Thank you, Father, for helping me get through the writing gift today. Thank you for giving me a good imagination and for your leading. Thank you for the ability to create new songs, writings of poetry and stories. Thank you for the gift of creating new ideas. Thank you for the gift of cartooning, poetry, drawing and painting. Thank you for healthy and nutritious food. Thank you for your help in learning to do new things. Thank you for my instructor, RN Thank you for DB and our love. Thank you for giving us each other. We have a lot of fun together. Thank you for our health. Thank you for a successful eye surgery for my mom yesterday. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to redeem all of your children to spend eternity with you in heaven. Thank you, God, for your unfathomable divine mercy!


Q1-Dad, I hate to ask you this again, but wheeeennnnn will I start the next chapter? I can’t wait. However, your will is done on Earth as in Heaven. You are the author of time. You’re in control. You’ve got this. Forgive me for my impatience. I am very grateful for your love and the billions of blessings you give us each day. Are you equipping me to be who you want me to be?

 Rest assured, Mar, you are where you need to be at this time. I am having a great time molding you. Can you feel it? I know you can. You are getting there but it is all a journey of fun. So, relax and enjoy yourself. If you don’t you will only delay the next chapter from beginning. Don’t worry about anything. I do have this and I will have my way. Don’t worry, you cannot “mess up” anything. Only try your best, like you are doing, and it will all fall into place.


Q2-Holy Spirit, would you please inspire me tonight when DB and I work on our song together? Could you guide my vocal tracks to a melodious and pleasing tone? I really need your help, here.

I will help you tonight and always. Like your dad says, trust and enjoy the process. I will be changing your vocal chords slowly over the next year. Get ready to be surprised!


Q3-Jesus, could you tell me what I need to do to get where you want me to be? I think I’m a little lost…

You only need to trust. Trust in the Holy Trinity, trust in your mother, trust in the process and you will be fine. Like we always say, relax. You are doing great. Just a little while longer. Hang in there. Keep busy writing, recording, and laughing. Smile. Don’t take this so deathly serious! It’s not helping you. You will be able to change jobs soon; Dad wants to invest in EPP. So, be glad! Why worry? You should be celebrating… it’s going to happen. Have Faith! Keep looking up, hold your head high and know that Father-God will always take care of you. Father is breaking new ground, have no thoughts of defeat. You will help Jesus in his return. Be thrilled by this understanding. How could you not be thrilled?


Q4- Blessed Mom, I love you! I am so glad that I spent the time and effort to recommit myself to your loving guidance and protection through the 33-day program. The consecration to Jesus through you was the best thing I’ve done in all of 2015. Thank you for the gift of your heart and for the gift of Jesus. What can I do to be closer to your heart?

You are in my heart and I am in your heart. We couldn’t be more close. Only think of me, and you will remember. Talk with me when you are happy, sad and any emotion in-between. Talk with me always. I love you and when you talk with me, it brings Jesus and me much happiness. Jesus is thrilled that you reconsecrated yourself. Know of our deep, deep love for you. Just remember me. I can do all things for you. Ask Jesus through me and I will help you offer your prayers in a beautifully unimaginable perfect way. Also, sing in tongues. Don’t worry what other people may think. Have fun. We have amazing plans for you. If you only knew all of it, you would have no problem with a little waiting. It’s all being lined up. God is in control. Relax and let it happen. Let it unfold, as it should. It’s ok. It’s more than ok, it’s fabulous! Love wins!


Closing: Thank you that you are in control, Dad. Your ways are higher than anything I could ever imagine. Thank you that you have good plans for us. I love you and thank you for talking with me this evening here on this “board meeting”. I am getting a lot out of this and I hope you forgive me for whatever I type if it is more of me and not of you. Please send me a spiritual director that can guide me on this journey. If Sister C is the right person, let her know. If someone else is who you want me to work with, please tell Sr. C not to help me, and send the person you want me to talk with about all of this. Thank you for PE, Dr. W, all doctors that have assisted me in this life so far. Please bless them. Thank you for YouTube videos and for the HCLF way of eating. Please help me to stick to this diet and improve my health/lose weight