Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Author: RSVP to the Eternal Party! Page 34 of 54

March 18, 2016

Q1- Holy Spirit, Love is the answer for most of my questions. Why do I get stumped on this small detail? (Not so small, I know.)

*** Compassion. Love. Understanding. Trust. Trust in me. I will lead you. You have a lot to learn about compassion, which is the key to love, and also to understanding. If you will look at people through the eyes of God, you will see Christ in each person you meet. Pray for this revelation. It will give you a renewed and healthy gift of agape love. It is not to be misunderstood. This is love in its most pure state; agape will sometimes be confused with lust or flirtatious when given by a woman to a man. So, be careful not to be misunderstood. However, don’t feel guilty if your intention is pure agape love… Don’t let the enemy lie to you and try to make you filled with guilt. It is not your business what other people think. You cannot control other people’s imaginations and judgmental attitudes.

Men have a difficult time discerning between agape love and sexual flirtations. It is because agape love is rare in the world right now. Try to be careful in this area; do your best not to confuse others. But don’t let that stop you from loving all people with the love of Christ. Your husband understands this and is behind you 100% so be sure to give him not only the love of Christ but also continue to give him a lot of affection and love. He likes little gifts of chocolates, flowers and he loves to laugh, joke around, and dance! Do this often, he loves you so much. You are very blessed to have him as your husband. {I’m so lucky to be in love with my best friend!}


Q2-Dad, I am trying so hard to be all you call me to be. I struggle. I feel like I’ve let you down in so many ways. Did I ruin the plans you have for me? Am I far behind on the path, or have I gone completely into the mud by the side of the road?

***You don’t know the depths of my love for you and for the world. No one is ever so completely lost that I can’t get them back onto my designated trip for their life. None can stray so far away that I cannot set them free. The rising sun will not fail to shine. All will be found. None lost. You don’t need to needlessly worry such a thing. God sees your efforts. We love you and you are not behind in your travels with me. You try to run ahead sometimes, but I keep you in my sights. Your heart is always in the deep blue ocean of my love. I keep you with me in my heart; you are all I see- and I like what I see. You have a huge heart and you don’t even know it. No, dear mar, you are steady on the path I have set out for you and you’re following at a quick pace… perfect timing and all is good.

Plans are on track and if possible, even ahead of schedule. You’re exceeding our expectations; you’re ahead of the pack! We make an unbeatable team… the devil doesn’t know what hit him. He’s actually got a bit of a nervous breakdown when he thinks about you and our plans of overtaking souls for Christ. He’s got a little bit of an excessive sweat coming off his forehead; and it’s not from the heat of hell. He’s got pride like you’ve never imagined; worse than any pride you’ve ever come across… and he’s got his tail between his legs in anticipation of a defeat from a woman believer in Christ. Keep up the good work. Take your authority given to you in Christ and you will overcome all evil that dares to come near you. Smile, you’re on candid camera- all of heaven is watching! And cheering wildly over your walk in Christ’s love over the forces of darkness. Just keep shining the light; darkness will just disappear. Easy.

Q3-Jesus, am I dreaming and is all this an illusion? Is this all made up in my grandiose mind? If it is, fine, I just want to know the truth. It all feels so real. So true. But then I really have no proof or sign that all I’m dreaming is real.   If you put this dream into my heart but have no intention of seeing me through this, please take it away. I only want to do your will. I only want to help you and mom save souls. I have big plans; plans which would need you to make it all happen as I’ve dreamt. You have plans so much higher than my mind could ever imagine. I only want your plans; not mine- if they run ahead of you I fail. I found out I can do nothing without you. I need you. So, is this an illusion of grandeur? I don’t think so… but need a little reminder from you. Tell me what I need to hear, but don’t let it be me “talking” and making this all up. I beg you. Tell me my next step. Tell me the big picture. I need to hear it from you.

***I am sorry to have put you through all this. You are doing a wonderful job. You are on the right path, and you took a shortcut that we thought you might take. You will just need to wait a little for everything to line up. Your sprint will make you exhausted- take it easy. Slow down. No hurry in God’s plans, no hurrying is allowed in heaven. We take it nice and easy here. Lie around a little while, dream as you gaze at the clouds… roll with the music… waste a little time for enjoyment. Laugh. This will help your travels. Your next step is to relax, things are looking good. You will know your next step when you win… the … lottery! Yes, I said it, again… you will win. But you must be patient. The Father has the timing all worked out. So, rest and pray for all things to work out as God has in mind. The next step will be to throw a party for the Eternal Party People! You will start this business in the proper manner with help from experts. It’s going to be so much fun. Everyone wants to love. Everyone wants to be loved. We will help them to do just that! Hang in there. Happy is the heart that still feels things. Let the love and light enter in and it will over flow to the world.


Q4-Mom, It never comes easily. I’m likely to be worried, stressed, and sometimes in fear. I don’t want this but from time to time, it’s impossible to shake. Could you advise me what to do? This responsibility seems so heavy and important, this assignment seems like the world depends on me doing everything right. I make mistakes and feel like I’m walking blind half the time. I am trying to do what’s right. Help?

***You’re my little chick and I am with you. Tell me your worries and we can together talk with Jesus. He likes it when we come to him together to Him for prayer. The smiles will be returning on all faces, Mar. Think of the gift you will be able to share with the world. The gift of Jesus. The good news of his redemption and the amazing reality that heaven is waiting to throw them all a party for all of eternity filled with more blessings than people could ever desire. God will be lavishing gifts upon all eternal people with so much more than we could ever ask, but the best gift will be to get to be with Jesus forever! God the Father will also be a loving force to reckon with… the love as lightning bolts filled with love-energy that will blow all of your minds. Your “mistakes” will be used to catapult your steps ahead and make your efforts multiplied. Don’t worry. We’ve got this.

A lot is at stake, but in the end, heaven breaks through and His Kingdom will be on earth as it is in heaven. We won’t give up on you… don’t give up on us. Even when it gets rough, you have all our love. Look up; share Christ’s love to all people. You are all worth every difficulty you may face. I give you all my love. Pray with me to God; I always intercede with you to the Father. Offer up any suffering you feel, offer it all up for lost souls. Many will come back home to the father because of your efforts. Even if all this were for only 1 person, it will be worth it. Right? {Yes, but I have high hopes for the world… grandiose, I know. I’m a girl with big God-Sized dreams!)


Actions Requested:

Love everyone with agape love; love of Christ. See Christ in all people.

Take your authority given to you by Christ and you will overcome all evil. Shine the light and darkness will disappear.

Smile, heaven is watching and cheering me onward!

Next Step: Lotto Win and party planning! For the EPP!

Mom will intercede with me in all my prayers. I will be fine.

Closing Remarks: Thank you for your help! I am glad we had this meeting… so much good stuff. All my worries are behind me. I no longer accept the spirit of fear in my mind… all things will work out for God’s Good Plans! Thank you for praying with me, Mom. Holy Trinity, I love you so much and I am glad that you haven’t given up on me. I will wait patiently for a win… I know the devil would love it if I quit and stopped playing the lottery. It’s been almost 8 years, but I believe even stronger now than when I first started playing. God has me in his heart. God placed this dream into my heart. I will not give up until He asks me to quit. Lord, I pray that the next chapter will soon start and a new day will dawn for me, my family, my friends, my hometown, my state, my country, my world… let it begin. Let me be worth of the promises of Christ. Jesus, Mary, help me help you save souls. Make me who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to do your party planning for all God’s Eternal Party People. Equip and empower me to do your will always. Please invest in EPP, Inc. soon if it is in accordance with your Holy Will. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

March 17, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thanks to the good Lord for St. Patrick and his day! May the luck of the Irish be mine, and all God’s good plans be mine, one day I hope to Shine, God’s love to all mankind! Thank you for holidays, they make life fun. Thank you for Guinness and for moderation, thank you for making me Irish! Thank you for family, friends, and all good gifts of love, music, sunshine and blue skies… everything you have for us is splendid and I thank you for showering your love on all people. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you, Jesus, for saving me from myself! I need you and I thank you for never letting me down!


Q1-Dad, I know I was a little disappointed this morning for not winning, but I am glad that you counted me worthy to be strong enough to be ok with it. I know one day you will allow me to start EPP, Inc. No matter how that happens or when, I know it is all in your hands, and that is enough for me. I trust you, and I know your timing is perfect. This way, I get to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day without any concern about how to move forward with the lawyer, financial advisor, etc. all that will need to be dealt with one day when I win. For now, I am going to have a great evening out with my honey, hear some great music and wish some friends a Happy Patty day! Thank you for your perfect timing in all things.

***You’re welcome, Mar. You should be very glad to know that this also was yet another test of your faith, endurance and assurance in my will giving all timing over to me. You have passed the test, and you are doing great! We absolutely love your tenacity and I am very proud of you. You will have a good time tonight. Ignore any of the thoughts of evil, loose the hosts of angels over the pub before you get there and again when you arrive. You will have no issues with them if you do this. Spiritual warfare is real, you should start to defend yourself and use your defense tools in the spirit realm, and you will love the freedom that comes with this authority given to you from Jesus. Use your authority! Evil will flee from you and will not bother you as you learn to do this. Love, your Holy Spirit, will guide you. Pray whatever he tells you to declare; go ahead and declare. (Under your breath if needed; that works, too.) Sing in tongues, too! That is very powerful over evil.


Q2-Mom, thank you for praying with me yesterday. Please keep up your intercessory prayers for me, I thank you for your love, time, and for using your position as the mother of Jesus, to help my prayers be answered. I want to be used as a tool for God’s purposes… show me the way and I’ll do it.

***I always pray for you and I will always continue to intercede for you and our intentions. The battle will become much easier as you learn to take over control of your atmosphere. I will help you and many hosts of warring angels are with you to enforce what you declare and decree over evil. They will have to flee when you pray properly over your surroundings. Keep playing the lottery… you are getting close! Can’t you feel it? It’s really going to happen and it is going to be really good! Yes, God will use you and your tool of the EPP, INC. Compan-y many will RSVP!   {Yay, God!}


Q3-Jesus, do you like St. Patrick’s Day?

*** Yes, we all love St. Patrick’s Day… we celebrate it with you all over heaven. We are all a little bit Irish even in Heaven! We turn the skies green on St. Patrick’s Day and have shamrocks for clouds in four leaf clover shapes! We even make green beer so everyone can celebrate, but the beer never gets people drunk from alcohol; because everyone is already drunk in the spirit from God’s presence all pervading! It is a bliss and joy- it’s way, way better than any alcohol. No hangovers, either! But we do drink beer and wine if we feel like it. The wedding banquet will have beer and wine served… along with the best food ever! There is so much to share with the world about heaven. I would like to show you around sometime so you can tell them about it. Would you like a tour? {YES!!!! I would absolutely LOVE that!!! Take me anytime you want. Take me many times. Show me all around and I would love to share that with my friends!} Ok, Mar, we’ll be getting you ready for your first trip. Keep asking Dad for this gift, and soon you will see all of heaven. You’ll have a blessed trip and it will be a blast! I can’t wait to take you. Don’t go with anyone other than me, ok. No “spirit Guide” or “Alien” – that would be very dangerous. They are evil, warn everyone to not go with them. Ok.   {Ok, absolutely. I’ll tell everyone.} Tell them I, Jesus, will come for them is they ask for a tour. It will be called the “Space-Truckin’ Jesus Crew”. J


Q4-Love, could you give me some help playing guitar and singing? I would like to start playing again and I need your help.

***You have all you need within you. You will write many songs and your husband will help you with the music. You can use the guitar to help write your own songs, too. Don’t worry about how you sound… it is the hearts that you will touch that matter to God. Stay humble. Even when you are called a “Genius” remain small. Know that all your talent and songs are from God. Give Him the credit always. My spirit in you will guide you and take what you have and make it a marvel. I will empower and equip you for all that you will need on this journey. Do your best with the time that you have. You are good about not wasting time. We are very impressed at your work ethic and the Father is looking forward to the time when you have all your efforts on his business. (When you will no longer have to put many hours into your “job” instead, you will have fun/work for him!) God can’t wait to invest in EPP, Inc. Hang on; your funds are on their way. Keep the faith!


Actions Requested:

Use your authority- look to the Holy Spirit to guide me. Do whatever He says.

Keep playing the lottery- it’s getting close!

Ask God to have Jesus take me on a tour of Heaven- keep on asking.

Keep the faith; God said the investment funds are on their way.


Closing Remarks: Thank you for sharing the story of St. Patrick’s Day in Heaven! I wish I could be with you and celebrate under a green sky with shamrocks in the sky! I’ll have to write a song about that! You are so amazing and I love talking with you! People must think I’m crazy (if I ever let anyone read this) but I don’t care! You will show us all one day just how real heaven is and how incredibly wonderful it actually is! I personally can’t wait to have my 21 year old body again… and be able to go “Space-Trucking’” with Jesus! Please bless my evening with a lot of fun with good friends. I wish I were with you, instead. Oh well, one-day soon- right, Jesus! Love you guys! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

Green Dude

You have a grin so wide

Bursting something inside

What do you have in mind?

Something for me to find?

What’s up your green felt sleeve?

You know I do believe

Your three leaf clover sings

What God’s redemption brings

I feel the luck today

May my turn come I pray

The chance I know is slim

But light is growing dim

I won’t let you forget

My prayer is still my bet

That God one day will shine

The luck of Irish mine.

March 17, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thanks to the good Lord for St. Patrick and his day! May the luck of the Irish be mine, and all God’s good plans be mine, one day I hope to Shine, God’s love to all mankind! Thank you for holidays, they make life fun. Thank you for Guinness and for moderation, thank you for making me Irish! Thank you for family, friends, and all good gifts of love, music, sunshine and blue skies… everything you have for us is splendid and I thank you for showering your love on all people. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you, Jesus, for saving me from myself! I need you and I thank you for never letting me down!


Q1-Dad, I know I was a little disappointed this morning for not winning, but I am glad that you counted me worthy to be strong enough to be ok with it. I know one day you will allow me to start EPP, Inc. No matter how that happens or when, I know it is all in your hands, and that is enough for me. I trust you, and I know your timing is perfect. This way, I get to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day without any concern about how to move forward with the lawyer, financial advisor, etc. all that will need to be dealt with one day when I win. For now, I am going to have a great evening out with my honey, hear some great music and wish some friends a Happy Patty day! Thank you for your perfect timing in all things.

***You’re welcome, Mar. You should be very glad to know that this also was yet another test of your faith, endurance and assurance in my will giving all timing over to me. You have passed the test, and you are doing great! We absolutely love your tenacity and I am very proud of you. You will have a good time tonight. Ignore any of the thoughts of evil, loose the hosts of angels over the pub before you get there and again when you arrive. You will have no issues with them if you do this. Spiritual warfare is real, you should start to defend yourself and use your defense tools in the spirit realm, and you will love the freedom that comes with this authority given to you from Jesus. Use your authority! Evil will flee from you and will not bother you as you learn to do this. Love, your Holy Spirit, will guide you. Pray whatever he tells you to declare; go ahead and declare. (Under your breath if needed; that works, too.) Sing in tongues, too! That is very powerful over evil.


Q2-Mom, thank you for praying with me yesterday. Please keep up your intercessory prayers for me, I thank you for your love, time, and for using your position as the mother of Jesus, to help my prayers be answered. I want to be used as a tool for God’s purposes… show me the way and I’ll do it.

***I always pray for you and I will always continue to intercede for you and our intentions. The battle will become much easier as you learn to take over control of your atmosphere. I will help you and many hosts of warring angels are with you to enforce what you declare and decree over evil. They will have to flee when you pray properly over your surroundings. Keep playing the lottery… you are getting close! Can’t you feel it? It’s really going to happen and it is going to be really good! Yes, God will use you and your tool of the EPP, INC. Compan-y many will RSVP!   {Yay, God!}


Q3-Jesus, do you like St. Patrick’s Day?

*** Yes, we all love St. Patrick’s Day… we celebrate it with you all over heaven. We are all a little bit Irish even in Heaven! We turn the skies green on St. Patrick’s Day and have shamrocks for clouds in four leaf clover shapes! We even make green beer so everyone can celebrate, but the beer never gets people drunk from alcohol; because everyone is already drunk in the spirit from God’s presence all pervading! It is a bliss and joy- it’s way, way better than any alcohol. No hangovers, either! But we do drink beer and wine if we feel like it. The wedding banquet will have beer and wine served… along with the best food ever! There is so much to share with the world about heaven. I would like to show you around sometime so you can tell them about it. Would you like a tour? {YES!!!! I would absolutely LOVE that!!! Take me anytime you want. Take me many times. Show me all around and I would love to share that with my friends!} Ok, Mar, we’ll be getting you ready for your first trip. Keep asking Dad for this gift, and soon you will see all of heaven. You’ll have a blessed trip and it will be a blast! I can’t wait to take you. Don’t go with anyone other than me, ok. No “spirit Guide” or “Alien” – that would be very dangerous. They are evil, warn everyone to not go with them. Ok.   {Ok, absolutely. I’ll tell everyone.} Tell them I, Jesus, will come for them is they ask for a tour. It will be called the “Space-Truckin’ Jesus Crew”. J


Q4-Love, could you give me some help playing guitar and singing? I would like to start playing again and I need your help.

***You have all you need within you. You will write many songs and your husband will help you with the music. You can use the guitar to help write your own songs, too. Don’t worry about how you sound… it is the hearts that you will touch that matter to God. Stay humble. Even when you are called a “Genius” remain small. Know that all your talent and songs are from God. Give Him the credit always. My spirit in you will guide you and take what you have and make it a marvel. I will empower and equip you for all that you will need on this journey. Do your best with the time that you have. You are good about not wasting time. We are very impressed at your work ethic and the Father is looking forward to the time when you have all your efforts on his business. (When you will no longer have to put many hours into your “job” instead, you will have fun/work for him!) God can’t wait to invest in EPP, Inc. Hang on; your funds are on their way. Keep the faith!


Actions Requested:

Use your authority- look to the Holy Spirit to guide me. Do whatever He says.

Keep playing the lottery- it’s getting close!

Ask God to have Jesus take me on a tour of Heaven- keep on asking.

Keep the faith; God said the investment funds are on their way.


Closing Remarks: Thank you for sharing the story of St. Patrick’s Day in Heaven! I wish I could be with you and celebrate under a green sky with shamrocks in the sky! I’ll have to write a song about that! You are so amazing and I love talking with you! People must think I’m crazy (if I ever let anyone read this) but I don’t care! You will show us all one day just how real heaven is and how incredibly wonderful it actually is! I personally can’t wait to have my 21 year old body again… and be able to go “Space-Trucking’” with Jesus! Please bless my evening with a lot of fun with good friends. I wish I were with you, instead. Oh well, one-day soon- right, Jesus! Love you guys! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

March 16, 2016

Q1-I feel defeated for some reason. I don’t know what is going on inside me… I feel like a blob… no energy. I wanted to enjoy today but instead I really felt defeated. Is this a work of the enemy? If so, how do I fight it next time so I don’t ruin my whole day/week?

*** This feeling is from the enemy. He tries to put defeat into your spirit. He is always trying to bum out my kids and make them feel defeated… for no good reason. You fasted today and you were facing many fiery darts at your spirit. What you could have done is take control of the situation by going out into nature, praying and singing in tongues to combat and turn around the situation. It’s ok, don’t beat yourself up over it. It is not your fault. Next time, pray and get out into nature. Your home can become a dark place if you allow this to happen; take control and bless your space, open the windows, play some good music, dance, speak with your mouth the promises of God. “God has good plans for me. I am a child of the most-high God! God’s got this… and is still on the throne. God is in control and has only good things for me.” Don’t you feel better already? I am your Father and I see all that goes on and all the attacks. I am for you, so who could possibly stand against you, mar? Thank you for fasting today. I know it was a challenge. It will get easier as you do more fasting and prayers. The enemy is scared that you will make fasting a part of your weekly program and if you are faithful to putting your flesh under your spirit- there is not much that Lucy can do against you. Your plans which are in accordance with my will shall become unstoppable. He is very scared. That is why today was so difficult for you. Your efforts are taken into consideration and all of heaven is rooting for you. You can do this and it is powerful! Your prayers are heard and many are praying along with you. Your investment funds are on the way. Keep believing and keep praying. We’ve got this under control. Just a slight pressure… 4,3,2,1,…blast off!


Q2- Mom, could you intercede with me in prayer for winning the lottery tonight? I don’t have anyone to pray with because it’s such a “pathetic idea the pray for the lotto win” according to many people I know; they would not want to pray with me. They don’t know the whole story behind it, my motive, my plans for using these funds for such a worthy and wonderful dream – a dream that God has placed into my heart a long time ago. God says that when 2 people are praying and agreeing on anything, it shall be heard in heaven and will be answered by God. God wants to give good things to his children. Could you lead me in a prayer and offer it to the Father in Jesus’ name?

*** Of course, I will pray with you. I hope that you get your answer soon and we shall pray for a breakthrough tonight. The drawing is tonight in about 1:45 minutes, right? We are going to pray for this miracle right now. Ready? Ok,

“My dear God, you are all mighty and wonderful! We thank you for your love, guidance and for placing the mighty big God-sized dream of EPP, Inc. (the blog and recording studio) and the miracles included for the Eternal Party People. We ask for your guidance, love, support and yes, investment. Tonight’s lottery numbers; you know what they are, we ask that you shine the luck of the Irish tonight. We ask that you send Mar a rainbow with all dreams she and I have… that they come true. We pray to you and look for your goodness to shine down upon her for the hope of salvation of millions. We pray in your son’s name, Jesus Christ, and we look to you with love in our hearts. We know your timing is the best of all and so we ask for this or something better… you are in control of all things. This is a wonderful world: Skies blue, clouds of white… we think to ourselves… what a wonderful world. If it is in accordance with your will, dear God, please come through in a powerful way tonight. Mar has been waiting a long time and has hope, love and a strong faith in your amazing plans for her work. She would like to help me and Jesus save souls; to bring home your kids to you safe and out of the clutch of the enemy. She wants to use this tool for your family business of saving souls. Her heart is in the right place, you are very well aware of this. With EPP, Inc. it could be a powerful tool with our help and she and I are asking for your abundant blessing to come down to her tonight with a jackpot win in the Powerball dream that she has. Thank you for listening to our prayer. We adore you in all things and at all times. We wait on you and your lead, Father. All this we implore of your attentive and loving help in all things. In Jesus’ name… we pray with loving hearts, let it be done if it is in accordance with your Holy will and approval. Amen!”

AMEN! Xo!, Thank you, Mom!

Q3-Jesus, would you ask the Father to hear our prayers the we just prayed? If you ask him if it is our time, he will hear your request. Is this something you think the timing is good? Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day and I have a heart for souls –for all people to come to the Kingdom of God! With technology, music, your help in getting this in accord with your holy will and power… this might just be a good idea; no? Will you stand by me in this adventure? Will you hold my hand and walk me through each step? Will you help me get a good start and investment funds from above? Will you pray for God’s Kingdom Come and get these dreams off the ground? I love you, by the way! You’ve been my all in everything. Let’s get this party rolling, JC!

***Of course I will pray for you. I have prayed to the Father every day since the beginning when you were first born… from day one I have been with you and on your side! Your prayers have all along been joined by the saints in Heaven, the hosts of angels, Mother Mary and me… we have all been joining you in preparations, prayers, guidance, and the Father has heard you every step of the way.

We are impressed in your tenacity… it’s been almost 8 years since you started playing the lottery. In the fullness of time you will be ready and it may just be tonight. We shall see. Here comes the son… it’s alright. Little mar, it’s been a long time, we know. It’s alright, it’s so close. Smile! We love you. God’s timing is perfect. Don’t look until tomorrow at the numbers. Sleep well. You will need your rest. May the luck of the Irish be with you. Green Dude is singing for your win tonight! We love the poem you wrote. Will you write it here one more time so that we can make is a prayer tonight here in the Board Meeting for all read it again. Then you can explain some of it to us?   Ok, here ‘tis:

You have a grin so wide

Bursting something inside

What do you have in mind?

Something for me to find?

What’s up your green felt sleeve

You know I do believe

Your three leaf clover sings

What God’s redemption brings

I feel the luck today

May my turn come I pray

The chance I know is slim

But light is growing dim

I won’t let you forget

My prayer is still my bet

That God one day will shine

The luck of Irish mine.

The “green dude” is a little round stuffed little green guy with a rubbery green hair, we love him… he has a name on his back “Lucky” and has a four leaf clover on his chest with a huge grin on his face; bursting some good news inside… I always pray to St. Anthony that I would like him to help me find the winning numbers, so I ask Lucky if he has “something for me to find”. God’s redemption song would be a little help to my business idea… EPP, Inc. The chance I know is slim, (to win) but light is growing dim… My prayer is still my bet that God one day will shine the luck of Irish mine…   J


Q4-Love, my sweet, sweet so sweet wonderful friend, could you do me a favor and pray with me for tonight’s win. I would like you to tell me what your prayer might be.

*** Mar, I have joined in all your hopes, dreams, plans and have led you to where you are today. Don’t you think that I am in your heart, with you in all your days. Loving you and helping you is my mission most favorite. Know that I and the Father along with Jesus are in one accord. The Father knows the timeline on all things, so it is up to him when this party gets started! I am helping you with your waiting giving you the strength to endure, the grace to allow Him to be in control of all things in patience and with love.

I have prayed not only with you, but in your spirit all throughout the day and night, I have been praying to the Father in your spirit in perfect prayers. When you sing in tongues, your adding to the powerful prayers and I love when you do that, it makes me sing along in love and laughter. Your prayers are powerful, you have all of heaven on your side. Keep up the good work. You have nothing to worry about. Hang in there. Wait until tomorrow, Saint Patrick’s day to find out the winning numbers… you will need your rest. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and rub the Green Dude’s head for luck. We love you!


Q5-Edwina, I love you and all the angels helping my cause. Thank you for your assistance and protection. Could you coordinate a win in the computer system for tonight’s drawing? Is there anything you can do to loose the power of darkness in this area? Warring angels in line with this win tonight? Or am I mistaken?

*** This is God’s decision and He only needs to take one glance to the computer system to arrange all things for your good. He doesn’t need any of our help; this is a no-brainer… easy thing for him to arrange. Don’t worry. He is definitely in control of all things, this is a small thing to him. He is all powerful, mar. He created all things, including that computer number generator… All praise be His when you win… good luck. Luck is on your side, miss mar. We love you!


Actions Requested:

Make fasting a weekly habit; it will get easier. It is a powerful tool against the enemy.

Know that Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother Mary, all the saints, angels and every fiber of heaven is singing for my prayer and dreams to come true.

Closing Remarks:

Thanks for the love, I feel it! Thank you everyone for praying with me and for your guidance, love, protection and patience with me. I know I have come a long way, I am sorry it took me so long to get where I am at. I hope God’s timing is not slowed down from my slow growth. Thank you for getting me where I need to be. All things are possible with God. Please help me stay on the right path and progress each day in the ways of God. I love you! Wish me luck.   😉



March 15, 2016

 Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you, Dad, for your love and the guidance of the Holy Spirit… and of course thank you so much for giving your son, my Lord Jesus Christ, over to die for my sins and the sins of all my brothers and sisters. I am so grateful for all that you do for me. Thank you for giving me a sweet visit with Jesus this afternoon in the adoration chapel. Thank you for the sacraments and rich traditions of the Catholic Church. Thank you that soon you will unite all of your churches together with an outpouring of your spirit. Thank you that you are in control and you will have your people all loving you with one voice. Thank you for music and the gift of songwriting, help me advance in learning the guitar, ukulele, and voice. Thank you that you enjoy my music even if no one else does… for I sing my songs for you. All I care about is your opinion of me. Thank you for giving me boldness and courage that I will need to go forward. Thank you that we are soon ready to take off like a spaceship into new territory… 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Lift Off!!! Let’s go, pops!


Q1-Jesus, please don’t let my dreams only remain dreams. Have I been led astray somehow and rapped myself so tightly in a vision of grandeur?

*** My dear mar, you are so dedicated to your dream. We see your efforts in straining to know our will and to follow our plans. We will not lead you astray. What we are is what we dream it to be. God puts these dreams in your heart. Don’t you want to be free? All freedom comes from God. No other way except through the Father. Fast tomorrow and pray for the win. Pray all throughout the day. It is an important day for divine intervention. It will not wait much longer. I’m yours and I’m guiding you with love, music of the moment, dance and sing… God will pour out His love. He will not make you wait much longer. So, fast and pray tomorrow. Don’t look at the winning numbers until Thursday, St. Patrick’s Day. You will have a mighty ministry of fun. The culture of Heaven is all about having fun. Get ready for a blast ahead around the bend. Sham…Rock Studios is about to be born… we won’t hesitate- it will not be much longer before we officially give you the “go-ahead” with EPP, Inc. Take your time. You will have 6 weeks to claim the jackpot with “Cash Option”. Then, you will start the business for the Father. We are lining up all things for you. Rest. Relax. Fast and Pray. We love you. We’ve “Got This”. It is a beautiful dream. Thank you for saying “yes” because your dream will help the Father reach his children… the tool of EPP, Inc. is a key starting point for our party planning.


Q2-Hey Dad, Papacito, I love you! Thank you for showing me the lightning tonight. I feel your love in the air and I am so grateful for your love. I don’t deserve it. Your Grace is enough. It makes up for all that I lack in virtue, and you will help me grow in love for others.   Tell me one more time how you are in charge and taking care of all the details… I sometimes don’t know where to start or what to do.

***Mar, who set the waters in the ocean, created the universe in perfect order, created everything in the sea and have each grain of sand as a unique piece of art when under the microscope? Your mind will not understand until you are with me and I will show you many, many, more amazing things… things that you could never imagine. Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be alright. Look at the sun and hear the birds… they will give you their song telling not to worry. All details will be worked out. Relax, mar. Go for a run tomorrow and dance around the house- tear it up! Get ready for the beginnings of our “eternal party”.   (Dad, you are the best thing ever… your love will never fail! You are the best!)


Q3– Love, my good friend, what’s going on here? Am I getting prepared for another let down… excited to win (for the millionth time) only to lose… again. No, I will continue to have hope and faith that if it is God’s will for EPP, Inc. He will invest… or send me an angel to tell me what to do and say if I should go ahead with it online. It’s all “Gooooood!” I laugh so loud at myself… that’s ok… I’m certified, so I can think crazy thoughts… it’s allowed. HA!

***My mar, you are truly tenacious! We love that about you! Keep the faith, keep hoping, keep playing, and most of all keep laughing! That will bring heaven down to earth… have fun!


Q4-Momma, dear mom in combat boots, how I loves ya! Thank you for being my travel companion through all this wild trip of dreams. Could you please thank all your angels for helping us in this spiritual battle? What should we do to thank them ourselves? What can we do to show our appreciation? What do they especially like? I want to try to give some kind of gift to them.

*** It is very good that you would like to give a gift to the angels in appreciation, mar. The only thing they want to see is for people to desire to do God’s will and to do their best in accomplishing it. That’s all they desire from you. But if you ask me what they like, here’s a little hint but don’t tell them I told you so, … they like kisses to be blown to them. That makes them happy and it brings them your love in a special way… they feel the love. Also, sing to them in tongues sometimes when you’re praying they like that, too.


Actions Requested:

Fast and PRAY for the WIN!

Go for a run, dance and tear it up tomorrow… have fun!

Send kisses to Edwina, St. Michael, and protecting angels… also sing to them

Closing Remarks:

Thank you so much for meeting me here… I don’t know what I would do without our “board meetings” my meetings of love and destination. Your guidance is amazing and your love unending. Your patience with me is commendable. Thank you for putting up with me. I don’t care where I go; as long as it is with you! Your friendship is beyond anything I could ever ask or imagine. I want to go wherever you go. I only want to be where you are… so, make way and step aside, all you demons, we’ve got places to go and plans to get to.  Amen! Xo, ~mar

March 14, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you for your amazing love and goodness. Thank you that one day (in heaven) there will be no fear, hate, jealousy, rejection, hatred, pain, sorrow or darkness! Thank you that you have amazing plans for all of us and that you will show your GLORY here on Earth in an outpouring like none other. Thank you that you will have good plans for me to help usher in your Holy Kingdom… whatever I can do… Use me, Lord! I am signing up! I want to be a part of the move of God that is coming soon to the Earth. Thank you that your presence will be known all over the planet and your love will wash over all people. Thank you again for Kat Kerr, I am learning so much from her videos. Thank you that your timeline is perfect. Help me get on board in the right season for your good plans! Your Fullness of TIME! Good times! Party Time with you, papa! The whole world is going to be your guests for this gala event of all time. You rock! Amen!

Q1-You are the Good Father of my spirit… you say my spirit is light. Could you increase this light in me for your purposes so that I can shine the light of Jesus on others in a more fully true way? I want the fire of your love in my heart. I need more of you! Fill me with boldness, Dad!

***You are precious to me; the fire of my love is in your heart. I will enkindle this fire for your benefit. Get prepared for new love power to invade your being… you will love it! Beams will shine out from your being. No evil will prevail over you…if evil gets too close, they will get burnt! Keep asking for more, as you desire more, let me know. I have many good gifts to give you. Yes, Boldness is one of the gifts, along with my everlasting love and power.


Q2-Mom, I would like to help create a region of light. A place where no crime or hate can occur… the light will rule us there. Usher out any evil and a place where the glory of God is all pervading. I would like to take back my hometown from Satan- make it a safe place for us to live and worship God. A fullness of time has come and we will be in a new age… can we start it here where I live? (Just for a starting spot?)

***I know how much you are frustrated with Lucy. Believe me, we all are tired of him and his evil meddling. It is good that you are asking for this grace. I will intercede to the Father for your request. It is a very good thing that you are asking for this. You will be a blessing to … it is going to spread across the USA with cities taking back the territory of God for His Glory and for his children!


Q3– Jesus, I would like to learn how to take authority over evil… what is the best and easiest way to do this?

*** All people will know and understand the power of my Glory. In the Kingdom Age, God’s will -will be done on earth as it is in heaven. No lack. Your words create things. Instant reactions in the Earth… so watch what you speak. Ask to only speak life and to not do damage. Bless. Don’t curse. Love. The easiest way to take authority over evil is to shine my love on all people. Turn on the light and the darkness will vanish. Learn to soak in my presence; just rest in me. I know your problems. Declare what I will do for you. Believe in me. Declare in power and authority what I say to you… this will cause it to occur. Pray in tongues; your game changer.


Q4-Love, My happy spirit who I adore, I hear you are a genius poet!!! (Kat Kerr told me) Could you help me come up with some great poems/songs?

***Yes, she is right I am quite the drama king… I love to sing and write poems and songs. Mary and I love to sing songs to each other for fun… and I give you a special anointing for this gift. I will always be with you when you write songs and if I ask you to write something down, pleeeeeease write it a.s.a.p. before your forget. Ok? Have fun with the gifts I will give you… gifts of words to help heal the world. You have the best writing team in the universe… enjoy! Don’t forget to make time for this great work.


Actions Requested:

Keep asking for boldness and the light of the Father

Keep believing and asking for a territory dedicated to God to live in this town

Make time to write poetry songs

Pray more in tongues… a game changer!


Closing Remarks:

Thank you for the advice I have been getting lately in my life. Thank you for making me free from sin and clearing out all the junk in my soul. Please give me the grace for abundant life. No more fear in me. I will not allow any fear to come back… if it tries, I will say, “I am not receiving that!” I ask for your love, light and fire into my soul right now. Father, I thank you that now my soul is whole. My soul will prosper and I will prosper and be in health… in Jesus’ name… Hallelujah! Xo, ~Mar

March 13, 2016

 Q1-Dad, do you really have waterfalls in my mansion in heaven? And is it true that the mansion rotates as I walk around my new home so that I always have a view of the falls outside? I love waterfalls, and is it true that there are works of your space art as planets in space in the shape of a blue eye, or a huge planet that looks like a butterfly? Do you really have mystery doors hanging around for us to walk through to a whole other world? Is it true there is no time and no such thing a space that is limited to only one thing at a time? It is all so marvelous!

*** yes, it is true… all that and so much more.   There are many surprises in store for my children! If I gave all the info to Kat it would blow your mind… if only to experience it, you will understand. Words cannot explain heaven. Would you like to have a tour too? (YES!!! PLEASE!) ok, Mar, one day you will be given a tour. I promise. Wait until the time is right and we will show you around. Ok?


Q2-Jesus, you are genius! I can’t believe all that you and dad have prepared for us! Did you have fun creating all the things Kat spoke about?

*** yes, we had a blast in creating all things but the cool thing is, you and all the family of God will each also create their own worlds… animals, nature, mansions, rivers, mountains, all kinds of wonderful things will be created in the future… by you and all God’s children! There are millions of worlds yet to be made and it will all be glorious, and a blast to explore. One little hint… you along with many, will get to create beautiful and amazing things on earth… before I come back and the Earth will sing for joy in the creations that are yet to be made. You will have a “float transport” made of diamonds with mother of pearl wheels… if you still want one. (Yes! How fun will that be?!!) Many, many, many incredible things are about to happen on earth. We are glad that you would like to take a part in this introduction to heaven by helping create and display some miraculous works in your world. We are excited for you to start moving in the miraculous. Pray for this for not only your life in this but also for many others to join in this fun with you! (All the eternal party-goers will be able to join in the fun!)


Q3-Love, my wonderful Holy Spirit of God, could you tell me what I need to do to start working in this miraculous new world here on earth? I want to surrender to all that you have for me to do! I can’t wait. I hunger and thirst for God. Help me do the will of God always. That is my hope and desire. I want all that God has for me to do. I want to know you more.

***To start working in the miraculous, dear mar, you only need to believe. Pray and sing in the spirit, ask God to have his way in you. He will stir inside of you many bold new creation prayers. Talk with me always. I will lead you in all things. It will be me along with your angels that will be soon giving you your first tour of heaven. So, get ready. Pray for this. It will be not only a blessing to you, but to all that hear you tell of it afterwards. You will know much from speaking with us always in your heart throughout the day. The road to paradise, the road you and many will walk on to get here, is filled with surprises along the way. Enjoy the process and take deep enjoyment of this process. It will be as if all things become brand new… a springtime of blessings in full bloom. You will love every step you take. Pray for everyone to join in with you. You will help others join you in this path to reach God and his Kingdom. Paradise is for all people… let’s pray they are all willing to say yes and rsvp to this eternal party.


Q4– Mom, I would like to see all the wonders of this new world. I want to see all the things I never thought I would see… even around this world now. Earth is amazing. One issue I deal with is I hate to fly. It’s too stressful. So, my dream is made of me being able to teleport around and see everything I’d dreamed of seeing. I’d like to do all the things I’ve never dared; to be able to go places for a short while and then be back in my own bed at night with a mind full of all the amazing things I see; things I dream of. Is this something you can help me out with and understand what I need to do to work in this type of miraculous wonder?

***I can tell you that all this and more; will be in your future. You and DB will travel the world… in a one-day tour and do this many times in your lifetime. The two of you will be pioneers of teleportation and show many how to do this also. Many parties will be crashed by you two. You will appear, take photos of your travels- post them here on this blog… videos of your travels. People will want what you have and you will teach them all how to do this themselves. Also, bi-location will be common for you and many. Heaven will break through to Earth. Love will rule. What you need to do is dream of this, pray- and believe it will happen. In time, all this and more will come to pass. Hold on to your dreams, Mar. You have them in your heart for a reason. Never give up on your dreams.


Actions Requested:

Hope and pray for it, wait. Heaven is only a thought a way.

Never give up on my dreams.

Pray for others to join along with you -to make all dreams come into reality.


Closing Remarks:   Listening to Kat Kerr has totally changed my mindset… it is so much more incredible than I was previously imagining… and this is only a glimpse into heaven. This is a game changer, Dad. Thank you for showing me this information. Help me be prepared and ready for my first tour of heaven. I can’t wait. Help me be healthy enough to go there and come back with my mind not completely blown. I know I still have to deal here in the world. Make me ready, I pray. Take many along with me in these dreams. Make them a reality. Help me grow into the person you would like me to be. I want to help you in your family business… help me help you save souls. Show me all that you want to show me and make me worthy of the promises of Christ. Please help me with technology… I’m having issues. Thank you! Amen! Xo, ~mar

March 12, 2016

Q1- Hey Dad! I hope you are having a great weekend… you are always working so hard on our behalf.   What have you been up to in your work on me and what do you have in mind for me to do?

*** Yes, I always have amazing weekends. I don’t take much time off – there is so much to do, Mar. But I can multitask!!! If you only knew how much work gets done each split second, you would drop your jaw in awe. I love helping my kids and my mission to bring them all home is a great work; for a great cause and my passion for them are beyond understanding. I am glad you and many others have taken on assignments to help out on your end. There are many loving souls assisting and you all have special homes prepared; right next to mine. The family business is available for anyone to join in. All that is needed is a heart for other people. Bringing all my kids home is great work. Watching my people come back to me is the most fun thing to experience. This is what I have in mind for you to do… help us invite people to the eternal party. We want as many to rsvp beforehand as possible. We need a good turnout, don’t we? We can’t have a party without our friends all invited and they will be so glad; no regrets! (unless they don’t want to come…) They have a lot to lose if they choose otherwise.


Q2– Mom, I am calling upon your name, Mother. I have a request for you. Could you please intercede for me? I want to do a good job for dad and I need your help. Could you see to it that the domain name/company name is reserved for me? (EPP, Inc.) Could you make sure that no other person gets it before I have a chance to register the name?

*** Trust, Mar. Let go. All your needs are going to be met before you ask or think to ask. Release it all to your savior. Do not worry. We hear your request and all things are going to be perfect. Don’t worry. You have the name… it’s just a matter of time. In a little while, you will have things lined up, set up, properly registered and your blog will be read by millions. Don’t worry. It will be fine. Get ready- your life is about to change. Miracles will be commonplace through your links to prayers/songs and many will rsvp after reading some of your posts. People will be very interested in reading your board meetings. Are you sure you want to go through with this? (yes, if it is in accordance with God’s will, I am sure.) Ok, then, buckle up… the ride is wild but your safety is assured. You will have a great time. Don’t worry what people think of you. All that matters is what God thinks, right?!!! (Right, you are so right, mom.)


Q3-Love, your most holy spirit is so beautiful. I would like to know you more! I am not sure that I am hearing you clearly much of the time. I want to be your best friend. Could you tell me what I should do for you, so I can have your company at all times. I want to hear your voice all throughout the day. I love you and never want to be ignoring you and your loving presence. I am sorry for the person I was, that it took so long for me to change. I am sure that I never want to look back, never want to ever go back to that person. I am so sorry for hurting you so many times. I love you!

***You are so precious. I am with you always, Mar.   We are growing our friendship each day and you can always count on me. I will have your best intentions at all times. You will be led by the messiah in all things. We will conduct miracles upon miracles and your songs will bless the world. You only need to think of me and I am right here… only a thought away. I carry you when you can’t stand. I love you when you’re asleep, I watch over and protect you. Letting me know that you love me… let that be enough. Rest in my love. You are very blessed by God. Let me know you hear me, let me know that you love me… that is enough.


Q4-Jesus, last but not least, I want you to know that I am holding my breath… it feels so close… do you think I may just be close to winning some kind of a jackpot?

*** haha, Mar… don’t hold your breath. You would not look good with blue skin. Your time is just around the corner. We will turn this page. It is definitely our turn. God is in control though and only the Father knows when exactly all this will happen. I’m on your team… we are all praying about this. We want all things to come together at the perfect time. You have the King of the Universe praying with you to the Father. You have the Mother of God also interceding for you. All the angels and saints are praying for you. Just hang tight. I give you all of me. Your trust in me is vital and your faith is amazing. You’re on your way to the stars. You will lead many to follow in your footsteps to eternity. Take me with you wherever you go!

Actions Requested:

Trust. Release it all to God.

No worries.

Don’t worry about what other people think of you.

Take God with me wherever I go!


Closing Remarks:

I am so lucky… if I never win a single dollar, I am still the richest person on the face of the earth. I only want to share this heart-jackpot of love- to be your daughter is all I need. You are the oxygen I breathe. I can’t open my eyes without your love… I can do nothing without you. I rely on you for everything. My trust and my hope lie in you. You are in control and I thank God for that! I would have messed up everything a long time ago if it was up to me and my plans. Your plans are perfect and you are lining up all things for our good.

Amen!  Xo, ~Mar

March 11, 2016

Eternal Party People Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: March 11 2016 10:35pm

Call To Order: Father God called the meeting to order on March 11 2016 10:35pm

Appreciation & Gratitude: Wow, thank you for this new laptop! I love it, it’s fast when I type… kewl. Thank you for this tool for the use on my up and coming blog. I still don’t know when I’ll go “live” online, but it will help me to get ready for it. Thank you for guiding me and helping me with all this. Thank you for spring – it’s finally here! I love it! Thank you for giving us weekends! I love the relaxation we get on our days off, we are blessed. Thank you for the quiet. Thank you for the peace I find in you. Thank you for a home that is free of any violence, and filled with love and friendship. Thank you for giving me faith in you, I love you!


Q1-Dad, I’ve got a “head full of dreams” and I’m starting to believe that you just might like to use my help in sharing your love. Do you want me to start EPP, Inc. with Sham…Rock Studios? Do you still think (my fav studio) would be a good location?

***Mar, you know I can’t say much about that yet… all will be revealed. Just take it one day at a time. There is a lot going on to get ready and things change daily with this battle. It’s not as easy as just snapping fingers to be where we need to be. Patience, dear Mar, patience. The wait will be worth it. Just keep preparing the blog. Be faithful in coming to the board meetings. Continue to fight the good fight. I am with you. I see all that is going on in your town… we are going to paint the town red… red with the love of Jesus. Many will come around in time, pray for the ones we lost and they will find their way home.


Q2-Mom, it is so difficult sometimes, to live with these limitations. I feel like I am easily broken. Easily disturbed with society, a misfit. A wander away from home. I wonder if I will make it. I feel alone sometimes, fragile and vulnerable.

***Mar, we see you and all that you are dealing with. You don’t need to worry. It may not look like it, but God is still on the throne. He is in complete control. Nothing will happen that he does not see. He is all seeing, all knowing, and all for you! You are a superhero in the supernatural even when you feel so weak in the natural. The mental challenges you struggle with from time to time are working in many ways; You are becoming the person God wants you to be… what was meant for your harm, God will use for your good. You will look back on your life and thank God for allowing mental illness to touch your life. I know right now you feel small and useless. Quite the contrary. You are our secret weapon… not so secret anymore. Yes, you have evil to contend with, but it is God that will fight your battles. Trust in God always. Look towards him for all your needs. You will be amazed at the miracles that are awaiting you. You feel like the world hates you, that everyone is against you. Look the other way. The only thing you can do is “live like a warrior, let yesterday burn in the fire… let go… live like you wanna”.


Q3-Love, my sweet friend, could you give me a hug and touch my heart. I feel sad that I’m going through the struggle of evil against me. It’s wearing me down some and could use some of your renewal juice. I need some supernatural love for my journey this upcoming week.

*** You got it, mar… I will give you extra special super-duper supernatural peace, love, joy, and laughter. Focus on my love. Do you feel it? Good. It will continue to grow and expand each day… you might glow a little… no worries. No one cares if you are a little lit up. Rest in my love. Close your eyes. Enjoy.


Q4-Jesus, thank you for giving me the most amazing man for my husband. I am so grateful for all that he does for me. He has been such a strong person that has saved my life so many times. He has stood by me through all the craziness I’ve put him through. He is truly a loyal and wonderful best friend anyone could ever dream of having for a lifetime of love. Thank you for choosing him for me. Thank you for helping us get through this wild trip of a life we lead.

*** “All that glitters is gold… only shooting stars break the mold.” The two of you are going to rock the world. Hold tight to your dreams. It’s going to happen. All of it… and more! Get ready for miracle music to come out of your mouth… wild and crazy cool miracles. Believe it will happen and it will. Keep your faith. (At least the size of a mustard seed!) … for you will do the miracles I did and even more, since I am gone back to heaven. I am coordinating everything. It will be even “more amazing than you could ever imagine”!!! I know you’re ready. Hang tight! Take off is fast approaching. Brace yourself and enjoy the calm before the storm. It may be a little stressful but together we will get through the next phase. Your investment funds are close to entering your realm. Your life is about to change in so many ways; hold tight to God and you will come out the other side a miraculously amazing superhero child of God… the apple of His eye. Blessed be God Forever! I love you, mar.


Actions Requested:

Pray for the lost ones

Live like a warrior

Hang on, it’s coming soon! Believe with great faith.

Closing Remarks:   Thank you again for a great meeting. I appreciate these pages. All my hopes are growing every day, this wait is only giving me time to think of what more I can do for you. I am grateful that you have helped me grow in faith, grow in patience (even though I have a long way to go still), grow in love and to let go of my need to control things/people. (I know I have a way to go, but I am making progress.) Thank you for your encouragement, love, peace, and for giving me the spirit of God in such a strong measure. I feel your love. I know you have me in the palm of your hand. That is all that matters. Don’t let go. I need you! Xo, ~Mar

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