Thank you that DB has my birthday afternoon off work so we can enjoy the day together. Thank you for all my clients and for helping me help them grow their businesses. Thank you that you are calling me to work for you in your new living enterprise with EPP, Inc. Thank you for giving me a vision and hope that it will one day come true. Thank you for friends and for the tool of Facebook to keep in touch. Thank you for new friends coming my way. Thank you for old and dear friends that have stood the test of time. Thank you that you are giving M a new job that she will enjoy and excel in. Thank you for always hearing my prayers and never forgetting your promises. Thank you that you forgive me of all my mistakes, sins and for the things I should have done, but chose not to. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for sanity and sound mind filled with love for you and your lost children.


Q1- Dad, you say in your good book that I should ask, knock, seek… I don’t want to bore you with another plea for EPP investments (lotto jackpot win) so, I won’t ask you today, I will only ask that your will be done in my life. I ask for patience and a happy heart in expectation for all that you have in store for me and also for the world. Come Lord Jesus, Come! I ask you, Daddy, for acceptance and patience for your will to be done in my life as you choose. You always have the best plans in store for us, better than I could imagine. Thank you.

Q2- Mom, Will you help me learn to go to God when I want to eat and am not hungry (at a zero on the hunger scale) because this program I’m starting with Thin Within is teaching me to go to God for all things, especially for renewing of my mind and help in losing weight. Will you help me remember to go to Jesus before I eat when not hungry. Help to be faithful to the study this December, to do the readings and use the app. I need you to really have the Holy Spirit help guide me in this area of my life so I can get into the habit of looking to God for all my needs; to God for help in only eating when I’m hungry and stopping at comfortably full. (a 5 on the scale)

Q3- Holy Spirit, will you please remind me to look towards you, asking for your help in all things? Help in hearing God’s will for my life, to help me do His will… I want to make his temple, my body, a healthy and beautiful place for your spirit to dwell. Please help me. Please remind me of my resolve to eat on the scale 0-5 and also give me the grace to look to Holy Trinity for help in this area especially.


Answer Q1-You don’t bore me, I love it when you ask for things in order to help spread my love to my children. I love that you want to help save souls. I love that you said your “yes” for my will in your life to be done. Mar, you have been tenacious in playing the lottery since 2008, it won’t be overlooked. Your heart is in the right place. Just wait patiently in hope; you will win one day. We can’t say when, but you should know that I am pleased with you. My will -will be done, it always is done in my children that look towards me for their hope and offer themselves to me in service. You won’t be disappointed. 🙂


Answer Q2I will help you renew your mind. I will remind you to always look towards God as you do all things. You will become one with God and with me if you keep on this path of board meetings, scripture readings, prayers and your class, you will have all that you need and be where you need to be. We have you in the palm of our hands. You are on the right track; don’t give up. Diets don’t work, give your eating over to God and He will melt away the excess and give you the peace you desire over food. It is not trivial. We want to help you. We will help you as long as you ask us to. We love you no matter what you eat or don’t eat. We only want you to be happy and at peace with food and your body. You will soon be at your goal weight if you look towards us. I will coordinate everything for you with Jesus in the front fighting your battles. God Bless your journey, Mar.



Answer Q3My spouse, Mary, is going to coordinate everything and keep you on the right track. My spirit is everywhere around you and in you. Only ask me, and I will help you. Look towards me to find the what, when, and how – I won’t disappoint you. My yoke is light. You will flourish in this way of eating. You will melt away and it will be a joy. I will take you through all the spiritual battles in this area, and together, we will be victorious over Lucy’s tricks. He will be defeated first in this area and then the other battles you face will be so easily won, this is the time and place for great training. You are victorious; step into your new life with joy.


Prayers: Thank you for your help, you guys are awesome! I love being on your side, fighting with you all. Of course, this is the winning side, so I have you to thank for including me in your plans. Thank you that you are all helping me with love and the tools I need for this journey. Thank you for the TW App, and especially for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Thank you for H for leading this study; bless her abundantly for doing this, Lord. Help me grow in faith, love, patience, and to always look towards you for help in all things; especially food decisions. You kingdom come, you will be done!!!


Scriptures for tomorrow: Dec 2, 2015

Prayer of “Pondering” Hold a question in love for God and let God know we are willing to stand in love, hold the question and surrender and to listen to God to answer:

Isaiah 25:6-10a

On that day… It will be said, “Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is The Lord for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!

In listening to God in his word, I pondered if we are “in that day”… I believe God answered me that yes, indeed we are fast approaching that time and that He will be able to use me, the internet, trinity app, music and many miracles to help people realize that HE is HERE TO SAVE! I am so glad to be a small part of what God has in mind for these end times. I offer my all to Him, for His purposes. Thank you, God that you say you will save us and I stand on this promise and offer myself for this time for anything you choose for my life. I want to help make a difference. I want to help share your love and good news. Jesus Lives! Jesus Saves! Hallelujah!!! 


Psalm 23:1-6

You guide me in right paths, yes- you do! I shall not want. You refresh my soul, only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of The Lord for years to come. In eternity, I will be with you, Jesus. Thank you for your guidance always keeping me on the right path. I definitely shall not want. You are so good to me! I love you, thank you for your promises. You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. AMEN! Thank you, Lord. I receive it, I believe it, and I give you all praise, honor, and Glory! Forevermore. Amen!


 Mathew 15:29-37

Many miracles will break out in these end times, Mar. You will be used for my purposes and many will come to our banquet and eternal party because of your efforts. Many other people are going to be used during this time also. All Glory will go to the Father- ALL Honor and Praise to God the Father. In His mercy, all good things come. Food will multiply and all sorts of Healings and creative miracles, rich blessings will be released. My kingdom will come and you (and others) will help usher it into the world. The masses will be amazed when they see all these things take place. It will be a glorious time of intense revival like never before seen. Thank you, Mar for helping with this mission and assignment for your life. God bless you.


Thank you, GOD! I receive it all with deep gratitude and humility. Use me as you wish. You can have complete control in my life. Envelop me, Holy Spirit. Mom, please orchestrate my life for His Purposes.


