Thank you for my sweetie, DB. Thank you that we have so much fun together and a little extra spending money for the simple enjoyment of going to movies, getting a drink or dining out. Thank you for my parents; please give them good heath for many years to come. Thank you for the fog this morning; it was majestic. Thank you for the peace and joy you bestow on me. Forgive me for my greed in eating. Help me do your will in all things and help me make your temple fit for you, my King.


Q1-Jesus, I hope you are not suffering from my actions… I hope that I never cause you pain again. Forgive me for my past sinful deeds and please help me to be of service to you and a joy to you going forward. Help me to be a better person.

Q2- Mom, will you help me to not be a burden to God? I need your help to be a joy and not a pain to God. Will you give me the grace to be led by you and the Holy Spirit?

Q3- Thank you, Dad, for loving me when I am hard to love and for forgiving me my sins. How can I ever repay you?

Q4- Holy Spirit, I want you for my best friend, but I don’t usually feel you within me, or talking with you as much as I would like. Can you help change this so we can be close? I would like you to envelop me and I want to do your will always. I love you. Please come to live in me more powerfully than ever! Come to me like you came to Jesus- if possible. Thank you for abolishing my sins in the confessional. Thank you for your saving power.


Answer Q1Your sins are forgiven; they as far from you as many light years away, never to be heard of again. I will help you forgive yourself and I will forgive any sins you may make going forwards. Confess you sins, and you will be good with me. Don’t worry about your past. It is gone. There is nothing good that can be done except from learning from your mistakes. Other than that, forget and forgive yourself for them. I have forgotten and forgiven you. You pain me when you don’t forgive yourself and you remind me of them when you remember them. I know you are sorry for them and I know you wish to do better. My mother will help you and give you all the grace you need going forward. I love you, Mar. I love you more than you could ever imagine. My heart bursts for you. Don’t cry- be glad! 🙂


Answer Q2-I will give you more grace than you could contain; it will overflow from you to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your desire to consecrate yourself to Jesus through my heart will grow and grow each day. You will be closer and closer to me and in turn to Jesus- each day and we will have a lot of fun together. I will protect you always- with the warring angels. You don’t need to worry about being in danger from other people. You do need to make sure you drive carefully and don’t do anything silly like walk across the street w/o watching where you are going! Don’t test your angels, but be grateful for them. Holy Spirit will guide you more and more each day as you focus within and talk with Him and Me all throughout your day.


Answer Q3haha, Mar, you could never repay me; you are my daughter and you owe me nothing. Just love me and be good. That’s how you repay me. I am full of love for you and all my kids. My love is divine and unfathomable. Jesus came to earth because we thought our love couldn’t be contained with just us. We overspill our love -so much flows that it could never be understood by you or anyone alive on earth. There is no word for the love we have for you. You are blessed unimaginably because you said yes. Because you say yes, to it all- you are in for an amazing and beautiful next decade or two and then Jesus will be returned and you will be with me, your mom, Holy Spirit and Jesus… evil will be defeated and My Kingdom will Reign on Earth as it is in Heaven. Get excited! It’s going to be wonderful!


Answer Q4Mar, you are my beloved friend and I love you immeasurably. I am always with you and if you want me to be even closer to you what you should do is speak or sing in God’s Language; “tongues”. It is perfect prayer to God from you and with my help it will make many miracles appear. Sing out in this way and you will be overcome with peace and joy and many blessings/miracles will come fourth.


Thank you, I appreciate everything you say to me! Please help me to pray more in tongues, and to do your will. Make known to me your perfect will and empower me to do what you ask. I offer myself to you as a living enterprise for your purposes. Do with me what you will; whatever you like, whatever you want- I want!





Tomorrow’s scriptures Dec 5th . Contemplate the scriptures. What difference does it make for my life, my family, for society if I hear the message?


Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26

While from behind, a voice shall sound in your ears: “This is the way; walk in it,” when you would turn to the left or to the right. Lord, I have experienced this at times, but I long to hear you at all times. I want to always hear your will so I can dutifully respond and do your will as you see perfectly fit.


Psalm 147:1-6

Blessed are those who wait for The Lord… I must surely be blessed because I am always waiting on your word, your next move for our work, I wait and I wait… I try to be patient! Lol! You are gracious and it is fitting to always praise you. You bind up all of my wounds. Great you are and mighty in power! Your wisdom has no limit. I trust in you with everything. Help me trust you more.


Mathew 9:35-10:1,5a, 6-8

As Jesus sent out the 12 disciples, so you send me! The Kingdom of Heaven in a hand. I want to you to use me to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost I receive. Without cost I am to give. Thank you, Lord, that you call me to take a part in becoming and being your disciple. Help me have faith of a mustard seed so I can do your mighty works for your children. Holy Spirit, give me the right words to pray and the faith needed to complete my assignment. Give me courage, faith, and love which Jesus has for his brothers and sisters- give me the Heart of Jesus through Mary. Enkindle my heart with the fire of your love, Holy Spirit!

Love you!
