Thank you for helping me change my eating habits to a more healthful diet of fruits and vegetables. Thank you that I feel great and for a fun run this morning. Thank you for helping me change my thoughts and actions to be more in line with your will. Thank you for informational videos on YouTube and for entertainment through movies and programs. Thank you for your mercy, Father. Thank you for sending Jesus to redeem us and save us for eternity with you. Thank you for your patience and love.


Q1-Father God, I have to admit that I am still hoping that you might want to invest in EPP, Inc. I hope I’m not upsetting you for being a little disappointed that I haven’t won over Christmas. I am trying to keep a good attitude and being patient with the process. I just hope that you will make me who you want me to be. I hope that you will equip me in everything I need to complete my assignment. I hope I am not deceived about what my assignment is due to self-focus and grandiose thoughts. I’m confused. Help me understand.

Try not to think about it too much. Enjoy your life each day with a hope and lots of love and patience. Just keep playing. There are a few things that need to be worked out for everything to line up for you. I’m not disappointed in you. I will help you be patient. I will make you who I want you to be and I will equip you in every way that is needed. I will still use you, but you just need to get your mind off winning. Keep playing, but focus on other things. Keep praying for it, but try not to be attached to the outcome. I know it’s asking a lot, but we will help you.


Q2-Holy Spirit, will you help me to stay on the plan of fruits and vegetables for a trial until March? I need your guidance in everything, including what choices I should make in regards to what I eat.

 You will love how you feel. I will help you. You will be glad you did this if you stay on the program, you will melt down and have tons of energy. Keep playing tennis and going on walk/runs. Eating healthfully will transform everything for you.


Q3-Jesus, Will you help me be a better wife and friend to DB? I am having difficulties with my illness influencing how I treat him. I struggle with the thoughts of him not being himself, but that he truly wants to see me suffer- as if he were evil. It can come just from a small comment he might say that will irritate me. The illness that I deal with is confusing good/evil and is tiring me out. I try to ignore those thoughts and explain it to myself that it is not true, but it is near impossible to talk myself out of the thoughts. It’s very difficult to be nice to him when I think these thoughts of him being “evil”. Could you help me be nice to him when I am going through these difficult imaginations? (paranoia)

I have an idea you could try: Talk with DB to see what he might suggest. Also, pray to your mother, pray the Hail Mary and go into another room to pray for patience, love and kindness. Pray for him. Remember that it is only an incorrect thought process that is causing this difficulty.


Q4-Blessed Mother, I am asking you the same question, could you please help me to be kind and loving to DB when I have issues with the mental illness’ confusing thoughts? Do you have any suggestions for me?

 Pray, “Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart, enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.” You will see that you will have a changed heart in the process. Each time you do this, you will grow in love. It will be a wonderful change for you. It will help you be who God wants you to be.

Thank you, I really appreciate your help. Please bless my family and friends. Please bless R with a healing for his restored movement of arms, fingers and for the swelling in his hands and feet to go down to normal. Please be with Sister C and for her healing, her intentions, and that she will be my spiritual director in 2016. Please be with C and AH, for his healing and for A’s peace, strength in her difficulties. For Aunt A’s health. Please help my levels of thyroid, potassium and other important levels,-that I will get healthy. Regenerate my dad’s heart, all his organs, free his skin of skin cancer, health in all his body. xo,
