Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Author: RSVP to the Eternal Party! Page 44 of 54

December 5, 2015

Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy, through the redeeming love of Jesus, your son; Thank you, Dad, for your plan of redemption for all your kids. Thank you for my parent’s love and for all the fun we have together. Thank you for DB! I am grateful for his love and for being my best friend! (Even though we drive each other nuts sometimes; we have a wonderful relationship.) Thank you for giving me the help of Mother Mary, for the consecration renewal of giving my heart to Mary to help me love Jesus better. To Jesus through Mary; help me be a more loving spouse of Jesus. Thank you for all your help and protection. Thank you for Sr. C; please bless her and hear her prayer intentions. Bless our time together this Tuesday. Thank you for priests and nuns, deacons, and alter boys/girls. Thank you for music in your Church, bless the people in charge of leading worship.


Q1-God, how do you decide who will go to Heaven?

Q2-Jesus, how can I help others come to know you? What can I do to help?

Q3-Holy Spirit, why don’t your reveal Jesus to everyone so we can all go to Heaven and not leave out anyone?

Q4-Mom, without you, I am lost. Help me trust you and rely more on you to help spread the love of Jesus. What can I do better to work towards my assignment a little each day?


Answer Q1That is a good questions, Mar. It’s in the bible, and I meant it when I said that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. That’s just the way it works. There may be a loophole, though… Just as many come to Jesus through Mary, there may be a loophole I have not revealed yet. Don’t worry, all my children WILL come come to me for the eternal party! I love all my kids with an unbelievable type of unheard of love and forgiveness. You don’t need to worry. It will all work out. The children of the devil will choose to go their way. They are not my children. They will go to their own father, Lucy, and eternally they will be with him- by their own choice. All who want to come to heaven will have the opportunity to choose their destiny. You don’t need to worry about this, only pray for my Kingdom Come and my Holy Will be done.

 Your assignment will be to help spread my love for them. Holy Spirit will help you and your Mother Mary will be coordinating all the work you will do for this assignment. You are blessed to be a slave of Jesus through the Holy Heart of Mary. She will take excellent care of you and the Holy Spirit will lead you in the paths you will need to walk. It’s all taken care of. I’ve got this. You can’t let me down.

 I’m God. My will shall be done. Don’t worry about a thing. Enjoy the ride! You will have a blast and you will be used for my purposes, I will help you be who I want you to be. (Your prayer for this is beneficial. Keep praying “Lord, Help me be who you want me to be.”)


Answer Q2What you can do to help others come to me is this: Be a good example, love and forgive your brothers, love your enemies. That includes loving Islamic Terrorists, and anyone you have need to forgiving.

 Second: Continue to serve others, love Jesus, Mother Mary and her Spouse, Holy Spirit, will lead you on your path. Look to the Holy Spirit in Mary for directions. Lastly, but not least: Pray more and continue the Board Meetings faithfully. We will have much to talk about in you being God’s Living Enterprise with working EPP, Inc. You will be used and your walk with God will be of benefit to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Answer Q3-I will reveal Jesus to all of God’s children in due time. A Great and Holy Revival will soon cover the earth and Jesus will become known, loved, and made King. First he will come as Mercy and at this time, many miracles and blessings will break out world-wide. Then, after those glorious days, Jesus will come with His Justice. No one will be left out, and all will come to Him as God’s Children and all return home.


Answer Q4-You will know me more and trust me more as we work together in your assignment. Talk with me all the time- I want you to know me better. I love you so much and will be with you with the Holy Spirit, we will lead your every step. Even when you don’t feel it, we are with you and guiding you. My angels are with you, also. They are protecting you with all their might. You don’t need to worry about anything hurting you and DB. You both are protected under my mantle. Enjoy yourself and be glad that God will always be with you. Rejoice in His Kingdom to come soon!!! Together, we will help Jesus in these last days. Your assignment is a big one, but you have a lot of help; more help than you could ever imagine!!! All the saints are praying to God for you also. You need not fear, but be of good cheer; your redeemer is near. Hallelujah!


Thank you for all your help, you guys! I love you and am eager to get started more fully working for your Kingdom. I ask that in God’s divine time and in God’s divine will, that I win the lottery- that or whatever may be better used to give me the time and money needed to start Trinity App, and to create joyful praises to God in a studio if He sees fit to give us. Help me learn to sing… I am so untalented in this area! Give me melodies and lyrics that are sent to me from Heaven. Help me write and sing songs of Praise! Help me to the will of God by first telling me what I need to do… Lead me, Lord. I am listening and waiting for your next steps. May my learning of heavenly wisdom gain me admittance to Your Holy Company. Use me, Lord, if it is your will. Show me what to do. I want to be in your holy company eternally, with you forever, in your light and love.


Scriptures for Tomorrow: Dec 6th:  Contemplation, Lectio Divina, enter story as if there.

6: Baruch 5:1-9

… With your mercy and justice for company- Lord I want to be in your company, basking in your love. God’s command, God’s glory leading Israel in joy!


Psalm 126:1-6

Yes, The Lord has done great things for me, I am filled with joy! You saved me and included me in your plan of salvation. You forgave my sins and made me pure. Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing! Thank you, Lord for wiping my tears away and restoring my joy! I look forward to your Kingdom of eternal Love and Laughter!


Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11

I am in partnership for the gospel. The one who began a good work in me will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus’ return. Thank you for your prayer that my love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that I may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. –Amen! I am in! Help me increase ever more in knowing your will and make me pure and blameless. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy that washes me clean- to allow me to be free of stain of sin.


Luke 3: 1-6

Thank you for including me in being a voice crying out to help Prepare the way of The Lord. Make me a worthy and willing vessel to be used for your purposes. If you want me to cry out- let me cry out with the Holy Spirit leading me. Envelop and guide me Holy Spirit, so I can be better used by God for HIs purposes. I want to cry out no matter the cost. Give me courage. Give me the right words at the right time. Give me a song to sing and give me a heart for others as Jesus loved; so help me love.



December 4, 2015

Thank you for my sweetie, DB. Thank you that we have so much fun together and a little extra spending money for the simple enjoyment of going to movies, getting a drink or dining out. Thank you for my parents; please give them good heath for many years to come. Thank you for the fog this morning; it was majestic. Thank you for the peace and joy you bestow on me. Forgive me for my greed in eating. Help me do your will in all things and help me make your temple fit for you, my King.


Q1-Jesus, I hope you are not suffering from my actions… I hope that I never cause you pain again. Forgive me for my past sinful deeds and please help me to be of service to you and a joy to you going forward. Help me to be a better person.

Q2- Mom, will you help me to not be a burden to God? I need your help to be a joy and not a pain to God. Will you give me the grace to be led by you and the Holy Spirit?

Q3- Thank you, Dad, for loving me when I am hard to love and for forgiving me my sins. How can I ever repay you?

Q4- Holy Spirit, I want you for my best friend, but I don’t usually feel you within me, or talking with you as much as I would like. Can you help change this so we can be close? I would like you to envelop me and I want to do your will always. I love you. Please come to live in me more powerfully than ever! Come to me like you came to Jesus- if possible. Thank you for abolishing my sins in the confessional. Thank you for your saving power.


Answer Q1Your sins are forgiven; they as far from you as many light years away, never to be heard of again. I will help you forgive yourself and I will forgive any sins you may make going forwards. Confess you sins, and you will be good with me. Don’t worry about your past. It is gone. There is nothing good that can be done except from learning from your mistakes. Other than that, forget and forgive yourself for them. I have forgotten and forgiven you. You pain me when you don’t forgive yourself and you remind me of them when you remember them. I know you are sorry for them and I know you wish to do better. My mother will help you and give you all the grace you need going forward. I love you, Mar. I love you more than you could ever imagine. My heart bursts for you. Don’t cry- be glad! 🙂


Answer Q2-I will give you more grace than you could contain; it will overflow from you to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your desire to consecrate yourself to Jesus through my heart will grow and grow each day. You will be closer and closer to me and in turn to Jesus- each day and we will have a lot of fun together. I will protect you always- with the warring angels. You don’t need to worry about being in danger from other people. You do need to make sure you drive carefully and don’t do anything silly like walk across the street w/o watching where you are going! Don’t test your angels, but be grateful for them. Holy Spirit will guide you more and more each day as you focus within and talk with Him and Me all throughout your day.


Answer Q3haha, Mar, you could never repay me; you are my daughter and you owe me nothing. Just love me and be good. That’s how you repay me. I am full of love for you and all my kids. My love is divine and unfathomable. Jesus came to earth because we thought our love couldn’t be contained with just us. We overspill our love -so much flows that it could never be understood by you or anyone alive on earth. There is no word for the love we have for you. You are blessed unimaginably because you said yes. Because you say yes, to it all- you are in for an amazing and beautiful next decade or two and then Jesus will be returned and you will be with me, your mom, Holy Spirit and Jesus… evil will be defeated and My Kingdom will Reign on Earth as it is in Heaven. Get excited! It’s going to be wonderful!


Answer Q4Mar, you are my beloved friend and I love you immeasurably. I am always with you and if you want me to be even closer to you what you should do is speak or sing in God’s Language; “tongues”. It is perfect prayer to God from you and with my help it will make many miracles appear. Sing out in this way and you will be overcome with peace and joy and many blessings/miracles will come fourth.


Thank you, I appreciate everything you say to me! Please help me to pray more in tongues, and to do your will. Make known to me your perfect will and empower me to do what you ask. I offer myself to you as a living enterprise for your purposes. Do with me what you will; whatever you like, whatever you want- I want!





Tomorrow’s scriptures Dec 5th . Contemplate the scriptures. What difference does it make for my life, my family, for society if I hear the message?


Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26

While from behind, a voice shall sound in your ears: “This is the way; walk in it,” when you would turn to the left or to the right. Lord, I have experienced this at times, but I long to hear you at all times. I want to always hear your will so I can dutifully respond and do your will as you see perfectly fit.


Psalm 147:1-6

Blessed are those who wait for The Lord… I must surely be blessed because I am always waiting on your word, your next move for our work, I wait and I wait… I try to be patient! Lol! You are gracious and it is fitting to always praise you. You bind up all of my wounds. Great you are and mighty in power! Your wisdom has no limit. I trust in you with everything. Help me trust you more.


Mathew 9:35-10:1,5a, 6-8

As Jesus sent out the 12 disciples, so you send me! The Kingdom of Heaven in a hand. I want to you to use me to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost I receive. Without cost I am to give. Thank you, Lord, that you call me to take a part in becoming and being your disciple. Help me have faith of a mustard seed so I can do your mighty works for your children. Holy Spirit, give me the right words to pray and the faith needed to complete my assignment. Give me courage, faith, and love which Jesus has for his brothers and sisters- give me the Heart of Jesus through Mary. Enkindle my heart with the fire of your love, Holy Spirit!

Love you!


December 2, 2015

Thank you for family and friends on my birthday, they shower love over me and bless me. Thank you for my home, all the purple comfy blankets, miracle red couch (you know, you know!) thank you for music, God! Thank you for medicine that works, and for my doctors that help me with dealing and managing mental illness. Thank you for using me my unique brain for your good will; I pray you can use me more in the upcoming years. Thank you for all the blessings you shower on me always. You out-do yourself every day with new and exciting surprises!!! Thank you for family.


Q1– Jesus, how does heaven celebrate your birthday?

Q2– Dad, since it’s my birthday, would you tell me something that I should know that would make me laugh and smile to hear?

Q3-Holy Spirit, will you guide me more completely today so I can feel your presence on my birthday in a special way?

Q4- Mom, I don’t want to leave you out of this wonderful board meeting, could you ask Jesus for me if it is our turn yet? I am ready to move on to the next chapter if it is ok with Jesus. It’s a go for Illinois? (Major Tom-William Shatner) Rodger, Go for Illinois… T minus one minute… just a slight pressure… The computer has the evidence… the count down starts!!! 4,3,2,1— Calling Home.


Answer Q1We celebrate it everyday but when all of Earth celebrates it, we join in the festivities with all sorts of amazing lights of unheard of or ever seen on earth colors, music that is the most incredible and beautiful praise for my special day. We celebrate it also on December 25th even though it’s not my actual birth date. We have cakes for everyone, flavors you would not believe! We dance in heaven and create new worlds for fun. There is no time in heaven, so it is all eternal and difficult to explain, but my birthday is truly an event we celebrate in heaven and we love to share it with everyone on earth that wants to join in the fun. Actually, in heaven we party all the time. It’s joyous!!!


Answer Q2-Hello? Dad? — I’m thinking, Give me a minute, Mar. Ok, here goes: I can’t tell you the surprise that’s coming. I will tell you that it’s going to be grand. How’s that? A surprise is coming; I just can’t tell you what it is. You will love it.


Answer Q3-Yes, take time with me this morning to focus on your forehead and meditate the name Jesus, I love you… you will feel me filling you up with my love.


Answer Q4Haha, Mar, you are so funny and loveable. I will ask Jesus for you, and we shall soon see what happens. God is the author of time, just know that everything happens in his time, his divine and perfect time. Let go and Let God surprise you when he wants to. We hear your prayers. Since you asked for my help and want me to ask Jesus if it is time, I will not only ask him if it is time, I will put your prayers as an offering to Him; I will arrange them all beautifully on a golden platter with flowers and a nice Italian dinner of His favorite lasagna with garlic bread and a salad. We will discuss it over dinner. I will intercede for you and DB. Jesus especially listens to the prayers I offer up in this loving way. Keep hoping. It will come soon. I think it is your “turn” 🙂


Prayers: Thank you for all your love. Help me be the person you want me to be. Equip me with everything I need for the assignment… help me be successful in my mission. Show me I am not crazy in all this thinking. Help me believe that this is real and not an imagination gone wild. Please help M find a job that suits her best. Bless my family and friends. Bless the world with your peace and joy. Help me eat from 0-5 and lose weight as I grow in my relationship with you, God. Bless H at TW, and all the participants in the study this month. Help everyone that needs to lose weight. It’s such a frustrating thing to deal with. Help me have a great advent and learn much from the “Busy Person’s Retreat”.

Tomorrow’s readings: Dec 3rd Meditation Prayer: read slowly, savor the words, absorb them, repeat word or phrase, reread passage lovingly as I would a letter from a dear friend, or as I would softly sing a chorus of a song.


Isaiah 26:1-6

Open up the gates to let in a nation that is just, one that keeps faith. A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace, in peace, for its trust in you. This sounds crazy even to me, but I hear my Father telling me that His Kingdom will come. It will come to C and to the United States as we trust in God and repent. One Day, Heaven will come as we trust in The Lord. On that day, we will sing this song: “A strong city we have; He sets up walls and ramparts to protect us… open up the gates… I see an incredible vision of my parent’s home as the doorway to this heavenly place. There is a Ska checkered drive with people dancing in the cornfields waiting to go in. Yes, I have quite an imagination, but God is good. Heaven will come! I trust in The Lord forever. For The Lord is an eternal Rock.


Psalm 118, 1, 8-9,19-21,25-27a

Open to me the gates of justice; I will enter them and give thanks to The Lord. This gate is the Lord’s, the just shall enter it. I will give thanks.

I pray that all people can enter and give thanks to The Lord. I want all people to come to the eternal party. I will give thanks! I will always give thanks. Always. Use me, Lord. Your will is eternal and just. You love all your kids and want all to come to your home in heaven to be with you forever and enjoy heavenly eternal bliss.


Mathew 7:21,24-27

Build your house on the rock, not shifting sand. Not everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven… Lord, help me do your will, I want to build my house on the rock, the rock of your salvation. I would like all people to want to do your will so that all can enter into your presence and enjoy your eternal party! Help me do your will always! Give me all that I need for your purposes.


1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23

… I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me. What then is my reward? In preaching the gospel, I may offer it free of charge, and so not make full use of my rights as a preacher of the gospel. Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible…To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.

My thoughts as I meditate on the above, gives me conviction to speak the words that Jesus gives me to speak through the Holy Spirit. To be brave, courageous, and bold. Do not fear offending others with the gospel. The people that hate me because of it also hate Jesus. Do not worry. Be free to speak your mind on the gospel. Much good will come of it. I belong to no one but God. He is my master and father and friend. Good things will come because I will sing out and praise my Father without abandon. Help me do your will, Dad!


Mark 16:15-20

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. … then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and The Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

I feel God calling me to a great ministry for a revival like none other. I am so unequipped, by God and only with Him is any of this possible. I am going to need a lot of help, Holy Spirit, if this is true! I need you!!! Don’t let me down, God… Don’t let me ruin this… it’s all on you. I am just a willing vessel. Make me into who you can use. I say yes. I ask for your Holy Spirit to be within me and guide me. Help me have courage to do this. I would like to preach the gospel to all creation, in my own little way. Give me a song and a prayer for this. (Many songs and many prayers, with much love and laughter for your glory.)



December 1, 2015

Thank you that DB has my birthday afternoon off work so we can enjoy the day together. Thank you for all my clients and for helping me help them grow their businesses. Thank you that you are calling me to work for you in your new living enterprise with EPP, Inc. Thank you for giving me a vision and hope that it will one day come true. Thank you for friends and for the tool of Facebook to keep in touch. Thank you for new friends coming my way. Thank you for old and dear friends that have stood the test of time. Thank you that you are giving M a new job that she will enjoy and excel in. Thank you for always hearing my prayers and never forgetting your promises. Thank you that you forgive me of all my mistakes, sins and for the things I should have done, but chose not to. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for sanity and sound mind filled with love for you and your lost children.


Q1- Dad, you say in your good book that I should ask, knock, seek… I don’t want to bore you with another plea for EPP investments (lotto jackpot win) so, I won’t ask you today, I will only ask that your will be done in my life. I ask for patience and a happy heart in expectation for all that you have in store for me and also for the world. Come Lord Jesus, Come! I ask you, Daddy, for acceptance and patience for your will to be done in my life as you choose. You always have the best plans in store for us, better than I could imagine. Thank you.

Q2- Mom, Will you help me learn to go to God when I want to eat and am not hungry (at a zero on the hunger scale) because this program I’m starting with Thin Within is teaching me to go to God for all things, especially for renewing of my mind and help in losing weight. Will you help me remember to go to Jesus before I eat when not hungry. Help to be faithful to the study this December, to do the readings and use the app. I need you to really have the Holy Spirit help guide me in this area of my life so I can get into the habit of looking to God for all my needs; to God for help in only eating when I’m hungry and stopping at comfortably full. (a 5 on the scale)

Q3- Holy Spirit, will you please remind me to look towards you, asking for your help in all things? Help in hearing God’s will for my life, to help me do His will… I want to make his temple, my body, a healthy and beautiful place for your spirit to dwell. Please help me. Please remind me of my resolve to eat on the scale 0-5 and also give me the grace to look to Holy Trinity for help in this area especially.


Answer Q1-You don’t bore me, I love it when you ask for things in order to help spread my love to my children. I love that you want to help save souls. I love that you said your “yes” for my will in your life to be done. Mar, you have been tenacious in playing the lottery since 2008, it won’t be overlooked. Your heart is in the right place. Just wait patiently in hope; you will win one day. We can’t say when, but you should know that I am pleased with you. My will -will be done, it always is done in my children that look towards me for their hope and offer themselves to me in service. You won’t be disappointed. 🙂


Answer Q2I will help you renew your mind. I will remind you to always look towards God as you do all things. You will become one with God and with me if you keep on this path of board meetings, scripture readings, prayers and your class, you will have all that you need and be where you need to be. We have you in the palm of our hands. You are on the right track; don’t give up. Diets don’t work, give your eating over to God and He will melt away the excess and give you the peace you desire over food. It is not trivial. We want to help you. We will help you as long as you ask us to. We love you no matter what you eat or don’t eat. We only want you to be happy and at peace with food and your body. You will soon be at your goal weight if you look towards us. I will coordinate everything for you with Jesus in the front fighting your battles. God Bless your journey, Mar.



Answer Q3My spouse, Mary, is going to coordinate everything and keep you on the right track. My spirit is everywhere around you and in you. Only ask me, and I will help you. Look towards me to find the what, when, and how – I won’t disappoint you. My yoke is light. You will flourish in this way of eating. You will melt away and it will be a joy. I will take you through all the spiritual battles in this area, and together, we will be victorious over Lucy’s tricks. He will be defeated first in this area and then the other battles you face will be so easily won, this is the time and place for great training. You are victorious; step into your new life with joy.


Prayers: Thank you for your help, you guys are awesome! I love being on your side, fighting with you all. Of course, this is the winning side, so I have you to thank for including me in your plans. Thank you that you are all helping me with love and the tools I need for this journey. Thank you for the TW App, and especially for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Thank you for H for leading this study; bless her abundantly for doing this, Lord. Help me grow in faith, love, patience, and to always look towards you for help in all things; especially food decisions. You kingdom come, you will be done!!!


Scriptures for tomorrow: Dec 2, 2015

Prayer of “Pondering” Hold a question in love for God and let God know we are willing to stand in love, hold the question and surrender and to listen to God to answer:

Isaiah 25:6-10a

On that day… It will be said, “Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is The Lord for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!

In listening to God in his word, I pondered if we are “in that day”… I believe God answered me that yes, indeed we are fast approaching that time and that He will be able to use me, the internet, trinity app, music and many miracles to help people realize that HE is HERE TO SAVE! I am so glad to be a small part of what God has in mind for these end times. I offer my all to Him, for His purposes. Thank you, God that you say you will save us and I stand on this promise and offer myself for this time for anything you choose for my life. I want to help make a difference. I want to help share your love and good news. Jesus Lives! Jesus Saves! Hallelujah!!! 


Psalm 23:1-6

You guide me in right paths, yes- you do! I shall not want. You refresh my soul, only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of The Lord for years to come. In eternity, I will be with you, Jesus. Thank you for your guidance always keeping me on the right path. I definitely shall not want. You are so good to me! I love you, thank you for your promises. You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. AMEN! Thank you, Lord. I receive it, I believe it, and I give you all praise, honor, and Glory! Forevermore. Amen!


 Mathew 15:29-37

Many miracles will break out in these end times, Mar. You will be used for my purposes and many will come to our banquet and eternal party because of your efforts. Many other people are going to be used during this time also. All Glory will go to the Father- ALL Honor and Praise to God the Father. In His mercy, all good things come. Food will multiply and all sorts of Healings and creative miracles, rich blessings will be released. My kingdom will come and you (and others) will help usher it into the world. The masses will be amazed when they see all these things take place. It will be a glorious time of intense revival like never before seen. Thank you, Mar for helping with this mission and assignment for your life. God bless you.


Thank you, GOD! I receive it all with deep gratitude and humility. Use me as you wish. You can have complete control in my life. Envelop me, Holy Spirit. Mom, please orchestrate my life for His Purposes.




November 30, 2015

Thank you for time to enjoy you and be with you. Thank you that I don’t have to rush this December. Thank you for your provision in all necessary things and even for blessing me far beyond my needs. Thank you that I am able to share with people less fortunate. Thank you for giving me a heart for the poor, help me love them more each day. Thank you for my sponsor children, please bless them with your love, laughter, peace and prosperity. Thank you for my good friend, M; help her find her next job that she will enjoy and be glad to have found. Thank you for DB; for blessing our marriage and friendship with your love and protection. Thank you that we always have a lot of fun when we are together. Thank you for Mom and Dad. They are great parents who always do their best and give of themselves in so many ways for our family.


Q1-Jesus, what is your favorite thing about your birthday?

Q2-Dad, what is your favorite thing about Jesus’ birthday?

Q3-Holy Spirit- what is your favorite thing about Jesus’ birthday?

Q4-Mom, what is your favorite thing about Jesus’ birthday?


Answer Q1-Besides everyone remembering me, my favorite thing is the music… I love music and the Christmas Songs are my favorite time for receiving worship in song. Please play Christmas songs in your home this year… especially play it for DB. He will enjoy it, too. I love hearing you sing to me… thank you for your loving worship.


Answer Q2- I love seeing all my children happy, pure and loving each other. Christmas is a time especially fun for children. I love the children and adults with child-like spirits. My kingdom is for the pure in heart; like little children before they are hardened to my love. Christmas is supposed to be fun; I look for the people that are joyous… it makes me smile a big God-Sized grin. 🙂


Answer Q3- I like to be able to touch and reach out to people that are sad during the holidays. When I am able to be used for such a purpose, it brings me great joy. I love when people reach out to others in need. I am with them in spirit when good deeds are done and Christmas time is especially busy with outreach efforts. I am right there in the middle and loving every minute of it. I am able to reach more hearts for the Father during this time also. I love everything about Jesus’ birth… it’s a joyous time for me!


Answer Q4- My favorite thing about it is being with the infant Jesus and celebrating his birth with all my children on Earth. My baby, Jesus, my love, my heart… I love everything about Christmas. I love the celebration of the birth of my savior, my king, my everything and I love sharing this joyous time with the earth. May his love and peace spread across the earth this season for the salvation of all my kids.


Prayers: Thank you for sharing with me your thoughts of Christmas. I love it and am excited for the whole season; help me stay stable and at peaceful rest this month in the love of Jesus every day growing closer to the Holy Trinity. Thank you for being with me and for these Board Meetings. I start Thin Within program online today. Please be with me and renew my heart. Give me peace with food and to only eat when hungry (zero-5 eating). Help me go through the book and use the tools for success in losing weight finally and forever. Help me look to you for help and guidance.

Retreat for Busy People this Advent:

Tomorrow’s readings: Tues, Dec. 1 .  Ask: What was I thinking about? What was I feeling? What was Jesus trying to say to me through the images and words of this passage?

Isaiah 11:1-10 .  I was thinking that Jesus is first coming with his mercy before His Just Judgements. I was thinking how good it is to be redeemed and saved from His Judgement. I felt Jesus was telling me by the images of the wolf living with the lamb, leopard and goat, calf and lion… with a little child leading them… that this will happen in my lifetime. The child leading them is Jesus and all the people that make themselves little like Jesus. I felt Jesus telling me that I will be one of the little children leading others to heaven along with the angels. The earth will receive their king. Jesus Christ is born, hallelujah!


Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,1 .  I was thinking about asking Jesus if he could use a tool such as the Trinity App I have in mind… could he bless all the nations through this tool? May His name endure forever, as long as the sun and even longer! Save the children of the needy; may he crush the oppressor… Change in management, Lord- Come soon! Rule from sea to sea to ends of the earth… may the kings bring tribute to him. God, I feel you may be able to use hard workers to share your love with others. Please bring many to help work your vineyard. Send me to help gather your people all in one voice acclaiming your Kingship! Blessed be God Forever! (That’s what I was thinking about and felt God’s approval in my desires.)


Luke 10:21-24  I was thinking how blessed I am to have shown me the son and through Jesus, the Father. I am so glad to be his daughter. I am glad to hear your word and to believe the truth. I am blessed to alive at this time. Jesus was speaking to me that He loves me and has shown himself to me because he wants me to know I am not alone. He will help me always and is always with me.


Thank you for this time together. I love you, Trinity- you are amazing! I love you Mom, thanks for your help in my life and for your love. Envelop me, Holy Spirit, mother please orchestrate my life. Use me, Lord. I love you!



November 29,2015

Thank you for Advent and the time to prepare for Christ’s Birth, His glorious arrival on that Holy Night. Thank you for angels and their protection. Thank you for giving me Jesus’ mother as my own mom in heaven that is helping me with all things and protects me with her angels watching over me. Thank you for Christian Christmas Music; it’s wonderful and a way to really worship Jesus in my home this month. Thank you for working heater, washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher- they make work so much easier. Thank you for clothes and shoes that are well made and always spare in the closet; many people in Africa and other places in the world only have one or maybe two pairs of pants (according to the priest tonight who came to St. M for his mission in Uganda.) I don’t want to go clothes shopping, I have plenty of clothes. God bless the people in need of clothes, shoes, food, shelter, and even a mattress to sleep on. Thank you for all you have given me, I need no other material goods; I want to be a blessing to many others. Help me find ways to give to people in need.

If I win the lottery, you will need to direct me to where to spend the money you’ve blessed me with so others can receive from your gift. Lord, thank you for giving me the idea of Trinity App. Thank you for your miracles that will come through this tool you will be able to use. Use me, Lord. Thank you for saying that you can use my services. I am your living enterprise, Lord; I thank you so much for this honor. Thank you for blessing me with many ideas where I can help spread your love with hurting people around the world. Thank you for helping me be who you want me to be. Thank you for helping me grow in love for your service. Help me not be self -focused, but love others and serving others to share your love with others.


Q1-Mom, when you gave your yes to God, to be the mother of Jesus, how excited were you that night? What did you think when you had to escape to Egypt right after giving birth?

Q2-Jesus, when did you first know that you were Christ, the messiah? Also, when did you first know that you were going to be crucified for the redemption of the world?

Q3-Holy Spirit, Will you promise me that when I am finally possessed by your spirit, that you will protect me from any evil spirit having any power over me physically? Will you completely equip and empower me and so I will have no fear of any evil entering me?

Q4- Dad, just not to leave you out of the Q&A- Can you tell me something I’d like to know. Could you give me a hint about any possible Lottery winnings? 🙂


Answer Q1I was thrilled but also scared. I was young and very trusting in God’s will for my life. When the angel came to me, I was honored and blessed by him coming to me with that news. When the Holy Spirit entered me, I knew that God would do amazing things with my baby; I knew he would be the savior! When we had to go to Egypt after Jesus was born, Joseph was such a good protector and father to Jesus, we made it the best we could. Enjoying Jesus and each other on the way there, though it was a long trip, I knew everything would be fine; that God had a good plan for us all.


Answer Q2I always knew from as far back as I can remember, but it became more and more real the older I got. I grew into it. I grew in my relationship with the Father, knowing his will at all times. I first knew I was going to be crucified the first time I saw a crucifixion of criminals. I was about 13. I then knew it would be for the forgiveness of sin. I said yes. I gave my yes many times in my life. I had many tests by the devil. The Holy Spirit helped me through it all. Father gave me a lot of help. My mother helped me grow into my mission. I was not alone. She will help you with yours, too. We are all with you, helping you. You are not alone.


Answer Q3- Mar, you have nothing to worry about. I will protect you and no evil will enter you. You are well taken care of. We would not let the devil hurt you in any way like that. You will have a lot of fun with me when we are finally completely and fully one spirit. God in you as the fullest instrument of the Holy Spirit will have many surprises in store for you. You cannot imagine the things you will do with my spirit inside you fully. Smile, your future awaits! You will be safe and you will have a blast! Pray for this to happen, your prayers will hasten the time when this will occur. Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you. You won’t regret it!


Answer Q4- Hahahahaha, no.


It’s a surprise, Mar– can’t say anything else. Relax, enjoy, and we’ll soon see.


Prayers: Thank you for talking with me! I pray for your spirit to possess me, through Mary’s orchestration. Dad, use me for your purposes, I pray, you find me helpful in saving souls for your Kingdom. Help me help your kids that need your love and your help in these dark times. Thank you, Dad for being so tight secretive, I love a good surprise. I will relax and I will enjoy! Thank you that I am not alone in this assignment. Thank you for stability. Thank you for Zyprexa and Dr. W and P. I see P on Tuesday; help me have a good appointment. Thank you for Christmas!!! I love advent and getting ready for Christmas!


Busy Person’s Retreat: Notice God Noticing you: What is God’s attitude and /or feeling about? What am I feeling? What am I trying to do? What do I want? What am I like? How does God see me at this moment? How is God Looking at me? How close is God right now? Is God for you God as Father, as Jesus, as spirit, as mystery, as indwelling Spirit?

Romans 10:9-18

I read as Jesus speaking telling me that people can not preach unless sent… how beautiful are your feet, Mar, you will bring the good news to many people. Miracles through Trinity App and EPP music. You will certainly help many people around the world come home to the Father. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved; Mar, you will help them call out to me. Many will be saved. It will be a great revival. You have many people in the world that will help you with this assignment.


Psalm 19:8-11

I feel as if this Psalm is God the Father speaking to me. The judgments of The Lord are true, and all of them are just. He is speaking about the need of repentance. The washing of all our sins so that Christ’s Mercy will save us. His justice will come after His mercy. First Mercy, then unfortunately, He is just. People can’t forget that God is Just. People need to know that they really do need Jesus’ forgiveness.


Mathew 4:18-22

God is looking at me with a smile. He is close to me. I see Jesus reaching out his hand to me, stepping towards me with a huge grin. He is telling me that we will do this together. I am not alone. Jesus is hugging me, laughing, we are excited for the journey ahead. He reassures me that He won’t leave me. The Holy Spirit will lead me. Many miracles and saved souls as the result. He will use me for this honor. I am glad and thankful. I want to do everything that He has in mind, whatever it is. May all Glory and Honor be to God. I bring my offering to you, my life. Use me as you see fit. I love you!




November 28, 2015

Thank you that everyone had safe travels this Thanksgiving. Thank you for family. Thank you for an organized home, thank you for giving me the time and energy to work on it. Thank you for good friends and family that put with me and love me for who I am. Thank you that your love is unending and merciful. Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and struggles to be more like Jesus. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for long life for me and my family and for all that you so generously give us. Thank you that we prosper in so many ways: Health, peace, joy, happiness, love and for giving us everything we need when we need it and bestow your blessings on us so abundantly.


Q1- How would you like me to work the “Busy Person’s Retreat” this Advent? There are many suggestions in the booklet. Sr. C asked me to read and meditate on each scripture readings for every day this advent then to journal my thoughts on each. Will you help me and work with me on this project? Could you help me make it a habit to keep after Christmas? Will you help me find a good time each day to do this? Would you help me wake earlier and do this every morning. I could get up at 5:30am, get shower/dressed, spend an hour with you before 7am mass. I would get home around 7:45 in time to say good bye to DB and then work in the morning. Could you help me get to sleep earlier so I can work this plan?

Q2-Dad, have I let you down or disappointed you? What do you want me to change or do better – and in what areas?

Q3-Mother Mary, you seem far from me. Will you help me in these last days of Renewal of my Consecration to Jesus through you- help me to make a good consecration? Will you please help me, in my every thought and movement so I can be the person Jesus would like me to become? I want to be who God wants me to be, but I need your help to do this. I can’t do this on my own.


Answer Q1-Each day I would like you to read the scriptures using one technique in the booklets. Use the same technique for all the readings each day then try a different technique of meditation of scriptures on the next day. You can put your notes on the Board Meeting agenda after the Q&A then end with prayers. This way, all your notes will be in one location, making it easier to manage. Email your Board Meeting Notes to yourself ad put it into the binder you have started working with. We will have a great time discussing the scriptures. You will enjoy it, I promise.


Answer Q2-You are exactly where I want you to be. You have not disappointed me. What I would like you to do better is to read and study/meditate on the scriptures. Your daily mini retreat booklet will help you immensely. Sister C will be a wonderful guide on this amazing journey you are about to go on. The only other thing I would like you to do is to slow down. If you get up earlier, you will have enough time for everything. Priority #1 is the board meeting/daily scripture meditation and your work with Blessed Mother Mary. She will guide you in all things that you will be doing for the Kingdom. Through your Mother, we will make great strides with you in your assignment. She is key to this work so don’t diminish her importance. Jesus listens to his Mother, as in the water to wine, he will listen to her requests for your assistance and all of us will work on this together. Yes, we will slay the dragon and humiliate Lucy by your meekness, littleness, and all will know that it is God Almighty who makes all things possible. In yourself you can do nothing, but with me, Anything is possible and all is by the power of Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior.


Answer Q3-Just a little bit longer… December 8th will be here soon, and then you will be more and more assisted by me and the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Your father is very happy that you are doing this renewal of your consecration. It is in accordance with His will for you. We know your heart wants to be who God wants you to be. I will help you with this. Spend time with me as you go about your day, include me along with the Holy Trinity. You will make great progress – especially after Dec. 8th. Your Advent retreat will help us all communicate with you much better. Journaling in this new way on the scriptures will open up new doors to God’s will and desires for your work. It is vital that we all keep communicating with each other to navigate these new waters.

 You will win the lottery soon, but you must continue in this work of Board Meeting/Scripture meditations daily or we will be in a bad position in your mission. You must come to us to know the will of God for your life. You must listen closely and reread your notes so as to keep on the path. I will help you in every way. You don’t need to worry, only do your best each day. Enjoy the ride! All of heaven is excited for you! Excited for this great preparation for Christ’s Return! You are blessed to be a part of this work. We love you for saying “Yes” to God. Father is very pleased with you. Don’t doubt His love for you. His heart is bursting with love for you, Mar.


Thank you, you guys, I really appreciate your words, your help, and your insights. Next up, I will be reading the scriptures for the day, and then today I will use the first method of prays which is suggested from the workbook which says:




“Reflection Questions” What do you See,hear, smell, taste, feel and touch? Do I hear any questions in my heart? How do I experience Grace within Myself? How do I experience God’s Indwelling Spirit within me?


Readings: 3 Jeremiah 33:14-16

I feel awe and excitement for his return. The grace I’ve received in forgiveness helps me feel secure. I experience God’s indwelling Spirit within me by peace that surpasses all understanding. I feel grateful for his mercy and love. A question I hear in my heart is this: I don’t understand what is meant by


“In those days Judah shall be safe and Jerusalem shall dwell secure; this is what they shall call “her”: “The Lord our justice.”


Why is this in female reference and not “Him”? What does this scripture mean?




Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14

I didn’t see, hear, smell, taste or feel anything. I did hear the question in my heart, am I always on the right path? Am I humble enough to be taught his way? I feel gratitude that I have Friendship with The Lord, and am instructed according to His good will for me. I agree that The Lord has strengthened my heart in readying me for the Coming of my Lord Jesus. This is wonderful grace given to me by Jesus through Mary.



1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2

I feel glad to be forgiven for my sins and to ready and strengthen my heart to be blameless in holiness before God and Father at the coming of my Lord Jesus with all his holy ones. Thank God for his unfathomable Divine Mercy! I feel His indwelling spirit in me through prayers of tongues, words, thoughts, and by being in His presence.


Luke 21:25-28m 34-36

I see Jesus talking to the disciples with love and a desire to calm us down, us here in this end times. He was speaking to me and others alive at this time. I feel happy that I will be able to escape the tribulations by being vigilant and prayers to give us the strength we need to stand before the Son of Man – only by the blood he shed, am I able to stand before Him. It makes me want to go to reconciliation more often! The question I have in my heart when reading this scripture is this: “Dad, will you help me guide others to safety in the heart of Jesus? Will you help me do your will in helping save souls? I want all of your children to be able to escape the tribulation and go to meet you in Heaven. Help me usher in your Holy Kingdom, Lord.”



Thank you, Holy Trinity. This time in scripture was very helpful in getting ready for tomorrow’s mass to begin this advent season. Help me do this faithfully each day. Give me the hour needed each day to fulfill this assignment. I love talking with you over the scriptures. Thank you for helping me with everything. I love you!




November 27, 2015

Thank you dear God, for helping me get through Thanksgiving without overeating or saying the wrong things to my family. Thank you for giving me a wonderful family, even if holidays are stressful. Family dynamics are complicated, but you saw me through. I am thankful that it is over, to be honest, because I feel so inadequate when we all get together. Help me in difficult moments, give me the right words to say. Thank you that you always are with me and love me even when I am not as loving as I would like to be. Thank you for your forgiveness and mercy. I am thankful that you see my heart and know that I mean no hard feelings. I only am not socially adept. Thank you for showing me what to do yesterday and for being with me, even though I didn’t pray. I am sorry I didn’t pray yesterday for your assistance. I know I would have dealt better with family if I would have. Thank you for your love. I can’t thank you enough for your Unfathomable Divine Mercy.


Q1-What could I have done better yesterday? I feel an anxious feeling in the air whenever we all get together.

Q2-What would you like me to do today and tomorrow while DB is gone? I would like to do something special either for you or him. Any ideas?

Q3-Mother Mary, I do not know how my mom can prepare for amazing holidays cooking like she does and making it all so fancy. I’m glad I helped out, but I’m ashamed to say, I would rather have a relaxing informal holiday- in order to get away from such a stressful time. I’m unfortunately, dreading Christmas because of the expectation, family interactive stressors, and busyness. I just want to relax in the love of Christ and celebrate your son’s birthday in peace. I know I’m being ungrateful and rude in thinking this, but I’m being honest here. I am so sorry. What can you tell me that will help me out with this? I know I would miss it if we didn’t all get together. One day we won’t have each other anymore, and I will miss everyone! . That makes me sad to think about. What should I do?


Answer Q1- You did your best. You deal with your family the best that you can. You have a lot of stress when you get together. I know. You don’t need to explain it all to me, I know everything that is happening. I see everything and understand your heart. You have insight and can feel what other people are thinking. Unfortunately, a lot of your insights are a little bit of paranoia stitched into your thinking. The tension was thick in the air, but you handled it just fine. Don’t worry what other people are thinking. It’s none of your business and you don’t need to concern yourself. Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will want the best for you or understand you- even your family at times. You really helped your mom out, and she was very grateful. They understand you have issues; they just don’t know what to say or how to deal with you and your issues. Unfortunately, they make it more difficult for you at holidays. I know holidays are hard for you. We will help you get through Christmas. Don’t worry about it. Enjoy your time with DB this advent. Celebrate Christmas this year with additional time devoted to him. We will get you through this. Just do your best and help your mom.


Answer Q2-Get through all the projects on your to do list. That will make you feel you accomplished much while he was gone and you will relax yourself by keeping busy and getting stuff done. Tomorrow when he comes home, enjoy yourselves Saturday Night and Sunday. Enjoy your time with him by trying not to tell him what to do. Make his time blessed by trying to be more loving and kind this advent. Focus on him and his needs more this Christmas. Try not to stress him out.


Answer Q3Enjoy yourself! Enjoy time with your parents and relax more around your family. Try not to worry about what they are thinking. Focus on DB this Christmas and also help your mom again. She really, really appreciates it. You will have informal holidays later in your life, when you are in charge of them, but for now you really need to be more appreciative, more helpful and maybe have a drink to relax a bit! 🙂 hahahaha… Don’t you know that all you are feeling is normal?!!

 All families have issues like you have. Don’t worry. Just try to not take it so seriously. Laugh more, and enjoy yourself. Take shifts to help out your mom so you can enjoy your dad; spending a few minutes with him and also UM. Don’t work too hard… but help your mom when she needs help. A fine balance… 🙂

I will be with you and you will have a glorious Advent and nothing will ruin Christmas if you don’t let it bother you. Relax, I said it again. Relax.


Prayers: Thank you for all your help. I feel better now. I thought I disappointed you yesterday. I thought maybe I said something, or did something, or didn’t do something – I felt badly about yesterday. I left after dishes were done and felt like leaving was rude. I don’t thinks so, You really helped me out with what you just told me. I am sorry I am not appreciative enough. I am sorry I don’t like the way mom wants to celebrate so fancy. I’m sorry I am so sensitive. Help me not think this way anymore. Help me relax at holidays. Thank you so much for knowing my heart and for telling me you were not disappointed. That’s all that matters; your approval and love. Thank you that you are merciful and understand everything like no one else does. Love you!!!




November 26, 2015

Thank you so much for all the gifts you give us. Thank you for family, friends, for my sponsor Children, for a loving husband, for health, prosperity, joy for life, good times with great people. Thank you for safe travels, a beautiful day today, good food, thank you for always hearing me and for making me laugh. Thank you for your unfathomable goodness and divine Mercy through your son, Jesus. Thanks, Dad, for finding a way to get all your children back. Thank you that you are in charge, not me. Thank you for leading me in the right direction and for having your way in my life. You have good plans for me, and I am so glad to be a part of your plans. Help me to follow your lead and to wait on your word.



Q1-Will you help me to control myself today at Mom’s house with all the incredible food today, Thanksgiving. Help me to lose weight, It’s such a source of frustration to me. I try and try but get nowhere. I forget each resolve. I go for the unhealthy foods, but want to eat your nutritious fruits and vegetables. Help me one day at a time, right? Is this an important agenda you have for me to do?



Q2-When I fall and try to get up again, will you give me the strength to continue in your will? I need your help in this life. Doing your will should be clear to me, but I doubt myself when I try to find your will. I’m so unworthy for your amazing blessings. Help me be more loving and grateful. Help me start again: Today and every day. Thank you for a new day. To show my appreciation to you, please help me do daily works of mercy: Word, Deed and prayer- for another person. OK?



Q3-If I don’t win the lottery, will I still be able to work your plan? Is there something I’m missing here? Should I keep playing in 2016? We are going on the 8th year of lottery games – thinking it’s your will that I win… always hoping and believing I will win. Thinking that I am doing your will in playing. Knowing it sounds crazy, thinking you want me to play and to continue playing. Should I stop if I don’t win by 2016? One more month of playing… I’m considering that maybe this isn’t your will. What do you want me to do?



Answer Q1I want you to be healthy. You are healthy. Your lab tests show fantastic health. You don’t need to worry so much about this. Try to stay away from the rich foods today and enjoy the healthiest choices. Don’t beat yourself up. Do your best. You will lose the weight in 2016. We will work on this together. Don’t worry so much. Have a fasting day 2x per week. This will help.



Answer Q2– I always give you the strength you need. I will help you start again each day as new opportunities open up before you. I will make my way clear to you. You won’t get lost on your path – it will be clear. You are growing each day for my glory. I will help you do works of mercy each day. I will prompt you to what I would like you to do. Help your mom today!



Answer Q3- Don’t worry about it, don’t try to figure it all out. I got this! I am in control. You will be where you need to be and you will have all that you need when you need it. You are my living enterprise, and God cannot fail!!! Keep playing 😉

Have fun. 😉



Prayers: Thank you, Lord for your goodness. Thank you for making me laugh in church today, your word was hilarious. You made me shed a tear in joy that you spoke to me. I love that you talk to me! I know I seem to others (if I tell them) That you crack me up so bad, I for sure am experiencing mental illness symptoms… I know better. I know you like to make me laugh. You are the most awesome Father! I love you! Thank you so much for all you do for me. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you for priests, bless them all with your love and peace. Thank you for family. Help me appreciate them always especially today. Help us not be stressed out. Help me be a blessing to others, especially my mom. She works so hard at Holidays, making amazing food for us and creating special celebrations. She is amazing! Help my UM get through this life with peace and joy, long life. Help him deal with the alzheimer symptoms with your help and love all around him. Bless my sponsor children with love, joy, peace, and all their needs to be met. Love them in a special way, sharing laughter in each of their days.




November 25, 2015

Thank you for giving me so many options to grow spiritually, help me be faithful in completing all that you have given me to do. Thank you for giving me time to do it all. Thank you for family and time spent with them over the holidays. Thank you for safe travels for us all. Thank you for a beautiful day today, the sky is so blue, sun is shining and I have all day to spend with you. Thank you that you see my heart and know that I am trying my best. Thank you for blessing me in so many ways.


Q1- I feel rushed around with all the projects I am currently working on: Marian Consecration, Advent Retreat for busy people, Spiritual Direction meetings, Consoling the heart of Jesus workbook, Magnificat daily scriptures, Praying the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Novena for Divine Mercy, then the mass/blessing for consecration on Dec 8th, then the Induction to Divine Mercy Group on Dec 13th, … what else? Oh, Catholic Daughters of America meets soon also. I think I’m missing something. oh, yes: Board Meetings Daily. Have I become unbalanced? I think maybe. What would you like me to maybe put off until January? Help, my head is swimming a bit.

Q2-Mom, will you promise to help me get to where you want me to be? Will you guide me, so that I will be more loving and peaceful? I can’t wait for December 8th- I need you to order my life for Jesus.

Q3-Holy Trinity, you know I am doing my best, how can I do better? I feel like my best isn’t good enough. I am impatient, rude to my parents sometimes, I don’t feel like you are in charge of my actions but rather, it’s me ruling. I don’t want to rule. I want you to have your way with me. I can’t change myself without your help. I am asking. I am begging, won’t you please change me to a person I can be proud of. Make me a loving Christian that is filled with your Divine Holy Spirit. Make me smaller, and you greater… in me.


Answer to Q1Send Catholic Daughters an email apologizing for not being able to come to the meetings but would like to help out with their charities this winter. Find out who to make the check out to. Mail it in. Also the Consoling the Heart of Jesus workbook needs to be done in January instead of Christmas. Your gift to Jesus for his Birthday, instead, will be the Retreat for Busy People for Advent. You will enjoy that and grow spiritually. You will find a wonderful practice for the rest of your life. Scripture studies daily with the many different ways to go about it will be a treasure for you that you won’t want to give up. It’s not too much to do the rest. I will help you. Just do your best.


Answer to Q2- I will be in your life in a definite presence for you, but you need to rededicate yourself daily by talking with me. Growing with me leading you. I am excited also for Dec. 8th. You are making wonderful progress to understand how this all works. I will help you; you will be more loving and peaceful. All of heaven is excited for you. You will find much rest in my heart and Jesus loves all that your are doing in preparation for Dec 8th. Don’t worry. Just do your best. I will line up all things for you and your journey.


Answer to Q3- Mar, we are all helping you and always have been with you. You are finally becoming aware of the need for a relationship with Blessed Mother. She will help you do better. She will give you the grace to be patient, loving, charitable, and a person you will be more proud of- a person that shines like the sun in love of God. We will fill you more each day with the spirit of love. You will become less, and we will be greater in you. Don’t worry. Don’t try to hurry and force anything. Go with the flow and enjoy the ride. We love you, Mar. Don’t stress about anything, but instead trust God’s will and way for your life. You will be where you need to be. Really, you need to breathe in God and breathe out your stress, impatience and false self.


Prayers: Thank you for your help and guidance. Thank you for helping me with my schedule for December. I think it will be good to put off Consoling Heart Jesus to January. Also, thank you for reminding me to mail in my check to Catholic Daughters of America; that is the least I can do for my group. Thanks mom, for being the key person that is in charge of changing me to look more like Jesus. Help me grow quickly in God’s love for others. Help me remember to do a Word, Deed, or Prayer each day. Please bless Sr. C with her needs, her healing, her intentions and our time together this advent. Please give my Dad and Mom, DB and me, long life- prosperity, help us all do your will.

Please remember my request is still out there for an investor for EPP, Inc. A lottery jackpot or maybe something better that you have in mind… Help me complete my mission and assignment. Show me what to do each day. Please bless all the people that I wanted to pray for, who I cannot think of with my memory impaired. Here are a few I remember: for BN’s quick recovery, TD and her family, for J’s leg to be healed, for M’s health and happiness, for Mom’s intentions, for C’s job situation, For G’s new job, for S’s recovery and health, for all the people on the St.M Prayer request list, for all priests and seminarians- especially in our diocese. For safe travels over the holidays for my family, friends, and our church members. For my work to be successful. For my clients to sell their products. For my dad’s clients and the clients to come quickly. For my dad’s health – strengthen his heart, clear out excess cholesterol and fat from his blood, give him nourishment that his cells need, renew and regenerate all his organs, and help him lose weight supernaturally and completely. For all these, and for the intentions of Pope Francis. For anyone I am forgetting. For all the lost souls, the souls in purgatory that you all come to the light and glory of Heaven. Also, to the saints- please pray for me.



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