Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Category: EPP Board Meetings Page 19 of 48

August 28, 2016

Q1- Dad, I love you so much, and I’m ready for the party to start…how about you? Can we let the Holy Spirit Free to do miracles to music? Would you be ready, by chance, to invest in EPP, Inc? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Lol. What do I need to do differently to get to where we want me to be?

*** Things are lining up according to schedule. You are not late in my book, maybe to other people’s thinking, but you are right on time to me. “Better Later Than Never” is not appropriate title for you… it should be… watch out, here I come, make way to party! LOL… it’s going to be amazing, Mar. You are not lacking in anything, you are where you need to be at all times. You have all that you need to get where you will need to be. Keep pressing on. Oh, and it was awesome how you heard me direct you to the book on Jews and Israel at the library today. You are learning to hear my voice, but you hesitate to believe it is me. You were not following my directions at first, but you found your way. Kudos. Try to listen more intently and jump when I say jump… ask how high? Lol.   You are becoming a great soldier… follow my lead. You will go far.


Q2- Mom, I love you. Help me get to where I need to be. Please give me the grace to pass my tests, love for others, and patience in longsuffering. Offer it all up to the father for lost souls. Help me help you save souls. Mother, help me be worthy of the promises of Christ.

***I offer your pain and sorrows up for lost souls… you have saved many through the years. Things will get better, don’t worry. You will have the grace you need for all things; for your tests and to love others more Christ like. You are much more patient and have grown in restraining anger. The one thing I would like you to focus on is patience. You still rush around too much. It is keeping you from being your best. Slow down. Breathe. Smile and love. Oh, and LAUGH! That drives the enemy crazy! lol


Q3- Jesus, I love you! Thank you for watching over DB and for blessing our marriage. Thank you that even when the world looks black to my eyes, you remind me that you love me… and then all things reveal themselves as learning steps to get me where I need to be. The darkness is about to see your amazing bright light shine through your family on earth. Let the light shine, and the darkness turns brightly like the sun. Praise you, Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior… where would I be without you?

*** I love you, too, Mar. You make me smile and you also are a lot of fun to laugh with. Your smile lights up the world. You’re going to be thrilled at the results of your saying ‘yes” to God. I know right now, it looks kind of dark and gloomy; that is because Lucy is feeling fear and anger. He can’t imagine how strong you are… he is very frustrated. It’s awesome to watch him realize what is about to happen. So, right now, he is trying any tricks he possibly can get away with. He made you paranoid of parasites last week. You can be assured it was a trick of your mind he played on you… you are healthy and free on anything like that… it is not happening. Rest and know that you are well. It was all a trick to make you think that you had them. You were so strong through the entire ordeal. He has been terrorizing you (and many others) for so long, it will be great to finally put this last blow to finish him off. Thank you for your brave and courageous attitude, strength and perseverance. It will all pay off. Just hang in there. Father sees all that you have been going through… yes, all of it. And He will take all that was meant for your harm, and make it all work in your favor multiplied by 100. You will shine like none other, and your love will wrap the world in music, miracles, laughter and the love of Jesus will spread across all humanity. (it is not grandiose, Mar… just say… “I receive it!”)   {Yes, Lord!   I RECEIVE IT!} good. Now let’s get this party started… it is so soon, your investment funds are on their way. Nothing will stop it. God’s got this. You are in the palm of his hand and he is so very proud of you. We love you. xo


Q4- Love, Holy Spirit, equip and empower me to do the work God has called me to do. I need your help… you see, I have no talent and don’t know how to sing or play any instrument very well. Would you help me? Could you take over my entire self and make me your instrument of peace? I love you, I really need your help. I can do nothing without you.

*** yes, I will not only work through you, but I will work through technology in miraculous ways. Recordings will be like none other… the quality and special effects will be on target… perfect and suited for each song. All things will be arranged beautifully and you have nothing to worry about. Your studio will be the best in the world. You will have amazing collaborators and your engineer will be the best in the world. You will play any instrument you touch as if you had played if from childhood with practices every day an hour each day! I will animate your hands, your vocal cords, your mouth and you will dance in new and crazy fun hilarious adorable and imitated dance moves. Your videos will be played around the world… so you should work on fitness and only eat when you are hungry/growl so we can take off the extra 50 pounds… mmmmmkay? Lol, I love you. I will help you every step of the way. You will be soon receiving the investment money. Remember, you are our living enterprise, and God can NOT fail! You are in good hands… (not getting paid to say that from Allstate… J they are a good company, though.) I love you, Mar. Hang tight. You’ll get there soon!

 Actions Requested:

Listen more for God’s lead and Heed His requests, obey and I will go far!

Slow down, and Laugh more… that drives the enemy crazy!

Investment funds are on their way. Soon. Hang tight.

Work out 5x a week/eat when growl hunger.

Love will animate my hands, vocal chords, mouth… I will be his instrument of peace.

I will dance like no other, people will imitate it, it will be fantastic.


Closing Comments & Petitions: I am so glad we talked today. You always cheer me up. I don’t know why I let myself get discouraged. I seem to forget how amazing this life is… that you have such great plans for my life. Help me always remember that anything that gets me down has no power, that you will use me in your process of bringing heaven to earth. I am to help prepare a way… like John the Baptist… a voice calling in the wilderness! There is no reason to be sad or blue! My future looks so great… I gotta wear shades! I am stoked! I can’t wait to start the process and the next chapter. Let the new day begin!!! I love you guys! Amen! Xo ~Mar


August 27, 2016

Q1- Father God, do you have any suggestions for how I could improve my life… what areas should I be focusing on? Physically: diet & exercise, spiritually: Bible study or small groups, mentally: Managing the illness I deal with by slowing down or taking time to be quiet and “rest my mind”, quiet time with you, or any other areas?

*** You are doing great. What I would like you to focus on is balance. You are doing a great job of that! There are many things you have done in the last 10 years. You have accomplished a lot! You have lost about 140 pounds and kept it off! Your diet is super healthy now, low fat whole food plant based vegan… need I say more? You work and you “play” in a balanced manner. You are taking good care of yourself and DB; you manage the home. You have been making music, praying every day, resting in my love. You have been faithful to board meetings most days. You are exercising again. The only thing I would suggest is that to get the last 50 pounds off, that you focus on getting up earlier and exercising Monday through Friday… 5 days a week. Get it in before work, it will be a great way to start your day off to a great start. The other thing is slow down. Smile. You will get to where you need to be. No hurry. Better late than never… take good care of yourself. I will help you lose the weight you want to get off. Look for my signal to you to eat… the growl. You can’t go wrong if you wait for a growl. The weight will fall off if you do that. It is a new habit I would like to teach you.


Q2- Mom, would you please give me the grace I need to accomplish all that God has instore for me? Would you help me wait for a growl and eat within the boundaries of hunger and fullness?

*** You are making a change now. You will be able to wait. Only ask for God’s help when you are tempted to eat when you are not hungry. I will give you the help you are looking for. I will prompt you to go to God for your assistance in each instance. It will get easier.   The more you choose to follow God’s lead, the easier it will get. His is a new habit you are forming. I know you forget… I will remind you.   You can do this! Keep busy, and get your mind off of what to eat next. You have come such a long way. Write some poetry or short stories, or work on your book when you want to eat, that will get your mind off of food and you will accomplish so much!


Q3- Jesus, I really needed your help yesterday and you came through! Thank you for your help.

*** You are very welcome. Sometimes you just need to take a break. You have been working so hard. A little downtime with a good laugh is all you needed. Glad I could help, but you really took control of the situation and showed the enemy what you are made of. You are tough and a mighty warrior. He tried to knock you down, and you really put an end to his plans. You know that the attacks are not able to hurt you, only terrorize. You weren’t taking the bait. Good on you! Keep the good faith, love and laughter going… we love you!


Q4-Love, Holy Spirit, thank you for your guidance. Help me look for it more often!

*** Yes, I can do that for you. Listen for the hints I am giving. Sometime, it is very slight and sometimes I am obvious, but you have given me permission to do what I need to do to get through to you. I will interrupt you when needed, and my guidance will shine through. When you asked for my help and requested that I get your attention when needed, I wrote it down. I will make good of your request. I will not leave you alone to your own efforts. I am with you. I will always be with you. Think of me as your “main man” who’s got your back. I will equip and empower you at all times. You can count on me. It is going to be amazing! We have so much in store for you! Just never give up hope. It looks a little dark outside, but the light is beginning to stream in!

 Actions Requested:

Start a new habit… wait on God’s signal to eat and I will lose the last 50!

Wait on the growl… keep busy by work and writing.

Mother Mary will give me the grace I need to start this new habit.

Keep the good faith, love and laughter going!

Love the Holy Spirit, is my “Main Man” who’s got my back!

Never give up hope.

August 24, 2016

Q1-Dad, please be with me tomorrow. I will need all your help at 9am. Please have your will be done in this issue. Bring me back to total good health. What should I do? Any advice/

*** Just relax. It is not a big deal. You will be fine, only trust in God. I have all things under control. You are brave and a strong soldier. I am so glad that you are taking care of this on your end. It will all be sorted out within a week or two.  


Q2-Jesus, please help me! Heal me, Lord. I know you can and I believe you want me healed. Why is this allowed? What have I done?

***You have done nothing wrong. This is just another test. Keep the faith. Stay strong. Get-er-done. You can do this. You will be healthier in the end after all this. Hang tight. Remember to offer it all up. I am sorry you have to go through this. It is a blow to the enemy. You’re doing great.


Q3-Love, please help me learn what to do when attacked. What should I be doing?

*** Just offer it up. Pray for your healing in Jesus’ name. Speak health over yourself with the word of God. I am with you. You will be fine. Trust in Jesus, pray for healing in His name. Follow doctor’s orders, too.


Q4– Mother, Please offer every tear and frustration up to the foot of the cross to be offered to the Father for the redemption of lost souls.

*** I always do that for you. You are in good and loving arms of your Father. He won’t allow anything to happen to you that you can’t handle. You will be fine. Get lots of sleep tonight.

 Actions Requested:

Trust in God. All things work out for my good.

Get lots of sleep.

Offer it all up to God for the salvation of lost souls.

 Closing Comments & Petitions:  Thank you for calming words and your support. I love you. Please watch over me and keep me in the palm of your hand. Amen! Xo ~Mar

August 23, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude. Thank you, Father God, for my wonderful hubby, great parents, our health, our jobs, our comfy air conditioned home, our clear water, for friends, technology, your word and your promises. Thank you that you are in control. I am very blessed to know you and I can’t believe how great it is to be called your daughter. Thank you for your understanding, love, unfathomable divine mercy and your goodness. You are awesome, God! I love you.

 Q1- Dad, what is a tip you have for me when I need to do some spiritual battles? I need strategy. Help me know what to do.

*** Cry out anytime you need help… “help me, Jesus.” Is all you need to say. Also to prepare yourself for battle, time spent with me will fortify you. Read the bible, and ask Mother Mary to assign warring angels to protect you. Listen to YouTube videos by Kat Kerr and see what she does in battle… you can tweak it for your own style, but the main idea is to command the warring angels ahead of you to clear a path for you.


Q2-Mom, would you pray with me… intercede for me to the Father… please pray that I get to turn the page and start a new day with a jackpot win tonight? I would truly love to get started on EPP and need the help of God.

*** I am talking with the Father right now. Hang on and keep hope, faith, and trust. All things are unfolding as they should up until now. Right? So, know that it will all be done according to His Divine Timing in perfect order. Don’t worry, but pray with faith that could move mountains. You have done well. Just a little while longer. God has you in the palm of His hand. “Soon” is the word I hear. Hang on, just a little while longer


Q3-Love, Holy Spirit, please guide me this week when I work, help me set appointments. When I write, help me write beautiful words with a beautiful message. When I record, please help me know what to play. When I sing, help me find flowing melodies. When I talk to people, help me be kind and loving. When I clean or pick up, help me do it with love and not frustration. When I run errands, help me think of you… always throughout the day doing my normal routine. When I need the right words, give them to me. Be with me always. Guide me always. Empower me always to do my assignment. Equip me to be one voice for the Almighty. Have your way in my life. I give it over to you.

*** I will. I love you and I will not let you down. I am with you always. I will bless your efforts. Thank you for laying down your life. I will use your life for the benefit of many.


Q4-Jesus, thank you for your amazing beautiful self! Help me remember to always praise your name. You are all deserving of our love. AND It is I who am underserving your love. You are so good to me. I am nowhere close to the blessing of knowing you. Jesus, help me be deserving of your promises. Help me know what to do and say to help win over souls to your heart. Help me help you save souls.

***I will. You will have all the help you need when you need it. I will always be with you, guiding you, loving and protecting you. You are my beloved. And I am yours. <3

 Actions Requested/words to remember:

Whenever I need help, say out loud “Help me, Jesus”.

Pray with a faith that could move mountains.


God will use my life for the benefit of many.

I will always have he help I need when I need it.

August 22, 2016

Q1- Jesus, I tried to get up early this morning… I really did try…it didn’t work. What do I need to do to get my sleep schedule moved up from 7 or 8 to 5 or 6? Eventually I’d like to get up at 5am most days and get a workout in.

*** Try to sleep when you hit the pillow. Pray for the ability to fall asleep. Think of God and let that be your last thought of the day. Try getting to bed around 9 instead of 10 or 11. You are getting plenty of sleep, you only need to scoot it up a few hours. You can do this. Bootcamp starts next Monday, so you’ll have to get used to it! I will help you. Tomorrow, try to go for a walk/run before 7am. You won’t have time to exercise tomorrow night since you have plans with your pops… he will enjoy the birthday dinner. Give him a big hug!


Q2- Love, thank you for helping me get the songs together. Could you help my voice and give me some killer melodies? Also, lyrics would be great if you have any of those hanging around…

***Haha, ok sure, I can help with that. DB loved your anniversary love note in sound. I think it turned out good, we had fun with it, didn’t we? Try to make a song every other week… at least one new song. It takes about 7 or 8 hours total. I will help you. Try it and see how I can help you. My spirit is within you. All things are possible with God… so, Have fun discovering what you are capable of doing musically. You may even want to try instruments that you haven’t tried before. Try your harmonica this month…


Q3- Momma, I love you! Could you give me the grace to be more loving, patient and kind to DB all the time… especially when I am tired and unable to do this on my own strength.

*** yes, I am with you and I will help you. Make sure you are well rested and nap if needed. A short 20 minute nap will refresh you and help you behave… lol, you aren’t so bad… remember just a few years ago? Yes, you have come a long way. I will help you and have much grace to bestow onto you.


Q4- Father God, I love you so much! Could you tell me again that you have some kind of wonderful plans in store for us? I’d like to hear it again. What can I do to help? Send me! Send Me!!!

***lol, you endlessly crack me up, Mar. If I told you the mystery of Christ’s return, it wouldn’t be a mystery. But I will tell you one thing, Mar… it is a process. Don’t think this will be a one-time thing. It will take many years to get everything in place. Your job is to get the word out/invitations out- about the Eternal Party and that our Kingdom will come soon! People need to get ready. Your music (and special guests) will help spread the word, spread the love, and spread the miracles, signs and wonders for the world. It will be awesome! You will be equipped, empowered and enabled to do this mighty assignment. Thank you for saying “yes”! I am so excited to start the fun part of this process. Up until now, your life has had many challenges and you have dealt with them, grown stronger and your faith has increased to an amount needed for this new opportunity… the new day is just around the corner.

 Actions Requested:

Pray for the ability to fall asleep quickly. Let my last thought be of God before I sleep.

Record 1 song every other week. Love will help me. With God, all things are possible.

Try harmonica this month.

Take 20 minute naps when sleepy… it will help me be kind.

The new day is just around the corner. This process is long and the worst part is over.

Closing Comments & Petitions: Thank you for hearing my prayers and for answering them, too! Thank you for the healing that my dad is receiving! Thank you for being with me through all this. Thank you for an awesome husband! Thank you for the beautiful flowers that we got for our anniversary. Thank you so much for the many wonderful plans you have for us. Help me be who you want me to be… empower me to do it all! Equip me for the battle… journey… and the FUN!   Amen! Xo ~Mar

August 21, 2016

Q1- Father God, would you please tell me something you want me to know tonight.

*** I am very glad that you are spending time with your parents. I am proud of your efforts to grow. I am happy that you are making music again and that they are prayers in song. I will bless your efforts. I am still in control; even when it doesn’t seem like it. I will see my plans to fruition and we will be victorious in sharing the love of God to all mankind through signs and wonders; many through your works of art. You are eccentric and unique; you are endearing and I will use you as one of my instruments of peace. Thank you for saying “yes” and for your dedication. I am sorry if it seems like I have been “stringing you along” in the investment process (winning the lottery). I know it sounds odd, but I like to do things in ways that people don’t expect. I am also odd, and eccentric! Lol. I love you, Mar… you are doing a great job! I love you.


Q2– Jesus, what can I do for you this week?

*** Just keep doing what you are doing. You are doing great managing your time, working out, running your business, keeping the house, getting to church and adoration. Maybe the one thing that would be great is if you could start a writing session early in the morning. The Artist’s Way is a great place to start. This week, start week one projects and start the “Morning Pages”. Start getting to bed by 10 and up at 5 to start your days. I know we’ve tried this before, but try it again and you will find that you love this time with God. Your creativity will blossom and your writings will be read by many. I will be with you always, but this time together will be treasured by you and also by me.


Q3-Love, could you help me at work this week? I would like to get a lot of appointments… some for each of my clients spread out abundantly. In Jesus, Name, I ask this of you. Amen. What should I do differently to get good results?

*** Think of God and work with God’s presence at all times. When you bring your attention towards us, we are more able to assist you in the spirit. Work without hurry. Rushing around is almost like violence… we detest it. Impatience brings many negative things into your surroundings. Patience and slowing down is key. You will find that you may make less calls, but they will be more high quality conversations that will be more condusive to setting appointments. Take your time. Smile. Don’t worry about anything, but trust in God for your success. Start earlier in the day so that we can have more free time in the late afternoons. This is our time… Time with God, it is so beneficial. Guard your time with us and don’t waste it on meaningless things. You will be blessed beyond measure.


Q4- Mother, would you please help me and give me the grace I need to become the person God would like me to become? I know I need to grow in many areas. What should I focus on at this time of my life?

***Getting to sleep earlier. This is key for you… we need to start our days earlier so that we can get all things handled and taken care of that needs attention. Exercising first thing in the morning is going to get you many good results, not only physically but also mentally and your time management will prosper, too.

 Actions Requested:

God is happy with me.

Slow down at work. Bring my attention towards God; He can assist me in my work.

Exercise first thing in the morning and get the morning pages written.

 Closing Comments & Petitions:

Thank you , God, for this time and for your suggestions, comments, and guidance. Please bless my sponsor children and bring them peace, joy and prosperity. Please heal my dad’s leg, Ray’s health and all the people on my prayer lists… please have victor in all those situations. Thank you for music and for saying you can use me in some way musically. Please give me the talent I will need to fulfill my assignment. Holy Spirit, please equip and empower me to be all that you call me to be. Help me do my job, give me clear marching orders and show me the way to go… I will follow! I love you! Amen! X0~Mar

August 20, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you, God, for our marriage of 22 years today! Thank you for blessing our marriage. Thank you so much for our health, love, faith, hope, tenacity, your love and unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for family! Thank you for the food we eat, the jobs we have, the home we have, clothes we wear, the fact that we live in safe community full of wonderful and talented people, the University and all that that does to enrich our lives, air conditioning, the lake behind our home, sunsets, technology, garageband, music and my musical instruments, clean water in abundance, your will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven, and thank you, God, that you haven’t given up on us. Thank you for your love!

 Q1- Dad, thank you for a great weekend so far. You make all things new. I love you. Could you tell me about your plans for my life? I want to hear it again… tell me more?

*** You will soon know that all these thoughts are true for you. I will make all things new. You are my soldier-daughter and I will equip and empower you to complete your assignment. I will invest in your dreams… why wouldn’t I? I am the one that has put these dreams in your heart- ever since you were a little girl. Don’t you remember the lottery win when you were 5? Well, I still want you to share some of it with your sister… same as way back when. Only this time, it will help change many lives. You will always have what you need to accomplish our plans. Thank you for saying “yes”. It will be fun, it will be wild, and it will be difficult at times. But, in all things do it with joy. You are my heart. I love you.


Q2-Jesus, I love you! Do you have any suggestions of what I could do for my dad’s birthday?

*** Make him a song, card, and get him a gift card and a book. He really likes your songs. Write a poem and recite it to music. He will love that.

Q3- Love, would you help me organize my life and time management? I have been very lazy these last couple of days. I am ready to kick it back into high gear. It was a nice and much needed break from my over packed schedule. What would you like me to prioritize into my schedule? (Besides of course, the Board Meetings!)

*** Read time management book, I will show you what I most want to show you here. You will have much more available time soon. So soon, Mar! Enjoy the ride. You will have funds for starting EPP and you will be able to close your current Business. It is finally time. Ok? {YES, please!!! I receive it! Amen!}


Q4– Momma, How I loves ya! What would you suggest I do while I am in limbo? I am waiting to win and start the next chapter! What should I do to prepare? I know I want to make songs… and lots of them. What else should I work on?

*** manage the illness, sleep, plenty of rest, time with God in quiet, make songs, enjoy life. It is so good, isn’t it? {YES!}


Closing Comments & Petitions:   Father, I know that Jesus defeated the death and the devil. It is finished. However, we here on earth, we are still fighting for the expressed victory of Heaven on Earth. Help me do my part in joining with Christ to defeat the last of the devil’s destruction. Help me help you save souls, and help me share your love with the world. Help me complete my assignment and fight the good fight. I really want to help your Kingdom Come and express this victory for all humankind. I need your help, and I await my marching orders. Amen! Xo ~Mar

August 19, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you, God, that even though I have no idea how I will be able to create music that is of any “quality”, I trust that you will see that all is done according to your will. Thank you for the trust I feel and that what you call me to do, you will see that it is done. Thank you that you promised to make up for my lack of talent. Thank you that you have given me a good sense of humor. Thank you that I can laugh at myself and that you give me the thick skin to handle ridicule, sneers, and hatred aimed at me. Thank you that you will allow me to offer up persecution and any difficulties for the redemption of lost souls. Thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for the amazing faith you have given to me. Thank you that you will keep increasing my faith and that you have all things under control and working for my good. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy, love and support.


Q1- Dad, I am so glad you are in control. I keep telling myself this. Somehow, it is not with complete trust and I fear that I will let you down. You see, Lord, I cannot sing. I just saw Florence Foster movie, and she could sing better than me… lol! I kept thinking that if I were to sing for a group of people, that they would also laugh. I believe you have good plans in store and that somehow you can use a weak instrument like me as your instrument of peace. Help me find my way in this dilemma. At least I can laugh at myself. I don’t take myself too seriously.

*** I hear you. You should be assured that I have all things under control. You will be my perfect instrument of peace especially because you are a “weak” instrument. That way, everyone will know that it is God who is behind the music, behind the miracles and wonders. Your voice will move people to tears of joy… because I will be with you. I will use you to reach my children. I will be able to show people how much I love them in a personal way and my spirit will cover the whole world. My love will reach all mankind. Your songs will be one avenue that I will use in these times of my love. Don’t worry how, when or if… I have all things under control. The time is soon approaching. It’s a “Go for Illinois”… 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, blast off… blast off… lol. Just a slight pressure… you’ll be fine. Trust, Mar. Trust. I am trust worthy. I love you. Hang tight. It’s going to be a wild ride.


Q2- Love, I am relying on you for all things. Help me hear you more throughout the day. I do hear you a couple of times a day, but I want more of you. I desire to be in communion with you at all times, at least to be conscious of your presence. What should I do to achieve this goal?

*** Grace. Mar, you need to pray for this grace. It is a gift, but you can make room for it by focusing on my presence throughout the day. Try once every hour to ask me a question. Get into this habit and soon we will be conversing constantly – in connection with whatever is going on. I can help you get through each day with more guidance and support. I would like to make you laugh more, too. You are in such good hands, if you knew how loved you are, you would be floored. Run your race, don’t give up, love, and laugh. Don’t take things so seriously. You will be fine. Know that your prayers are heard and you will grow in this area through effort and grace. Keep praying for more of a connection with God. You are growing in this area, keep up the good work.


Q3- Jesus, I want to sing about you and your love, would you give me ideas for songs? I would like to also be inspired musically. Could you give me chords, melodies, hooks, beats, whatever I need… lyrics… could you guide me when I am recording so that the music lines up quickly and effortlessly. Help me have fun and not worry about it.

*** Yes, can you tell I have been working with you on the songs you have recorded so far? I will guide you, inspire you, help you know what to write. Once you have your recording studio and privacy to practice out loud… you will grow quickly in musical abilities. My Holy Spirit will work in you. You will not worry once Love is working in you more fully. You will be amazed at what you are capable of doing- with Love as your guide. Holy Spirit can’t wait for the release and to see his power released more fully. I promise you, you will not regret for saying “yes”. You may get laughed at in the beginning, but shortly after, you will be amazed at the response you get from people that have seen my powerful healing touch their lives. Your/our music will be like never before heard. There are many surprises in store for you. I would love to tell you all about it, but you will just have to let it unfold. You are very blessed by God. You have been chosen to send out the invitations… it is a fun job to have! Make sure everyone is asked to RSVP to the Eternal Party!!!


Q4-Mom, I have social issues. I get uncomfortable and don’t know what to talk about and say the wrong thing… all the time. I must seem very rude sometimes. I don’t mean to… I just feel a little intimidated around most people. What normally happens, is I say something stupid, or I don’t know what to say, and sometimes, I just turn and walk away abruptly. I have no social graces. I am shy in an odd manner. I know many people think I’m not very nice… I get misunderstood all the time, so it seems. I have a good heart and try to be polite but it many times comes out wrong.

***My advice… don’t worry about it. Speak what is in your heart. If it is not nice, don’t say anything. Try to slow down. When you are tired, you are most at risk for the above scenario. So, try not to go out when you are tired or if you do go out, come home when you start to get tired. It takes a lot of energy to be around other people and converse. Mistakes happen in those instances. Right? So, be rested. Next, pray about what to say. Ask Love, Holy Spirit, to help you and to give you the right words. Mostly though, don’t worry about it. When people know you, they will find out that you have a beautiful heart. You worry so much about this, it makes things more difficult. Slow down. Take it easy. Say what is in your heart. You’ll be fine. You are a lovely person. Try to do more works of mercy to help others, and you will see that it gets easier -the kinder you are to people.

 Actions Requested:

Time is quickly approaching… God is trust worthy. Have faith. Hang on!

Make sure everyone is invited to RSVP to the Eternal Party!

Don’t worry so much.

Do more Works of Mercy.

Be Kind, always. Don’t speak anything negative about others.

August 18, 2016

Q1- Who really cares about all the fluff on the screen? It goes in one ear and then within a few days, forgotten. TMI. Too Much Information. What would you like me to focus on? Is all this time spent in front of the screen yelling at the television a waste? What do you think, Dad?

*** Haha, that’s funny because I’ve been yelling at your tv right along with you all these years! It’s criminal what is going on in the world. So much political personal gain from money changing hands, favors for money, secret deals and all the lies that go along with it. It is time for someone to flip the whole lot of them upside down and shake them to their senses. It is good to stay informed, but try not to get sucked into too many hours of your life in a waste. You will never get those hours back and we don’t have much time to kill. I have better plans for your life than hollering at the tv all night. Lol. If you want to watch tv, try to at least get as much time equalized from news to something funny or educational. Yes, please limit your news watching. When you do watch, please infuse that time with prayers for each and every situation you see. Let the news be your prayer prompt. Pray for them on the spot, while you are watching the stories. There is so much pain and hurt in the world. Your prayers may not seem like much, but they could make a huge difference in people’s lives. It will bless you in return. I promise.


Q2- Mother, would you please bless DB with good health and give me the grace to be a better wife. Pray for our marriage. Pray for me to not be worried about him being “evil” or that he will put a “hex” on me or injure my health somehow… all this paranoia is killing me. I am so sad when I have to tell him not to touch my arm or whatever prompts the paranoia. It is so hard and I ask that you please bless DB for putting up with me and my issues. Please bless our marriage!

*** I am always at work with you and DB. I have your marriage “front and center” on my mind in prayer for you. Everything will be ok. It will all work out. This too, shall pass. I will watch over you and protect you, guide you in loving him and help you find ways to love him like no one ever could. You will see a change soon. Hang in there! Help is on its way. You are safe with him and you are very much loved by him.   You are very blessed. Your marriage is so strong. You two have been through so much together. It will get easier very soon. We love you and are with you always.


Q3-Love, Holy Spirit, I need you more now than ever. I don’t know what to do with myself. I am in limbo of some sort and I feel like I could be doing so much more. I have been so tired this week. I slept 18 hours straight 2 nights ago and got tons of sleep last night… I am so drained and weary. I feel like I can’t go on. I feel like there is so much to do and I don’t know where to start. I just want to rest. So, I took this afternoon off and I am hoping to be back to my energetic self tomorrow. Could you help me with this energy problem?

*** Mar… oh Mar… you needed that rest! You have an extreme weekend ahead and you will need your energy for that or I should say that your brain needed the rest. It is advance planning of your sanity and the strength of your management of the reality of a wild weekend ahead. That is all I can say. Only know that tomorrow is Friday and we have much in store for you very soon! Wink, wink. Get your sleep, it is key to the process working. Just fit in whatever you can when you feel up for it. Board meetings are top priority… we love you!


Q4- Jesus, I only want to tell you one thing… YOU ROCK! You are my rock, you rock, and I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

***lol, you are a funny one… I luvz ya, TOO! We are going to have so much fun… just a little while longer, you will soon see all things will become as brand new.   I can’t wait for the new chapter, the new day… to begin. I am the one that put all these dreams into your heart. I will see that they all come true, all that your imagination has dreamt and so much more. More than you could ever imagine. It will be better than you could ever imagine… and it will all start very soon. I’m not kidding! Truly. I don’t lie. You’re laughing… I know. You have heard this before… you think it’s your imagination filling your mind with all these words… mark. My. Words. SOON…Mar… soon. Thank you for waiting all these years. They’ve gone by quickly, though, didn’t they? Lol, ok maybe not so quick. But it will be worth the wait, struggle, and effort. Hang in there!

 Actions Requested:

When I watch the news, look for “prayer prompts” and pray for them as needed.

Mother Mary is praying for my marriage.

Get sleep, my brain needs it. Manage the illness.

Hang in there… Soon… soon.

August 17, 2016

Q1- I am very tired, so I think what I will do today is ask one question and then let anyone here comment/answer the question. Ok?   Ok, here it is…

Is it time yet? This is what I would like mostly to know. Do I have another 8 years of waiting? 5 more years? 3 or 2 years? 6 months? 3 months? Or maybe 3 weeks? Or maybe only 4 hours… tonight’s drawing? The reason I ask… it is not because I don’t trust you. I trust in you completely. I trust that you have all things lining up beautifully. I just would like to humbly ask you the timeframe so I can plan my life and know what needs to get done. I have wrapped my brain around winning. I am prepared. After blessing our families and charity and paying for our new home/studio, I would get a personal banker to put the rest into safe keeping with a 1 or 2% interest rate and live off the interest monthly. I would be able to actually have time to do all the things you have been asking me to do. I would build a studio/home with a workout room and a tennis court. EPP would become a reality and I could have it properly formed with the help of professionals. I am doing my best, but I am so tired and have difficulty getting everything done each day. I just thought if you could give me an idea, I would be able to plan my life better. I know you probably can’t give me specifics. That’s ok. How about an estimate of a timeframe of the next chapter to begin?

*** Ok, Dad here- you have a lot of this planned out. That is good. I like a faithful soldier and a trusting soul. Even though I have been telling you that you will win… and then when you didn’t win, you kept smiling and believing. Even when it was difficult to deal with the letdown, all the energy you’ve put into this… you still went to Indiana to get your tickets and put them into your safe deposit box. That shows tenacity, faith, hope, trust, and dedication to your mission. I know it always embarrassed you when you would talk about this to your doctor or psychologist, or even your spiritual director. It seems odd that God would ask you to buy lottery tickets. That’s ok… I’m odd. Lol. You kept playing even though you knew it didn’t make sense. You felt in your heart that this is what I was asking you to do. Well, Mar, you are very close to winning. Maybe tonight, or in the next couple of weeks. The battle is tough and I know you’ve been beaten up quite a bit.   I will make all things new. Not just for you, but for all of my children. The time is now for a change of management! Hold on. Get ready for your dreams to appear in your reality… you are so close. I love you. We all love you-,Mar. Go take a nap and enjoy the ride. We are with you every step of the way. Your mother has been asking me every hour of the day… lol. Yes, you will soon see an answer to your prayers. You will be one powerful key person in the family business of helping us continue our mission of Saving Souls. Thank you for your dedication, love and for never giving up. Hang on. It’s going to be a fun but wild ride.

Actions Requested:

Hang on!

Go take a nap and enjoy the ride…

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