Thank you, God for a wonderful induction ceremony this morning after mass. I really appreciated that DB came along. Thank you for that gift. Thank you for family, especially for the wonderful parents you have given to me. Thank you for always being here for me no matter what is going on I know that you are always here for me. You are amazingly good and I am so grateful to know you all. Blessed Mother, I want to thank you for the gift of your love and protection. Also I can never thank you enough for giving us the gift of your son, Jesus! Thank you for saying Yes to Gabriel! Thank you, Dad, for your endless mercies! Thank you, Jesus, for washing me clean from my sins. Help me to sin no more and when I do sin, please help me recognize it and ask for forgiveness from these mistakes.


Shortcomings/Sin in last day: I had two thoughts of judgment today which I don’t where they came from. I only know that looking back, I feel badly that I did not hold captive those thoughts in the truth of your love: You love each person more than I could ever know. Help me catch these thoughts when they occur and delete them instantly and respond with love to that person. I love all my brothers and sisters; remind me who they are in Christ, help me love all people equally and with much of God’s love as possible.


Dec. 14th Scriptures:  

Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17a

“…eye is true, The utterance of one who hears what God says, and knows what the Most High knows, Of one who sees what the Almighty sees, enraptured, and with eyes unveiled… I behold him, though not near; A star shall advance from Jacob, and a staff shall rise from Israel.”

I am not sure what the context or what the story here is about… I only wish that I could be one who has eyes unveiled! I would like to know what the Most High knows. I would really like to know how much of these minutes are from me and what words here would be truly from God. I behold Him, though maybe more near than I know. Come, Lord Jesus! For my redemption draws near!


Psalm 25:

“Teach me your ways, O Lord…. for you are God my Savior!”

Remember me, Dad. Show me the way. Guide me to justice and teach me humility. (But please, don’t make me lose my sanity again- if at all possible.) Please teach me humility in a gentle way, in the best way you see fit, but please help me learn without too much of a battle. Give me wisdom and the grace of humility, long-suffering, patience, love, hope in all things, and joy unceasing.

 Matthew 21:23-27

God is speaking to me through this scripture that even Jesus had a hard time with people… I shouldn’t expect anything different. People may try to judge me unjustly, I only need to remember that I don’t have to answer everyone and every question. Remember that the Holy Spirit will help me get through difficult moments.


Q1– Dad, thank you for leading me to the Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy. What an honor to be inducted to such a wonderful group of believers. Will you help me to glorify your mercy through daily making loving works of mercy for others?

Answer-I give you many, many acts of mercy to make right in your home with DBy. Offer up everything and do all good works to show your love to me. There are many opportunities for Deed of mercy, Word of Mercy, and Prayer as an act of mercy. Try to do one of each every day. You give me glory through your life in doing these loving acts for others. Pray and intercede for many. I always hear your prayers.


Q2-Jesus, I am so sorry that I finally made the connection of the Wine I take at Holy Communion is from the blood that you bled from lashes you bore for my sins. I am so sorry I took so long to figure this out in my spirit. (I knew it becomes the blood and I thought that was difficult to connect to the actual lashes you took from my sins.) I nearly cried today when I made that connection: the wine becomes blood I always knew, but that it was directly related to the sins I have committed against you. The lashes you took for me so that I don’t need to go to Hell- it’s just too much to bare. I’m sorry for not loving you enough; you are my savior! I love you. I am so sorry, Jesus Thank you, my God, my Savior, Thank you! You are so wonderful. I love you. I am so sorry that it took me so long to finally truly make this connection on a deeper level. It is real, your passion was real; those lashes -it was for us, so we won’t have to go to hell, but rather can be with you in Heaven eternally. Help me remember this always.

AnswerMar, when you were talking with me to day after Holy Communion, you made me tear up also. I love you. Thank you for your appreciation. In doing so, each time you remember me at Communion, when you remember the lashes I bore and the blood that I shed, you will do much reparation. Reparation for the lukewarm souls that either ungratefully take my body and blood in communion, or for the people that don’t come to church anymore to partake in this holy celebration. I’m glad that you are so grateful and true to my love. It means a lot to me. I love you, mar.


Q3- Holy Spirit, thank you for making the bread and wine actually into Jesus’ blood and body. In this way, you allow me to have the most intimate connection to my Lord. He becomes a part of me. My body is intermingled with His body. My cells are built on His body, blood and spirit. This would be impossible if it weren’t for you, my dear friend. Thank you, Happy Spirit! You are so wonderful. Please help me to always have such reverence and remembrance of Jesus’ Passion at Holy Communion. I love you! Thank you for taking away my sins so I am able to partake in the body and blood of Jesus.

Answer- Mar, we love you. You are very welcome. It is true, you become one with God in the Holy Eucharist. You are right, and it is your salvation in an intimate and holy way. You are welcome- I love to be able to take away your sins in the confessional. I love to see my friends holy and pure, made righteous from confessing of sins. You are very lucky for this fullness of truth and tradition. You have wonderful Priests at St. M.


Q4- Mom, Could you help me remember to do these acts of mercy daily? I would like to do all 3 each and every day to show my love to God. Help me offer up any difficulties I come across and give me patience and long-suffering in joy and peace with Love for you and God.

AnswerAbsolutely, I would love to help you. I will remind you and help you. I have an idea for you, you could put it into your to do list on your phone app. Have a reminder daily around 3pm and in that way, you won’t forget. ok? I love you, my daughter, mar, whom I love very much. You’re my chickie.


Closing Prayer: I love you guys more than I can say, more than I can even understand. Help me to love you more. Help me to know you better. Help me to show my love of you to my sisters and brothers through acts, words, prayer – acts of mercy for others in appreciation for all that you do for me. xo!
