Thank you for your gifts: thank you for music and YouTube videos. Thank you for DB, even though we don’t always get along, we love each other very much. Please bless our love and our marriage with your peace, joy and the love of God. Thank you for the fog this afternoon and last week. I love feeling your presence in the fog. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for my job and clients. Thank you for my dad helping me always in so many ways. Thank you for my mom, her love is truly unconditional and sweet.

My shortcomings are many, Lord. Please help me love people despite the unlovable actions of some people… help me be patient in longsuffering. Give me joy in offering up sufferings to you at the foot of the cross to help the lost souls in purgatory find their way to your heart. Forgive me for my impatience and lack of love and understanding. Help me be more patient… I’d like the patience of a saint to become my new personality… Ha! Truly only with God’s help would this miracle take place! Come Lord Jesus!


Dec. 12th Scriptures:

 Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab

“Now have salvation and power come, and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed.”

I was thinking about this question…when will His Final Coming to take His Kingship and rule for the 1000 years? Also, since Jesus came and gave us Salvation through his blood, and power has come to us with the authority of his anointed- why don’t we start using and demonstrating the power of His love? The power to heal and raise people from the dead… the power of creative miracles… to set us free from the bondage of illness and death. If we have authority by being anointed by Jesus, why don’t I pray more for others’ healing? God likes to work through his children, so since His love amazes me- I need to shout out how good God is! I need to proclaim it from the rooftops; His Kingdom Come! I am so impatient for His Kingdom to finally come… Dad, can I help usher in His Kingdom, to help prepare your children for His return?


Judith 13:18c, 19

You are the highest honor of our race! Mother Mary, you are above all women and all men on earth. (Jesus was man and God) You are the key to bringing our redemption to earth, help me do as you would do if you were alive today on Earth. What would you be doing? How would you be preparing for His return? What can you tell me to do that you would like to see me do for His Return?


Luke 1:26

When the angel Gabriel sent from God to give her the good news of her role to play in the redemption of all mankind, She responded may it be done to me according to your word.

I was thinking about how scary that must have been. She was around 14 or15 years old and would become pregnant – what would Joseph think? She must have been completely thrown off guard but had so much grace to respond in that manner. Mary, give me the grace to say YES in all things that God has for me to do, no matter the cost.


Q1-Mom, sometimes I really want to swear and maybe even smack DB out of frustration. My anger builds up and as he pushes my buttons, I can’t control my thoughts of extreme anger. Help. What should I do in these instances? I’ve gotten better in swearing much less and I haven’t acted out in violence… but I have the anger and the thoughts of extreme frustration. AUGH, what do I do?


Q2-Dad, I love you. Thank you for giving me small victories by your power in me. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit for comfort and peace. Never once have you left me on my own. Even when I didn’t see it, looking back, I know you got me through everything. You are faithful in your love and protection. I never walked by myself. Help me never to forget that you are always with me, within me, loving and watching over my every step.


Q3– Jesus, you deserve a spouse that doesn’t swear or think violent thoughts of smacking her husband… How you save my soul! Your great love and forgiveness; my heart is bursting with love and appreciation to you! Please forgive me and forget my sinfulness. (Even the thoughts of swearing/cursing going on in my mind; not acting on it sometimes.) That is a small victory to not act on my thoughts, but I don’t want to even THINK swear words! Can you please empower me to be at peace at all times? I want your peace all the time, my King- my Prince of Peace; my Lord! Spare me some peace, my love? 🙂


Q4-Holy Spirit, thank you for helping me get through this last challenge today. Could you help me to keep my peace even when buttons are being pushed? What’s the trick? I feel like a switch was turned on and I became inflamed inside… the anger is so powerful. How do I diffuse the bomb more quickly? I fled the scene and opened the window for some relief from the heat being 79 degrees (DB wanted it hot- humm, to upset me on purpose?) I am so easily angered. Holy Spirit, help me get off myself. Self-focus at the mostest. Help me calm down when these anger flares occur. OK? Please?


Answer Q1You are learning… you left the room in peace. You didn’t react in anger, you just peacefully left the room and opened the window, journaled the board meeting so we could help you. You didn’t go to food; a victory there! You didn’t raise your voice, you didn’t slam any doors, you didn’t swear (out loud) you didn’t take the tango. You simply dealt with it. Kudos, Mar! As for thinking thoughts of swearing or violence… that will come in time. You are gradually getting better. Look how far you’ve come since you first got married, or even 10 years ago. You are doing great. If you want to grow at a faster pace, keep coming to board meetings. Keep confessing. Keep asking for help. We are with you. We are all cheering for you. You did a great job tonight. Pray to me the next time this happens (and you know it will happen again) because this is your training ground. You are growing more than you think.


Answer Q2I will never let you forget that I am here for you. I am in your heart. You are my temple. If you feel distant from me, call a board meeting! I will always be available for you. I love you, Mar.


Answer Q3haha, yes, I can spare some peace for you… You crack me up, Mar. You are my beloved. I forgive and I also forget. Yes, I have much peace for you. You will be receiving this grace through my mother. Go to her for the grace of patience and long suffering love and don’t forget to offer it all up for lost souls, ok.


Answer Q4Yes, Anger is a powerful emotion. You have that tendency so remember to pray to Mom. Blessed Mother will always give you the peace I have for you. She will give it to you if you rely on her help. The more you rely on her help and not your own efforts, the faster you will find your peace in these moments. So, hand it all over to Mary. Yo Mama in combat boots will take care of you and it will all work out for the best when you rely on her for everything. She is my spouse and I want all my graces to come to you through her loving hands. She will coordinate all graces. She has many to give you, so don’t forget to ask for them!


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Thank you for your help. To know your love in me is priceless. You are all I need, Holy Trinity, Mom- I love you guys. You are my strength when I can’t go on. You carry me and hold me and take good care of me. It’s good to be the child of God! I’m spoiled by your love! Thank you for being with me on my every step. You make this journey one of many lessons but it is definitely a wonderful world. (Even when I’m not seeing it.) Thank you for being my strength when I am weak. Your love carries me to new waters in the light of your love.  xo!
