Q1-Dad, it seems like you may have changed your mind about using me for your purposes… the time is going by and years have passed since you’ve first spoken to me about a studio. Am I still on your radar for this Project of Love?
*** All that you have thanked me for in the paragraph above, is this what you truly believe and hope for? {yes, dad, you put all those dreams into my heart, didn’t you?} Yes, I surely did and I have not forgotten you. Your studio is going to be amazing and all the rest are all planned out. You will reveal it in due time. Not too much longer, now, and you will be glad for the wait. You were greeted by the bearded guys on G Rd, weren’t you? You have nothing to fear. Don’t be discouraged. Wipe away any fear or impatience. Keep planning, keep working on all that I have for you to do. Keep your work schedule and be faithful in love to DB and your family. You will see the fruit of your dreams come true soon. Hang in there. You are still on my radar and on plan for this Project of Love… soon you will see the investment funds come into your new EPP, Inc. account and your personal funds for sharing with the people I ask you to bless. The money is mine for your steward as I see fit. I will guide you. Keep true to the board meetings. I know you took a few days off. You and I have been talking a lot and now you need to get back into the habit of writing these things down. I am proud of you.
Q2– Jesus, what should I do while I’m waiting on the funds from God’s storehouse?
*** You have much work to do, you also can get organized by decluttering your condo and your computer files. You can brainstorm ideas for songs, for the studio, for the website and phone application. You can always dive into projects for writing poetry, melodies, song chord progression, and getting some exercise. Please keep busy and make the most of your time. Don’t spend time worrying, trying to control or make anything happen. Just be. Relax. And keep yourself productive. Talk with God, we love to talk with you all the time. Watch videos from the collection we asked you to watch. Don’t think negatively, all things are being taken care of. You don’t need to fret about it not happening because of “something you did”; no- all things are unfolding as they should. Chill out. You’re doing great. You’re going to be well taken care of at all times. You have a host of angels protecting you and fighting your battles. Put them on assignments; they love to be on task for you.
Q3– Love, I am sorry I haven’t had a board meeting in the last week or so, but you are so good to me, you never left me to myself for long. You’re with me always and I am forever grateful for your love, friendship and help. You are such a sweetheart for helping me with my business. I was happy to have your help in setting the appointments. Thank you for answering my prayers. I could use some more help tomorrow and next week, if you don’t mind. What can I do for you?
***Just be. That is all. Just be yourself. I love you. You are doing such an amazing job of longsuffering, prayer, and willing to be of use for God as an instrument of peace. We can use a soldier like you, and you will soon see the Father come through in amazing miraculous ways. EPP has an investor. You will soon see the check. J
Q4-Mom, Last night I needed some extra help in figuring a way to defeat Lucy in the most efficient and loving way (since that is the most powerful way to defeat the enemy.) It seemed like just releasing the Anointing of God and imagining the love and anointing oil and essence flow out of my fingertips to the room all around me might have worked quite well. Is there anything else I can do when I need to clear my condo of the enemy? I don’t want him irritated- I want it to be unbearable for him to exist around me so bad that he flees out of the building never to return. Any suggestions?
*** You are on the right track. Try using Holy Water, prayers to St. Michael, release the anointing like you did last night and pray for your angels to handle it from there. Do this 3x a day and you will be rid of the problem soon. Whatever you do, instead of giving it any additional attention, try to dismiss and ignore him when he bothers you or tries to tempt you into an argument. You will be fine. Soon you will be free of this nuisance. That is all it is, Mar- a rock in your shoe. It will go away shortly. I promise. {Thank you, mom!!!}
Actions Requested:
Try using Holy Water, prayers to St. Michael, release the anointing like you did last night and pray for your angels to handle it from there. Do this 3x a day and you will be rid of the problem soon.
Closing Remarks: Thank you for your help; I need all the assistance I can get. I will do the things mom suggests I do. Pray for me that all goes well with this need of mine. I am offering up any difficulties I am facing for bringing home all lost souls. I offer up suffering I’ve experienced in my lifetime, all of it, for lost souls. Equip and empower me to be all that you want me to be. Show me the way and never leave me to my own efforts. I only want what God wants. I hope that I haven’t let you down too much. I am sorry that I binged today. Please help me get back on track. Thank you for all the promises you’ve given me. Thank you for the words of encouragement at VC. Thank you for my parents, DB, and your love. I need you. Help me be your instrument of peace and grant me the grace of making you deeply loved; give me the fire of your love and enkindle in me your desires, love, and mercy for all. Amen! Xo, ~Mar