Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Category: EPP Board Meetings Page 21 of 48

August 1, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude. Thank you, God, for new beginnings. Thank you for giving us a fresh start to life every single morning. Thank you for inspiration and people that are great leaders and sharing their experiences. Thank you for the gift of simplifying. Thank you for my sweet and hilarious husband whom I adore. Thank you for your unfathomable love and divine mercy! Thank you for family and friends… that they put up with me and all that I do that irritates them.

Q1– Father God, I am so excited to start a new chapter in life! I just wanted to ask you if there is anything you would like me to do this month so as to start a new habit doing something beneficial.

***yes, I am glad you asked. I would like you to start writing regularly. Poetry, songs, short stories, etc. If you would dedicate yourself to start getting up at 5am, I will bless your efforts and together we will make some art which will help bring peace to Earth. It sounds grandiose. I know. I just want to work through you and other people. I love to create art and I love it when art affects people positively. I will be with you in those early morning sessions. We can go to a café some days, before you start your work day. I know you have a full load of hours this month. I will give you the energy you need for this. I also would like us to work more diligently on the EPP, Inc. plans. We need to get a URL and website, email account, etc. You will get your letter back from Sec. of State soon. Once you receive that, we can get started. This will be a busy month for you. Please get exercise. Daily walks and tennis with friends. Ok? Ok.


Q2- Jesus, let there be peace on Earth… and let it begin with me. That sounds so egotistical, but if only all people asked themselves what they could do to bring peace to earth. What can I do to help bring your peace to Earth?

*** Keep doing what you’re doing. Just do your best and try to be loving. Continue to come to the Board Meetings and try to do what we are asking you to do. You are growing in leaps and bounds, even though you don’t see it. Ove the last 10 years if you could look back, you would be amazed at yourself. Imagine what the next 10 years will be like? It will be incredible. You won’t recognize yourself and the things you will do in the next 10 years are going to be a game changer. Be excited. It will be blessed and you will be used by God in a great enterprise of love. EPP, Inc will get off the ground and many signs, miracles and wonders will be sweeping the earth. So, take care of yourself, exercise and eat right. I will help you in all things. Know that you are loved no matter what and you will be going along with us each day working on the plans we have for you!


Q3– Love, I need your help to start living a more productive life. What can you do to help me with this goal? Today I’ve been feeling very low energy and it irritated me in an odd way. I felt like being lazy, and hated it the whole time.

*** It was just the calm before the storm. You will be making much progress this month in many ways. Getting up at 5am will be difficult, especially on the weekends, but it will be so worthwhile. (this weekend you will be in Madison, so you can sleep in a little to make sure your stress is counterbalanced.) You will be glad that you started a regular walking and writing session schedule. Doing this first thing in the morning will help you get it all done in a relaxed and slow paced manner. This is not a race to sprint on. This is a marathon and you need to pace yourself. Do all things in a calm and relaxed manner. Slow down by 50%. You will feel much more energized.


Q4- Mom, would you please pray with me and intercede for my dad and his surgery tomorrow?

*** Yes, I have been praying with you for his quick recovery and I will continue to intercede to the Father for you. Thank you for asking, it helps me reach the Father more powerfully. When 2 or more people pray together…

Actions Requested:

Will need to start this month: a URL, Email and Website (WordPress.org)

Brainstorm with God. EPP will be taking off soon.

EPP, Inc. will get off the ground soon. Calm before the storm.

Slow down by 50% and wake up earlier- 5am to get walk/writing sessions before work.

 Closing Comments & Petitions: Please help me figure out the next steps for EPP, Inc. Please let it go smoothly and guide me in all things. Please help me get up at 5am this month to start a new habit. Please allow me to remain sane and productive with no issues to deal with mentally. Please help me get a walk in every day, even if it is a short one. Please be with my dad tomorrow and guide the doctor in surgery. Please give him a quick healing experience. Have your way with me. Please help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to be all that you ask of me to be. I love you! I can’t wait for this exciting new month… August already!!!   Love it! Amen! Xo ~Mar

July 31, 2016

Q1-Dad, I want to live according to your divine will. I want my will to be merged into yours; to have my will vanish before my eyes. I want to make the decision to always do your will and to not think of me and my will at all. This is a decision I am making today, but I need your grace to see it through. I can’t do this on my own. Can you help me form this new way of living so that your will is what I want to do? Help me know your will and then help me to act on it.

*** Keep reading the book on St. Lucia that I showed you and you will gain strength to make this decision in a more informed manner. You will see how good it would be for you if you decide to really and truly give your will over to me. You will get there in time, but it will take much determination and grace. You will have all you need to make the right decisions when the opportunities show up in your daily life. When you hear the still small voice, when you don’t want to follow it- that is your learning opportunity. You will see that my will for you is always with many surprises and good blessings to follow. I always give back more than I take. If you give me an hour, I will return 4 back to you. I am a generous Father. Have faith that I will work this transfer of wills. It will happen in due time. Keep trying. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you fall… when you choose your will over mine. I love you no matter what happens, and I will pick you up when you fall.


Q2- Jesus, your blessed and sacred heart is before me. I want to do something for you to thank you and to be with you closer than before. What can I do that would make any difference for you, no matter how insignificant it may be. What can I do for you?

*** What you can do for me is never give up hope. Keep your faith strong. Faith can move mountains. I know it looks like this is all crazy talk. I know you have your doubts and I know you wonder if all this is for nothing. I know how deeply that saddens you. That only means that you must continue to fight the good fight. Keep trying each day to follow the will of God and you will get to where you need to be. So, never give up hope. We have plans more amazing in store for you, than you could ever imagine. Remind yourself of all that we have told you. Read some past board meetings and you will soon see that all this is not just a fantasy never to occur. This is reality and it will all come to pass… all this and even more. You are in the family business; you will help us save souls. That made you smile. Yes, you will fulfill your life purpose. You were made for a time such as this.


Q3– Love, when you want me to hear God speaking to me, I know you have your ways. I know you will make sure I hear if it is very important. Sometimes I hear so clearly. But it’s when you are soft and maybe only an inspiration without words… I want to hear in those times, too. Help me slow down so I can hear you. And help me to form my will to yours. How do I best do this?

*** Prayer and fasting will help instill this new way of living. Take the upcoming week and focus on slowing down, praying without ceasing, and only eat a little and do this only when your stomach growls. When you approach the upcoming week in this prayerful manner, you will be able to grow in learning to hear our will for you in the moment. It is good to ask for the grace to form your will to ours. To put to death your own will for a better way… God’s way. Don’t be alarmed when you fail. Only pick yourself back up.  


Q4- Mom, please help me this week to learn this slower and more intentional way of life. I will fast/wait on God’s lead which in eating would be a growl -before eating and I pray you will help me change into a more focused and pliable soul for doing the will of God as I can best determine. Help me know what to do and please help me to slow down.

*** Giving you will even in small ways over to the Father, such as waiting on God’s lead when to eat, will train you to look to see what the Father is asking you to do. Looking to God for all things is what the goal is. Do only what the Father is asking you to do. You have come a long way so far. The rest of this journey will not be as painful and it will be a treasure in heaven. Keep reading the book on Saint Lucia. Divine Will is truly the best way to live… living in divine will- it will take you places you never dreamt of. It will be a glorious life in His will. You will love it! It will be difficult, for sure, but in the end, you will not regret one minute of it. Godspeed, Mar.

 Actions Requested:

Have faith that God will help me make a transfer of my will over to His will being done.

Never give up hope. Faith can move mountains. Do this for Jesus.

Prayer and fasting (wait on Growl) will help me transfer my will over to doing God’s will.

Do everything 50% slower. Ask God what He would like me to do.

Living in divine will is the best way to live. It will take me places I never dreamt of.

July 30, 2016

Q1– I love you, Dad! Where am I mistaken in my thinking? Let me know what I need to change.

*** How about this, Mar- Take it easy on yourself. You have just listed your questions for this meeting and you should know that you are perfect just as you are. Don’t be so down on yourself and so harsh in judging yourself. You are tougher on yourself than I would ever be. It’s ok if you get irritated with others and if they are irritated with you. People are weird and to get along with people is not an easy task. Only love as best as you can. You will never be “perfect” and shouldn’t try to be someone you aren’t. You will never get along with everyone but you try and that is all that is required. Remember to pray for your enemies, and hold no grudge.


Q2– I love you, Mom! Will you please help me love people and not be a pain to the people around me. I know I can be very difficult sometimes. I seem to be very irritating to the people closest to me. I too, am very irritated by them… easily. Suggestions?

*** Maybe you could talk with the people that are irritating you and clear the air? Some people are just going to be so different than you, that you may want to distance yourself a bit? You were thinking about simplifying your schedule. Be choosey what you schedule and make sure you will enjoy the company of the people you go out with. Life is too short to do things that don’t suit your needs or irritate you. You don’t owe anyone anything, so don’t feel committed to do things that you don’t have time for. Feel free to say “no, thanks but I can’t go.” Also, don’t make plans or commitments without thinking carefully about it. God has been asking you for your time… why don’t you plan to set aside time for Him to rest and converse with Him? {I know, I am sorry to Him for that… I have a problem getting quiet. I think I need to really try to slow down.} I can help you with that. Tomorrow we will have time for that in the morning. Ok? {– ok, I’d love that. Thanks.}


Q3- Jesus, would you lend me your heart so I can learn how to love? I want to be a blessing to others, yet I seem to be more of a controlling and feel like a somewhat uncompassionate person at times.

***Who, you- controlling? Never! Lol… That’s ok, Mar. We love you anyways! I’m just kidding… you are just a person that likes to get things done! That’s why we chose you to run EPP, Inc. You will never give up, you are tough and can put up with a lot of difficult situations, persecutions, and naysayers. You are a person that makes a plan and then works until that plan is done. You are a skillful time manager and don’t procrastinate or put things off indefinitely.


You are not an uncompassionate person! You have a heart of gold it is just displayed in a more interior and behind the scenes manner. You deal with an illness that gives you difficulties in seeing the reality… thinking people are evil (illness) it is very difficult to be loving and compassionate. Just hang in there. It will get easier for you soon. You are getting much better already, we have been working behind the scene to help in this area. {I can tell, thank you!}


Q4- Love, I love you! You are so amazing and I love your company. You are hilarious. I think you are so fun to hang out with, I want to be more aware of your presence when I am going through my day. I need your guidance and friendship through all of this. How do I get a deeper connection with you all throughout the day?

***I am always with you, always loving you, always guiding you, always talking with you… only look towards my love and you will find me. Always. I am so glad that you want to be closer to me. We can work on this. It’s simple. Slow down. Breathe. Do everything 50% slower. Make fewer plans. Be choosey what you spend your time on. Spend time with me. I love you and want to give you more of my heart. You need to rest to receive it. Slow down and breathe deeply… feel my presence, it is always with you. You are my heart. I love you, Mar.

 Actions Requested:

Take it easy on myself.

Clear the air where you need to express your thoughts and feelings where needed.

Slow down and breathe. Do everything 50% slower and feel the Holy Spirit’s presence.

 Closing Comments & Petitions: Thank you for your unconditional love! I love you guys. Thank you for giving me the feedback and advise. Please help my family and friends with all our needs and prayer requests. Please hear my long list of prayer intentions and come victorious in all those situations. My list is very long… about 20 or 30 requests and the list is growing. Thank you for working on that list and for your loving guidance each day. Help me live a good life and please help me grow to become more loving and kind. Thank you for your help!     Amen! Xo ~Mar

July 29, 2016

Q1- Dad, I love you! What would you like to tell me tonight? Do you have something in mind you want to share with me?

*** Take it easy this weekend, laugh, rest and get the few things on your list accomplished. But don’t worry if you don’t do everything. Don’t be so serious. Play tennis and go for a walk. Recharge your batteries and enjoy life like I know you do.


Q2-Jesus, I love you! Do you have a secret you want to share with me?

***Hum, a secret? How about this: You will never know how much I love you. You could never wrap your mind around the vastness of my love. I love you and I love all people with a love that would blow the minds of your sisters and brothers. In heaven we will start the true living. Now you are just trying to survive on earth. In eternity you will live, truly live a blessed and beautiful life through and through… for all of eternity. With me. All things will be pure, beautiful and no pain will be known by anyone. There are many surprises in store for you and for all God’s children. (The ones that choose to come to the eternal party, that is!) God cannot make anyone choose to come. It has to be free will, but no one will be disappointed. That’s for sure!


Q3- Love, I love you! What can I do this weekend with you that would be fun to try?

*** Come on an “Artist Date” with me. I want to write a song with you. Go to Espresso Royal and have your board meeting and writing session. I will make you surprised in many ways by what you write.  


Q4- Mom, I love you! I would like to strengthen our relationship and wanted to ask you what I could do that would help accomplish that for us?

***Pray another “Undoer of Knots” Novena a couple of times a month for different focus on prayer intention. In this way we will be working together on some of the more difficult situations and will make much improved progress. I want to help in in this way. You will see many miracles. Keep strong in your prayer life. I will help you. Depend on me. I love helping my children and I love it when you bring your prayers to me to pray with you in intercession to the Father.

 Actions Requested:

Laugh; don’t be so serious!

I could never know how much God loves me… it would blow my mind.

Tomorrow go on an “Artist Date” with Love. Write a new song.

Pray the novena “Undoer of Knots” a couple of times each month.

 Closing Comments & Petitions: Thank you for your love and friendship. Please have your way in my life. Help me line up my days in the light of your love and guidance. Please heal my Father’s leg and give each cell the oxygen and nutrition that they need. Please give him supernatural weight loss and complete healing. Please be with me on my journey and guide me in all things, especially in my prayer life. Help me know your will and equip/empower me to be all that you want me to be. Amen! Xo ~mar

July 28, 2016

Q1- Father-God, what should I do this weekend? I am tired of eating events! Why do we always have to get together over food? Food for fuel is good, but recreational eating is in my mind a slippery slope back to the 350s. I just want to be done with my battles over food, and it is never ending. Please do a “Ms. Hoodah” for me and just make all my fat go away! Lol.

*** Don’t laugh about the “Ms. Hoodah” plan… lol, it could happen! When you were little and put on that skit (the Ms. Hoodah Show) I laughed so hard, you were adorable and this short skit was a premonition you had as a child. Without knowing it, you prophesied your favorite miracles way ahead of your time. For now, just believe for your miracles. Where is your faith? I am in control of all things! And I do care about all the “little” things in your life that concern you, I am there in the midst of it all. Look towards me. Don’t be surprised when I come with power to heal; only praise me in the moment and know that I am God… in control… in love with my children… and I am coming with power to heal and my Glory will shine across the globe! Music will help it ride the waves of love to all the ends of the earth… a new song. Love conquers all. Love wins. Music and Love will heal the world. Don’t fret about a little extra weight, it will all come off soon. Just remember Ms. Hoodah! Lol. Long live Ms. Hoodah!

July 27, 2016

Q1-Father God, why do I struggle so much with finding time for our relationship to grow? I think I need to declutter my schedule and commitments. It’s tough to decide what needs to be cut and reduced. Suggestions?

***Look at your upcoming week on Sunday and decide where you want to make an appointment with God each day. In this time, say 30 minutes, you can read the bible and talk with us. I know it seems difficult, but once you make this a priority, it will be time you won’t want to miss. I will bless your efforts. As far as what can be removed, you can consider FaceBook, TV, and don’t commit to any more organizations or time gobblers… I want you to start writing more poetry/songs and recording again. You don’t need to join the Salesian Cooperatives. I want to spend more time with you in silence and in the word. You will have plenty of time for all that you need to do if you follow these tips. Make sure to get weekly exercise of at least 4x per week. You will feel much better and have more energy. Continue on the Low Fat Vegan lifestyle. You don’t see much weight coming off, but in time, you will get to where you want to be. Hang in there.  


Q2- Jesus, tonight is a big day… for someone, possibly. The jackpot is almost $450M. I’d be willing to share it with someone… lol. Could you consider convening with the Father to see if tonight is the night for new beginnings, new plans for the world, miracles, signs and wonders with the Holy Spirit in His full Glory coming to bring food for the hungry, shelter and clothes for the poor, mending of their hearts, laughter back into the world soon to be filled with your glory. I would like very much to start EPP, Inc. and build Sham-Rock Studios! I know I haven’t been focused enough on writing and music. It is very difficult for me to get all that I need to get done. Please help me with investment funds for this dream of mine. Please bless my efforts and help me create something beautiful for you. I am starting to think I am truly the most grandiose dreamer who is quite possible delusional in thinking this could be something that I could do for the world. What am I thinking? Serious doubts about the sanity of this dream, but oh well, I am certifiably crazy, so why not play the part? Lol.

Use me, use this cracked pot vessel and make something beautiful out of my efforts.   So, could you please ask the Father if it is our turn, yet? Remember several years ago when you called me? You were about 5 years old, I think. Just a young boy with wisdom of the ages… you said, and I remember what you said: “It is definitely our turn.” Now, I know your time is not our time… a thousand years is but an hour… or something like that… but it has been about 7 years since then. This is some kind of mind boggling Alice in Wonderland dream. Should I give up? Should I put efforts somewhere else? All this energy… is it for nothing?

*** It’s ok, Mar. It’s ok. Calm down, I love you. We had to do this. We had to string you along for these plans to work. It is not for nothing, Mar. We have amazing plans in store not only for you, but for the whole world. It will truly be a world party… for those who RSVP. But you will not regret any of this that you’ve gone through. You will forget it all and it will seem as nothing. It will definitely be worth this struggle you have gone through. Not only the time in limbo, the energy your spending and the mental illness and all that goes along with it, no – all of this will seems like nothing. I will wipe away all your tears… the tears that you have so bravely held inside. You will let it all out in my arms, and I will take the pain away. If not tonight, one day soon. Only the Father knows and is in control of all things. Yes, it is truly good that he is in control. He has all things lined up and perfectly assigned to roll out in divine timing. You have many surprises ahead of you. Be patient. It will all be ok. It will all unfold as planned. Don’t rush the process. Ok? We love you.


Q3- Love, could you help me line up my day and plan it so it flows perfectly every day? I want your will to be done, and I don’t want to miss out on anything.

*** I do this best when you take a few minutes in the morning to focus on God, our plans, and how it fits into your schedule for that day. Whatever efforts you put into the relationship you have with us; I will bless and multiply your time. I will see that you are exactly where you need to be at all times, and if you go a different way, I will gently guide you back on track. Don’t worry about anything, but with all things trust God. Ok? Ok.


Q4- Mom, please pray for us. For God’s will to be done in our lives. For investment funds for EPP, Inc. and Sham-Rock Studios. Please give many graces that the Father has for me, and any that people don’t want or ask for… I’ll take them if you want to bless me with those, also!   Please pray for our marriage and friendship to grow. Please pray for the health of my family and friends; for all the intentions listed on my prayer intentions list on my iPhone and for anyone I’ve forgotten that needs prayer. Please show me how to pray better. Help me get into dedicating more of my time for God/reading the bible and silent time in communion with God.

***I pray for your completely every minute of the day. I pray for all my children and especially to those that have consecrated themselves to Jesus through my sorrowful heart. All your intentions are made beautifully and I present them to the Father with the good things he enjoys: Flowers and Baked Pasta… lol. I love you. You are doing great. Keep up the good work and know that we are always with you, praying with you, loving and guiding you, protecting you, and laughing with you along this journey of the Eternal Party People. Make sure everyone sends in their RSVP!   I will help you get back into writing poetry/songs. Don’t worry about missing out on anything. It all is unfolding as it should. You are in good hands. (no, not allstate, silly- GOD’s Hands! Lol!!!) Alt though, your business is kept very busy with those wonderful clients you work with right now! Yes, I will bless their businesses as you requested.   I have many graces to give to people, if only they would ask for them.

July 25, 2016

Q1- Jesus, what could I do for my mom that she would really like on her birthday?

*** She will love the dinner plans you arranged with you all. Be sure to give her a big hug and kiss on her cheek. Enjoy yourselves and don’t worry about the cost. Order whatever you want and just have a great evening. You don’t need to think so much about money, you will always have what you need when you need it. That is the definition of prosperity with finances, you are rich in blessings in addition to that- you are in the palm of my hand. Relax. Quit stressing over things that don’t matter. She will love the framed pictures you made for her, too. She will have many more birthdays, so don’t worry about that. She is in excellent health. Have fun tonight!


Q2– Father, I know you told me “I’ve got this… it’s going to be more amazing than you could ever imagine!” I believe you when you said that and I know it is true. But my only fear is that I’ll be over 100 years old before it ever starts. Lol! When do we get to start this new chapter in the story? The current page is so old and tattered… your will be done… just know I am getting older every year down here. I thought you may have overlooked that small detail. Lol!

*** It’s almost time to turn the page.  Don’t worry about getting “old” you will be turning back time in your new light body which you will have soon enough. I can offer you many things, and eternal life is one of the blessings I have in store for you. It will be better than you could ever imagine, and your wait is almost over. I know, I know… I’ve said that for the last 5 years, but I am serious about this this time. Lol. I know, you can’t believe me every time…but most of the time you do, so believe me this time! I’m laughing with you, Mar. I know.

I am doing everything I can to help you get through this long waiting spell. You have grown much in these last years. You are almost ready. I am working on lining up many things in your world. Trust me, I know what I’m doing… I created the universe and had these plans for you and the world from the beginning of time. Trust me, I know what needs to be done. I’ve seen the end, and it all works out according to my plans. Just keep coming to these board meetings, keep praying and have faith. I can use a soldier like you. I love you, kiddo. Keep smiling. We love your smile and the joy you bring to others is a very valuable gift. Thank you.


Q3- Love, Holy Spirit, would you tell me again… will you equip and empower me to be your instrument of peace? What will that look like?

***You will be in a “flow” of consciousness in union with the Holy Trinity. You won’t be perfect, no one is, but try your best to allow me to work through you. I can gift you many talents, and I will, but your personality will not be diminished. We love your sense of humor and so never grow dull in spirit. Keep the faith, keep the love for others, and keep your laughter… it will take you far. You will sing and play many instruments using my Holy Spirit as your own. Together we will be one and together we will serenade the universe. (along with much laughter and joy!) I know you have a hard time believing this to be true. Try it out. Experiment and see what comes of it. Write some new songs and sing them, play them with skill. I am with you always.


Q4-Mom, would you intercede for me and pray with me for my mom’s health, long life, peace and joy… oh yes, and the same for my father. We all could use some supernatural weight loss, too. Can you ask God if he would help us out with these petitions?

*** We are working on this as you speak. Keep in faith. All will work out beautifully in due time. Keep praying. Your mom and dad will be just fine. Pray, but don’t worry… be faithful and believe for your miracles. Hold tight. You will soon see miracles happening all the time… remember, cause it’s… the end of time, where you’ll find- miracles happen all the time. Lol!

July 24, 2016

Q1– Mom, I wanted to ask you if you could help me write a song today. I for some reason, am resistant to sitting down and writing… I don’t know what is going on. Is there something in the spiritual realm that is causing this “fear” or procrastination? I want to write a song about these board meetings and that God wants people to offer up their suffering for lost souls.

*** There is a resistance in you because there is this blockade in the spiritual realm, but it is easily busted by prayer and a good habit of scheduled writing time. It doesn’t matter if it is good or not – just write. Every day. Regular scheduled writing is what is needed here. I will help you write the board meeting songs… there will be a series of them. It will be fun. The songs will be great fun to write and you will record these short 1 minute songs on GarageBand. They will be a blast for us to create, I will help you and so will God… enjoy the process. Don’t judge if they are “Good” or not, only write and record them. We are with you and all of heaven can’t wait to see how they turn out.


Q2– Love, I would like to help people, but am feeling so overwhelmed. I think maybe I’ve over committed myself. I feel fear about several things that I am dealing with and think that this is unnecessary. Why do I imagine bad things happening, when in reality everything is fine? I am looking into a future that most likely won’t ever happen as I dread things that will never happen.

*** Give it all over to me, Mar. You worry about many things and you don’t need to. I will help you in all things. I will help you when you need to know something, I am there to help. I can do anything for you. I can give you words of knowledge, I can tell you names of people that you’ve forgotten their names. I know you don’t have memory for most things. I will be your information-giver. I will help you in all situations, so you don’t need to worry about so many things. You will have difficulties, but nothing will be more than you can bare. I will allow some challenging times, they are for you to grow in love for all people. Don’t allow fear to get in the way of loving people but do be sensible and smart. I’ve got your back. We are a team. I will navigate these waters with you. I am always with you.


Q3- Jesus, thank you for being so kind to me. Help me be a blessing to others, and help me be a better person.

*** Help your neighbors. Be a friend. Don’t worry about things so much. Give your time to people. That is the most valuable thing that you can give. Time and of course, your prayers for them.


Q4– Dad, I need more time to get everything done, well, maybe time management skills would be good for starters. I wasted a lot of time this weekend. I think I needed it, though. It was very relaxing.

*** Don’t worry about time. I am the author of time and if you need more of it, I can give it to you. All things are coming along perfectly. You don’t need to struggle, only do your best. I am glad you took the weekend to relax.

July 23, 2016

Q1- Jesus, Please forgive me for not being very prayerful for the people that are responsible for the evil in the world. I find it extremely difficult to pray for them or to think any good thoughts about them. I know that they are still my brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of God, but it seems impossible to find any love in my heart for people that do evil, think evil, and to me… seem evil through and through. I don’t understand what I need to do in order to love them, pray for them and do good works to them. Any suggestions?

*** Look to the example I gave to you while I was on the cross. I forgave them for all that they did to me, and I asked the Father to forgive them also… they truly don’t know what they are doing. If you don’t forgive your enemies, you cannot expect God to forgive you. It sounds harsh, but it is true. You will need to forgive many people in your lifetime. Think of your enemies not as they are, but as afflicted with evil, sick and in need of a doctor. You can be my hands, feet and mouth… you can show them the love I have for them. If you can’t do that, I will help you, but you need to try. Pray about it. I will give you the grace you need. Think before you speak anything that is not filled with love, empathy and compassion. You will grow into this new way of living. Think of it as training your heart muscles. It may be difficult at first, but after you practice this new loving way of life, you will master this important skill and grow stronger in love. I will help you, just do your best. Expect trials; they are designed to help you learn.


Q2- Father, I was wondering if it would ok for me to ask you once again, could you maybe help me out with an investment for EPP, Inc? I put my reservation to the Sec of State for rights to the name Eternal Party People, Inc. Now I just need help to get it off the ground. Would you like to be my partner?

*** I thought you would never ask… of course, I would love to be your partner. The plans are being worked out as we speak. I have it all lined up and will lay out my plans as we go through this together. Sham-Rock Studios will be a DBA under EPP, Inc. I have lawyers and a financial advisor, and accountant and musicians all lining up for the perfect timing to come help you along the way. You don’t need to worry so much, but I do like that you think things through and that you are open to the ideas I have for your business. {you mean… our business, right?} yes, thank you for that. Together all things are possible… without me, not so much. Lol.


Q3– Love, would you please infuse in my heart a deep and undying love for the lost, for the mean and evil spirited folks who roam the world as trolls causing nothing but pain and sorrow to those they attack? I need a fresh look at their hearts and their souls… I need to see with the eyes of Jesus, and love them no matter what they’ve done. I can’t do this without you.

*** Yes, I will have many love downloads for you in the coming years. You will know when they happen, you will feel it in your soul and the compassion you have for others will double in size in short bursts of infused love. You will not recognize yourself as you are now… it will seem like you are a completely new person as this process increases the love in your heart. Thank you for asking for this gift. I love to give the grace of loving the difficult to love, it is my favorite grace to give.

July 20, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, God, for stability, peace, joy, good health, prosperity, your love, the gift of faith, a safe and comfortable home, beautiful miracle red couch, soft purple blankets and sheets, healthy food, enough clothes- not too many and not too few, thank you for so many things… but especially thank you for family, friendships, your love and your friendship, and especially for your unfathomable divine mercy. I do not deserve any of these things, yet you bless me so abundantly anyways. I love you, Lord. Please help me learn to give more to others, and to see Christ in each and every person I meet. I want to be your hands and feet. I want to do your will. Thank you that you can use me for some purpose which you have in mind. Thank you for all these things and for so much more! Music! Nature! Animals! Sunsets! Rainbows! Fall Leaves of all colors! Singing Birds! Oh, so much…. Dearest father, thank you! I don’t deserve all this!


Q1– God, there is no life apart from you. Don’t allow me to give up on doing your will. Help me to always say: Your will be done! Your way is above my way… always. Help me to know what you want me to do. Each day give me my marching orders, Dad. What should I do tonight and tomorrow? Ideas?

***  Write a song. Record a song. Write a poem. Record one of your poems that you wrote a long time ago- do it to music. Pray for your friends, especially C. You will see C. tomorrow at Sunsinger, so why don’t you pray a special prayer for her intentions? Pray the rosary for her intentions and make her a card letting her know. You will need her address so you can mail it to her after she goes back to AZ. That is what I would like you to do.


Q2- Jesus, I want to sing songs for you, but I haven’t been inspired or found the right time to sit down and start. Would you help me be more dedicated to set aside time and will you help me write the songs?

***All you really need to do is get into a good habit. Time management is key. Cut back on unnecessary commitments I know that the hard part is choosing what needs to go. I know you want to do the CCD classes, Salesian Cooperative, tennis, voice lessons, adoration, mass, keep up/clean the house, cook meals, grocery shopping, help your parents, drum gigs, exercise: tennis/walk/jog, hour long board meetings, pray chaplet/rosary and pray for other people’s intentions… oh yeah and work 6-7 hours every day. It is a lot. Don’t be so hard on yourself. We can do this. If you spent 30 minutes a day writing, you would have a lot of material. This will take commitment, getting up earlier, not wasting time on FB and also take time to not do anything at all except rest in our love. That will give you the energy you need. So, if you get up at 5:30 you can fit much more into your day and you could write 30 minutes before work! You could multi task, and get a walk in while at the same time record on your phone some lyrics! That would be a blast! I’d help you! Try getting up at 5 or 5:30 and go on a walk with me? {I’d love that, Jesus! Help me get up and I’d do it happily!}


Q3– Love, would you help me get to sleep earlier? I need someone to remind me to get to sleep by 10pm as a goal. I have problems slowing down because I have so much I would like to do and never have enough time in the day. Then, I oversleep and have a hurried morning and find that I haven’t gone on a walk or exercised in weeks. That is unacceptable. I like Jesus’ idea of getting up early for a walk/writing session around 5 or 5:30. I just need some help to get into the habit. I know it can be done, I’ve done it before… it is just that I have been unable to do it this time round.

*** Set your phone to go off at 9:00 to get ready for sleep. That means: Shower, phone off, next day planned, pick up house and get into bed lights out by 9:45. You will get into a great habit. On the weekends, try to get it all done and asleep by midnight. (so be home weekends by 11pm if possible.) Sound good?

Q4- Mom, I would like to start praying the Rosary on a more regular basis. I am so grateful that you help me pray. Please help me take the time for this important new habit I would like to make it a priority. I don’t have the time, but maybe we could go for a walk in the evenings and pray the rosary then? It cools off around 8 and gets dark by 9 right now. Or if I can pray along with the recording while I am doing some other mindless chores around the house… multi task sounds good to me, but would that upset you? Do you mind it when people multi task in this way?

*** Multi-tasking is necessary sometimes in today’s society. I know you are very short on time. Anytime you pray is a good and blessed thing that you do. The fact that you multi task doesn’t take away from it at all. Quite the opposite. It shows that you are doing everything you can to include prayer in your life. It would be powerful for you to listen to the rosary song while you’re working. Don’t worry about not being perfect, I will take your prayers and make them beautiful for God, present them with your love and all that you suffer, I will add to them making them even more powerful. I will intercede for you and your intentions. The rosary is very powerful. You will see things start to move in your life for the better. Thank you for asking, Mar. I will help you and your efforts while multi-tasking are potent… don’t let anyone tell you differently. They don’t know your heart like I do. We love you.


Actions Requested:

Pray a rosary for C. intentions and send her a card when she gets back to AZ.

Get into a good habit of waking 5 or 5:30-

Go for walk in morning and write songs while walking before starting work.

Set alarm at 9pm to go to bed by 10.

Multi-task rosary prayer is powerful as well.

Mother Mary will help me pray and will intercede for me to God.

 Closing Comments & Petitions: Thank you for these ideas. Please help me to implement them. Help me find time for everything. Help me be more dedicated and have better time management. Help me rest and relax. Show me what needs to be done and help me organize my life. Help me get rid of the things that don’t belong in my time allotments… like FaceBook. Show me what to do and help me follow your lead. It is already almost 9pm so that means according to my new schedule, I need to get ready for bed! Asleep by 10, help me, Lord. Please help me get up at 5 and go for a walk/write a song.   Please bless my efforts. Amen! Xo ~Mar

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