Thank you for a fun lunch date today with my dad. He is so fun to hang out with and joke around with. Thank you for so many things that you have given to us; our home, heat, food, clothes, comfy blankets and a Christmas tree just for starters… you spoil me, Daddy. Thank you for always taking such good care of me and for putting a loving family into my life. Thank you for my marriage and that we have survived all that Lucy threw into our relationship. Thank you for DB’s steadfast love and for hanging in there when things were difficult. Especially, thank you for him not giving up when I was so sick. He is my soulmate! Thank you for giving him to me for life. He’s my best friend and love of my life. Thank you, Dad, for picking him out for me. I don’t deserve him, but I will try to make up for all my past mistakes in our marriage and make up for it. Thank you- for giving us the gift of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.


Scriptures Dec 19 2015

Judges 13:2-7,24-25a

God, you work in wondrous ways. You prepared Samson from before birth to be set aside for a good work for you. I wonder if you had a plan for me to do a good work for your Kingdom… wouldn’t it be wonderful to be set aside for such an awesome project. If you did, what could you have done to prepare me more for it? I wonder if my struggles with mental illness is hindering your plans for my assignment or helping me with it? Maybe I can be used to help usher in your Kingdom in spite of my struggles with mental illness? One can only hope.


Psalm 71

My mouth shall be filled with your praise, and I will sing your Glory! I depend on you, God. You give me all strength to endure and become victorious. Oh God, I will sing of your mercy and justice. I will proclaim your wondrous deeds! Help me have a voice that sounds pleasing and to bring joy and laughter to people sharing the love and joy of your love.


Luke 1:5-25

Zachariah didn’t believe the angel’s message that his wife would become pregnant. It was proven to him by taking away his speech! Lord, Help me to believe what you have in store for me to do for your Kingdom, help me have even more faith, to never quit, to always hope, and to always be grateful for the honor of serving you. Lord, if you send me an angel, I would be grateful, happy, and I would not doubt. But even though you may not send an angel, I will still be grateful, happy and I will not doubt but I would believe – I do believe. Help me not be confused and on the wrong agenda. Keep me focused on your work- on your kingdom come.


Q1-Dad, Since the bible says that there will be a war that will kill 1/3 of humankind, World War III, is it possible that we could pray it away and somehow change the prophesy so that this catastrophe does not come to pass?Mar, with God, anything’s possible. Don’t put me into a box. Ok? Believe for the best, pray and don’t worry about anything. I have it all under control and My Will is always done. Don’t think about such things, but only look to me for guidance. I will shine a light on your path to travel. Don’t look left or right. Follow me and I will lead you on. Forget the rest- don’t try to figure it out, don’t worry about a thing and know that I have you in the palm of my hand. I will protect you always. I love you, Mar.


Q2-Mom, I was wondering about the past and how many times I’ve come close to death or serious injury… do I have a maximum number of times when I can get help from your angels? I know I’ve kept them busy! I will try to be much more careful.

Yes, your driving used to be a little reckless and sometimes you still speed, but no- you won’t run out but NEVER test your angels. They love you. They will help you. But if you put it to the test, you will be surprised at the outcome and not be in very good shape. Your angels love you and you have many warring angels assigned also to protect you at all times. You don’t need to worry about terrorist attack where you are, or when you go out. If you knew the protection available and at your service, you would be astonished. You are much loved.


Q3-Jesus, are you excited that your birthday is coming up so soon? Only a few more days… I can’t wait to celebrate but honestly, I am having a wonderful Advent and preparing for your birthday is just as fun as your special day in a way. Help me have a safe, peaceful and joyous time with my family.

I love seeing the earth with joy, preparations with extra lights and gifts, but my heart goes out to the people that are in sorrow from lost love ones, and families that hate one another, war, starvation, and evil in the world…people that don’t know my Mercy and that that is the whole reason that I came… to share my mercy and love of the Father with the whole world. At Christmas, I mourn for those people that don’t know me or are in need. I am comforted by the love that many pour out at this time of year. It soothes my aching soul. I truly mourn the loss of my family members, the lost souls. Mar, would you help them come home to me?

Yes, Jesus, I will do whatever you ask of me, if only you give me the strength, courage, talent, and right words to speak/sing. I would do anything for you. Use me, Lord. Make me into your instrument of Love, Mercy and Peace. I adore you. Happy birthday (soon) You Reign! You are our savior, Lord and King.


Q4 Holy Spirit, I need you! Please help me grow in my relationship with you. I want you to empower me to know the will of God and then to do the will of God. Won’t you please take over everything? I am a willing vessel to be used by the Holy Trinity. Don’t let me mess up the plans God has for me. I really would love to start the next chapter… could you ask baby Jesus if it is our turn? This game is dragging on, yet I know not my time, but God’s perfect timing. Let’s turn the page and get this party going! I am so ready to step into the cockpit, 5,4,3,2,1 blast off… blast off… It’s a go …

You never cease to make me laugh, Mar! You catch the tiniest of details and catch our signals and hints that we plant in your walk. Kudos, Mar! Yes, soon we will be turning the page, taking off to the moon. Soon. Don’t worry. Enjoy each and every day! It’s all good! Each day is a gift, right?

 Right-o! I see that the jackpot is getting pretty big…


Closing Thoughts/Prayers;

Yes, it is getting pretty big, and I am ready if it is ok with God, I’m game for it! Let’s roll! Let’s get the eternal party-planning going! I am filled with hope and expectation… just like you ask us to do in the bible. I know I’m asking for something Huge. But God asked me to think God’s sized goals. Because I can do nothing by myself, BUT- with God, all things are possible! Jesus, you are in control. Just tell me my next step to take. You lead, I will follow. ~amen!
