Thank you that I am able to cut back my dosage of zyprexa. I thank you in advance for allowing me to be stable and not dizzy or lightheaded on this new amount. Thank you for doctors, nurses, priests, nuns, family, friends, your divine mercy and for your love!


Q1-Dad…I really don’t feel like asking you anything tonight. I am very tired and my stomach is upset. Please forgive me for not being more alive tonight to meet with you guys. I guess one thing I am thinking about is blogging. Do you think I should start a blog? If so, should it be anonymous and what should I talk about? I was thinking about maybe positing my board meetings online in a blog. I could also add my poetry and music on the site… what do you think?

***I think it would be great if that is something you would like to do! If it makes you feel better by being anonymous on your blog, that would be fine. Just know that one day your anonymous may not be so anonymous… you will have to take steps to make sure that it’s not going to allow others to know it’s you. You may need to go to a cafe to make your posts. Read some other blog/diaries and see what’s out there. You may just find your niche and it may become a good income stream for you! I say, “Go for it!” I will bless your work. Don’t be afraid. Take the step to get it going next week when you have to help you and on your days off. I think this is a great idea! I know you’ve been thinking about doing this for several years! You will never know until you try. No harm done in playing around with it.


Q2-Jesus, is this something you would also like me to do? If so, what could I do to promote your Holy Kingdom Come?

*** Your music and poetry tells of my love and that I am coming soon to redeem all mankind. Your board meetings are full of hope and love… laughter. You will touch many people through your blog. Do some research before you start one, though, so that you can earn money with it easily and that you’re using the right tools for the blog: Word press? Domain? Graphics? Name of the blog? (I like Kewl King as a blog name.) I think it would be a great place to put your poetry and music also in addition to the board meetings!


Q3-Love, would you help me and guide me through this project? What do you think I should do?

*** Watch more videos on how to start a blog. Also read up on it. Check out some popular blogs/diaries and see how they do theirs. Be unique. Take your own pictures to use as graphics. Make it as personal as possible. Anonymous is probably the best way for you to go. It will make you feel better about saying things to the world that you currently don’t have the courage to do. It will build your faith and make you stronger. Just Do It!!! 🙂


Q4-ok, mom- what do you think? Will you help me not to make a fool of myself? Although, I’d rather be a fool for Christ than no fool at all!

*** You will not need to worry about what the world thinks! All that matters is what God thinks and He is excited for you to start this project! Once you get it set up, it will be easy, fun, and it will challenge you! Kudos for getting here! You’re moving along your path quickly and this will be the catalyst to shoot you forward!


Closing: Ok, you’ve talked me into this. I hope I don’t mess this up royally… Help me choose the right platforms, websites, domains, all that other stuff that I don’t yet understand… help me, Love!   xo,
