Merry Christmas!

Thank you, Daddy, for sending your son to save all humanity so that we can all be one family eternally with you in Heaven. I thank you that you’ve given me such a wonderful family! They are fun and loving and kind… I don’t know why I got so lucky. Thank you for giving me such great people to love. Thank you for DB – he’s the best, I could never have imagined a better husband. Thank you for your wonderful gift of Music! I love you, Holy Trinity, thank you for being such a super duper wonderful amazing and incredible trio of the most fabulous people. And Thank you, Mom, for saying yes… without your yes, we would have all been doomed forever. Life without Christ would be no life at all. I love you guys! Thank you for putting up with me!


Scriptures: Dec 25, 2015

Christmas Day– Thank you, Jesus, For coming to save us!

Q1-Holy Trinity-You three rock! I mean,-you guys are the absolute best! How can anyone not love you? I don’t understand! Help me understand so that I can better serve you and help others come to know your love and greatness of mercy. What can I do to help share your good news?

Just be yourself and don’t worry what other people may think of you. Enjoy, laugh, do whatever makes you happy. Other people will see your joy and wonder what it is that you’ve got… your answer? Me.You’ve got me, the Holy Trinity. And anyone can have our love… you will sing about this and it will be full of laughter, love, and redemption for many. Don’t be afraid to tell others about me. We will back you up with signs and wonders. Grace will abound. Love wins. Always. No need to worry, Mar.


Q2- Blessed Mother-Will you help me be more like you? I need to be more giving of myself for others. I need to be less self-focused. I need your heart of wisdom and love… won’t you help me?

Yes, I will be able to help you. Keep asking for my help and keep thinking of others. That is the key to love.


Q3- Birthday Boy, I hope you have a great day tomorrow and I hope that you enjoyed yourself today on this Christmas Vigil. Mass was beautiful and it was heart warming to see the whole church filled with your loved ones. You have the whole earth. We are your people. We are your family. When will you come back to create one family in you for all eternity?

Today was wonderful. It makes me happy to see so many people celebrating Christmas around the world. Tomorrow will be incredible, too. Soon, Mar. I will come back soon and I will create one amazing family… we will party for all eternity. I mean that we will have fun every day… but there is no time in heaven so it will be relaxing and exhilarating, full of love, laughter, peace and incredible prosperity. You will love it, Mar. It will be worth the wait. Heaven is for everyone. I hope that they all RSVP for eternity. If they choose not to come, I can’t make them come…



Closing thoughts/prayer:

Jesus, I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t rsvp to eternity. It’s going to be an amazing party! Please, let me help you in whatever you think would help… Trinity Phone, EPP, Inc. Shamrock Studios… just some thoughts I had that may help in some small way. I’d like to help plan for your glorious return. I’d like to plan the return party! Your great return will be fabulous, but we need more people to come… I don’t want anyone to miss out! The more the merrier! I want the whole world to be invited and to help celebrate your return! I love you. Help me in my assignment. Please invest in EPP, Inc. Tomorrow night is the Mega Millions. Maybe you could find some funds for EPP in that game? It would be fun. Whatever you want to do, Father. As Always, your Will in Your Divine Timing. You know what is best and you know if you can use any of my ideas/help. Hopefully, if you’re up to something, maybe you could use little ole me? I’m just going to take your lead. Whatever you want is fine with me. I’m ready. I hope you are. 4,3,2,1… blast off… 🙂