Thank you for all the blessings you have given me! Thank you for your unfathomable Divine Mercy! Thank you for a wonderful relaxing day listening to your word and getting clarity on prophetic scriptures. Thank you for a fun time with DB at the tennis center. Thank you for your peace, joy, and love! Thank you for a beautiful world. Thank you for all the people you have let me come to know and for your church. Thank you for never leaving me alone, especially when hard times hit! thank you thank you, thank you for your goodness! I love you!

Shortcomings/sin: Please forgive me for saying a word today that is not becoming of your daughter. I was joking around, it just came out. Forgive me, Jesus. Help me control what I say. In the future, I would like to not make mistakes like these; please help me curb my spontaneity and the words I speak.


Scriptures: Dec. 13th

What do I think God is trying to tell me?


Zephaniah 3;14-18

It is appropriate and worthy to sing and praise Jesus, prepare His return with rejoicing. He will sing joyfully over his children that are soon to come home to be with Him.

God wants me to know that I have no need to fear anything. He has overcome the evil one. He has risen, He will return soon! Hallelujah!!!


Psalm Is 12

Jesus is here in the midst. He is alive! He is very near to me. Rejoice, be glad and be thankful for his glorious achievement! Jesus Reigns! The earth is singing; Proclaim how great and exalted is His name! All around the world we sing with one voice: You Reign, Jesus Christ is Lord! ~Amen.


Philippians 4:4-7

Have no anxiety, Mar… None at all. In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make my requests known to God. Then I will know His peace. I am so glad you are in control, Dad. I love that you take care of everything. Remind me not to worry. Thank you for reminding me to look to you for help in all things. You will guard my heart and my mind. Thank you, Dad!


Luke 3:10-18

Mar, I ask you to preach the good news in these last days to the people. You can make a difference for many people. Speak out when I ask you to preach my coming soon. Tell your friends that I come soon, and that we don’t want them to have to go through the terrible days of the tribulation! They can all come up to meet me along with you and the people that are born again. The ones left behind will have a terrible time under the antichrist. They will have a difficult decision to make: Me – eternal peace and joy or they can choose Lucy and eternal damnation. Difficult I say because they will be persecuted and suffer many things under the Antichrist. However, It’s going to be an amazing time for the people that come up to meet me at the rapture. Woe to the ones left behind. It will be so terrible for them. We have some ideas of how to help them, (hint trinity app) but still, they will wish that they would have made a better choice when they had the time to do it. (Parable of the 10 virgins: 5 were prepared, 5 were not ready and they missed out on the great wedding feast.)


Q1-Mom, I really want to be used for helping bring more people to be able to come up with me at the rapture. Will you help me see opportunities for this honor of sharing the good news? Will you line up opportunities for me each day?

Q2-Jesus, please be patient with me when I don’t speak up for you. Would you please give me courage and the right words at the right times- to speak of your Unfathomable Divine Mercy and God’s great goodness!

Q3-Dad, thank you for saying that you have work for me to do for helping usher in your Holy Kingdom! What should I do each day to prepare for the honor of working for you?

Q4-Holy Spirit, How can I cooperate more fully with you? Will you speak up when I don’t hear your small quiet voice. Also, will you give me the grace to follow your directions? Make me into someone you can use. Form into me your heart for souls.


Answer Q1-You can start in your home, and also around the people you meet in your daily schedule. Be a good example. Work on planning EPP, Inc. and Trinity App. Spend 30 minutes each day, if you can, to think and jot down ideas for the trinity app. You can put it onto your phone as you think of things and then email it to yourself to print and put into your notebook for EPP. It will be fun! I’ll help you with the grace of new ideas and people that can help you with it.


Answer Q2-I will give you opportunities to speak about my goodness. You mission will be through Shamrock Studios, Epp, Trinity App but you will also need to be used by me on a one to one basis for people I put into your life. You will walk where I lead you, only look to me and we will get there together. I will help you. Holy Spirit is hard at work in your life and you will have much help. You will be used. You are willing, only remain willing and all will work out for the best. Just remember, you only need to plant the seed. We will take care of the rest.


Answer Q3- Mar, your heart is big but not big enough for all that I have for you to do. Keep praying to be made into who I want you to be. I can work with that. Otherwise, without your renewed permission, my hands are tied. You have to ask for my help; I will change you to be like me. Keep asking for it.


Come Lord, Jesus- I give up my life to live for you. Help me be who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to be who you want me to be. Invest in EPP, Inc. if you see fit. I call out to you, my Lord. Make me into a transformed version more like you. Have your way with me. I surrender it all to you.


Answer Q4Your heart is in the right place. Only you need to slow down, relax, and enjoy yourself. You will find much more peace and love for other people when you slow down. Jesus never rushed around. He had time for other people. Slow down and look around. You will have many opportunities for small and large gestures of love for your brothers and sisters. I will use you and I will continue to do a great transforming work in your life. Thank you for offering yourself, Mar. We appreciate it. You will have a large effect on many people.


All Glory to God! He can use even a wretch like me… Anything is possible with God! Your love makes me sing… but could you give me a voice that doesn’t create pain in the listener’s head? 🙂


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Your love is amazing; I am so unworthy, Lord! Thank God you have a plan… a good and wonderful plan of redemption for your kids. Please help me bring many out of the tribulation and into your arms at the rapture. How do I express this to people? It’s confusing and hard to understand… but it’s so important! How do I convey your love and mercy? How to make them realize that the time is near… our time left is so little! Would you help me say the right things and when I pray for people could you help me with the wordings and empower from the Holy Spirit for your healing love to come through me. “Power Evangelism” will help many people come to you with trust. Please work your miracles through me and through others- all for your Glory, Your Kingdom. Heaven come down! My soul sings of your love! I love you!!! xo,
