Thank you for your healing power. Thank you that you are in the process of healing R of the CP he struggles with. Thank you that you fight our battles. Thanks for healthy food and shelter. Thank you for supplying all that I need at all times. Thank you that you direct my every step. Thank you that you watch over me, protect me and lead me in all things. Thank you for forgiving me when I do not obey or follow your lead. Thank you that you are helping me follow you more closely. Thank you for keeping my family healthy and thanks for making us prosperous and even more prosperous so we can bless others financially in a greater way. Thank you that you have a good plan for Trinity Phone App and that many who need health, food, clothes, shelter, joy and peace will find you and your love and your supply in all their necessities when they use the app. Thank you that all who call on you will enjoy a good livelihood, security and peace. Let them come to know you, who are the way and the Truth and the Life. Thank you that they will learn to know and love you more and to trust you more and that they will pray with and without the app (tool for prayer). Thank you that all the world will come to love you and desire you to be their savior. Thank you, Jesus, for wanting us to all know you better. Thank you for showing your powerful love and through power evangelism you will provide solid evidence for the world so that none can deny you any longer. Thank you for your great revival- that will soon envelope the whole earth in your love.



Scripture Dec 22nd:

Samuel 1:24-28

Hannah gave her son, Samuel, over to the temple to present him and dedicate him to The Lord. She left him there! He was a gift from God as an answer to her prayer. Prayer works! And it may cost much to return a favor to The Lord. When much is given, much is expected in return. Lord, you have my life. Do with it what pleases you. I offer myself because you have given me so much already in my 47 years. I thank you for long life and for the honor of being your friend, spouse and servant. I look forward to many years of service for your Kingdom. Help me to do my job as you desire each step, in line with your will only.



The Lord makes poor and makes rich, he humbles, he also exalts. Lord, thank you that you are always in control of all things and make all things work out for good.


Luke 1:46-56

Mary stayed with Elizabeth 3 months helping her out and praying for her and her baby. Mary did works of mercy, and so should I. So should everyone. Each day I will try to do three acts of Mercy: First in Deed, second in word and third in prayer. I have it on my reminder app so that I create this habit and so I can do the things God would like me to do for others.


Q1-Mom, what would be some good examples of “word” that I can do for God? I understand deed and prayer, but what words would be fitting as an act of mercy?

Preach the good news. That is the best word you can give to another person. The word is Jesus, and Jesus is the word. Give Him away to lost souls, lukewarm souls and even to the haters of the gospel. In doing this, you offer much to the Kingdom. We thank you for your obedience in this and in all things.


Q2-Dad, Almighty Father, God Eternal and Wondrous, I ask you to please protect my father from any illness or health problems. Heal his cardiovascular system and give him strength renew his organs and restore his health. Give my dad long life that will allow him to remain until you come again in glory. Oh, and please keep him safe! Would you please do this for me?

Mar, keep praying. Prayers move mountains. Prayer works! Keep up the good work and pray, pray, pray.


Q3-Jesus, would you help me to see you in everyone I meet? Help me remember that whatever I do for someone else, I am doing it for you.

Yes, of course I would like to help you remember this. It is true. It is a favor you do to me when you do any work of mercy for another person. When it is an “enemy” that you do a work of mercy, it’s as if you have done 7 completed works of mercy for me. I honor these all with much love and gratitude. Holy Spirit will also prompt you to remember this when the opportunities arise. Do many works of mercy and offer them up to the foot of the cross. In that way, we can together present it to Abba for the return of lost souls and for the souls in purgatory.


Q4-Holy Spirit, Thank you for always guiding me. Would you guide my thoughts for a new song or songs… lyrics that Daddy would love to hear and for the good of all who hear? Also, would you possess my vocal chords so that only pleasing words and melodies come out in songs as dedication to my Lord and Savior? Would you help me sing beautifully? I’ll need a creative miracle here… is it possible that you will use me as an instrument of your peace?

Yes, if you keep pressing in for this miracle, you will soon see breakthrough in this area. There is a spiritual battle going on but fear not, you are a champion… you are bold and courageous, you will have much help and you will break through new ground for the world to love and honor Jesus.


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Please help R get well again, help him be at peace and feel your love over Christmas. Please help your children return home. Please accept my prayers and sufferings/struggles for the souls in purgatory. Please accept my love, Father, as an offering from the bottom of my heart for those of the whole world… have mercy on us all. xo,
