Appreciation & Gratitude:
Thank you for answering my prayers. Thank you that you are in control of all things. Thank you that one day soon, you will be “unleashing” the Holy Spirit, and Love will conquer all! Thank you that the light is pushing back all darkness. Thank you that you hear our cries and you answer our prayers. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you that your Kingdom will come to earth as it is in heaven. Thank you that you will wipe away our tears and create a new earth filled with love, laughter, and lounging! :0) Thank you that you will soon invest in EPP, Inc. and you see that my dreams come true. Thank you that you have better plans for me than I could ever imagine. Thank you for so many blessings! I love you! Thank you for the gift of faith, love and charity. Thank you for the grace you give to me. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, God, you are amazing!
Q1- Dad, could you please tell me what I need to do to see healing for my father, and miracles for the people I pray for?
*** Have faith. Never give up. Persistence pays off. Believe it has happened and it will occur. Give thanks for all things. Remain pure by going to reconciliation frequently with sincere repentance. (That will open the lines of many miracles to flow.) Hope and pray with thanks for all prayers to be answered in the perfect divine timing. Be patient. Love others and ask for the grace to be used powerfully by God. Remain humble. Most of all, pray with Blessed Mother Mary for assistance in your mission to bring others to know the love of Jesus. She will help you in all things. She will give you all you need; many blessings of grace flow from Almighty God through her fingers to her children when you ask for the blessings of God.
Q2-Jesus, what should I focus on doing differently? I find my thoughts are not as filled with love for other as much as I would like. I am impatient. I feel as if I am doing/thinking all the wrong things. Have I let you down? Have I messed up so badly that I failed in my assignment? Am I so far off the right path that I am hopelessly lost?
***No, you are still on the right path. Keep pressing on. Time is moving along quickly and the years are going by. You don’t remember how far you have come in this time. I am working with you, growing you up in Christ’s love. You are a brand new person over the last 8 years you have come so far. Briefly: You lost 130 pounds and have kept it off, you have grown spiritually leaps and bounds, you are more patient, you are less angry and less hot headed, you know much more about the Father’s love, miracles, how to pray for people by laying on hands, you have learned Guitar, Uke, Harp, (somewhat), you took 2 recording classes at PS, you took several poetry writing classes, you write songs, you’ve recorded about 15 songs, you love DB more and more every day your love grows, you have fun all the time, you pray much more, you meet us most days at the board meetings, you laugh at Lucy and don’t pay much attention to his antics. You are able to worship, go to church, pray and read the bible without mental difficulties, you’re stable (it’s been 12 years since your last serious episode of Mania.) You have really changed, grown in love, and this is not all. You now know your mission. You are heading down the right path. You will always be where you need to be, so no need to worry about being lost. You have not failed your assignment- you rocked it! You are doing amazing! I can’t stress this enough… you don’t know it, many other people involved don’t know it, but God knows your heart. God knows and the “computer has the evidence” that you are Rocking all these tests with flying colors! You are doing fabulous, Mar! Keep up the good work. It will pay off! Get ready to party! Party with the Eternal Party People! Woo-Hoo!
Q3- Love, When, oh when, will you be set free in this world? We need you! We need miracles and signs and wonders! We need your power to flood the earth with the love of God and answer our prayers more powerfully than currently. We pray all day, and believe, and hope, and have faith… yet still your touch of love and miracles most times do not come through for us. I know it is soon to be your time to shine in all your glory. I pray you are “unleashed” soon. What does your timeline look like? Will your day come soon? How will I know you are powerfully set free to work your miraculous loving works? I so look forward to that day! Will the miracles “stick” then… because when I pray, I see miracles, but they don’t last. The healing goes away or in the case of the statue of the earth in the palm of a hand on top of the billboard thing… they all went away. Dad’s supernatural weight loss that I prayed for… it miraculously happened. But then in the next time I saw him a few days later… poof the weight loss reversed to bigger than before I prayed! It’s crazy. Not me. This process. It’s crazy. So, when should I expect things to function better from my prayer life? When will you be free to work your miracles with the utmost power and glory?
*** When things settle down after your check is cleared and you’re on your way to building the studio/home/tennis court with Uncle D, you will start to see the miraculous more and more. We will be easing you into it so you aren’t too overwhelmed. It will all be in an orderly manner. You don’t need to worry about how to pray, what to pray, etc. You will have the words you need when you need it. It will all flow very naturally. Just step out in faith. Follow the lead of Love, I will show you what to do. It will be a learning experience, but a fun experience! You will love every step of this journey. Don’t worry about your dad, I hear your prayers for him, and believe me, I won’t disappoint. He will grow years younger, thinner, healthier, and live forever… just as you ask me all the time. Your momma too! DB your friends… 150 years will be the new 30! You will have your light bodies and feel decades younger. Don’t worry about the timeline, when it happens, it will happen… all in Divine Order controlled and managed by the Father. He is so good, Mar, you don’t have a clue of all the great blessings that are coming to you, your family, your friends, and the world. His Kingdom will shine through in a powerful way. Mark my words. It will be amazing! Enjoy!
Q4- Mom, Thank you for your prayers and for interceding for me. I can feel the results. I feel much more at ease about things and ignore Lucy much more easily. He is annoying. Pesky Fly that he is. Could you please ask the Father if He thinks I am ready for the win; I feel ready. Could you see if Jesus thinks it is “my turn” yet? I thought it was my “turn” back several years ago when the Infant Jesus called me to tell me it is my “turn”. He is adorable, please give him a big HUG for me!
*** lol, I just gave Infant Jesus a HUG for you. He wanted me to tell you it is your turn, you are right in thinking that and Lucy has been cheating in the game. Dad sees it all and knows all that is going on. Lucy will have to pay back big time for that mistake! Jesus said that you will not need to wait much longer and that your future only looks even more bright since Lucy “stole”, “Lied”, and “Cheated” in the EPP game. You will be paid back double for your trouble! :0)
Actions Requested:
According to Jesus, I’m doing a great job! I should get ready to party with the Eternal Party People!
Mother Mary will help me in my mission. Ask her for the grace to be used powerfully for God.
Remember that I will have all the words when I need to speak, it will be easy and flow from God.
I will be paid back double for my trouble that I endured when Lucy Lied, stole and cheated in our EPP game.
Closing Remarks: Thank you so much for your love, guidance, encouraging words, your protection, the amazing blessings; thank you for letting me into the family business- saving lost souls. Help me do a great job for you. Lead me in all that needs to be done. Help me start EPP, Inc. Show me what needs to be done! Help me in all things, especially help me love others more and more like Jesus. Help me get into shape… I could use my light body anytime you’re ready- I AM READY! Please show me what needs to be done each hour, lead me. I love you! Please, oh please, heal my dad’s ear, eyes, legs, ankles, toes, sugar levels, supernatural weight loss that sticks! And nutrients/oxygen flow abundantly to each cell in his entire body. Please give him everything he needs to be healthy, including a new strong and healthy young heart (a heart transplant, please, dear Angels with body parts for people in need of a miracle.) God, I love you! For my mom’s intentions, her health and supernatural weight loss too. For my own weight to fall off and for mental and physical health. For long life for my family and friends. I love you! Amen! Xo, Mar