get you very far. No, for successful prayers, we need repetition, (Chorus/a hook) and love with laughter goes a long way. Try to bring laughter to the people you pray for. Songs will be happily received as love gifts. It would be a unique but immensely powerful prayer that you can offer to anyone.
Actions Requested:
Focus on starting the Blog.
Pray to St. Michael for his help in the spiritual realm for our prayers to be effective. Defend us in battle. Be our protection from the wickedness and wiles of the devil. May God rebuke him, I humbly pray. By the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam the earth seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Pray the Novena to Mary “Un-doer of Knots” for Dad
Pray with confidence.
GarageBand song for dad’s leg healing/circulation,
Closing Comments & Petitions: God, please help me be a better prayer warrior. Help me know what to pray, sing, and give me the melodies, hooks, chorus, and harmonies needed for each song. Please help me have fun with it so that I can bring a smile to my dad when he hears it. Help me write lots of songs of prayer for people. I love you. Please guide my steps in EPP. And help me know what to do next. Give me the info I need when I need it and please bless my efforts. Please show me what needs to be done, courage and strength to complete each task. I love you! Help me help you save souls. I want to be in the family business and I hope that you will show me the work that needs to be done in this world. Help me be who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to do and become all that you ask of me and want me to be. I want to be used! Show me what to do so I don’t mess it all up. I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing. Help me. Send me prophetic words of encouragement, please. Please heal RF, TS and give them many more healthy years of life with us. Amen! Xo ~Mar