Eternal Party People-Board Meeting Minutes
Date Held: Feb 27 2016 Commencing 10:20am
Directors present:
Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Edwina (Guardian Angel to B), Beloved Daughter (B)
Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 10:25am
Introduction of new members: Archangel Michael: chief angel in charge of protecting Mar. Introductions, greetings, gratitude of Mar. Assurance of protection from the warring angels and special guidance from her Guardian Angel, Edwina. Edwina is coordinator of all the Angels dedicated to Mar.
Thank you, Holy Trinity for giving me a place to come for your advice and guidance for actions I need to take in order to prepare your coming home party. Thank you that many people will make the choice to rsvp to the eternal party. Thank you that you welcome the world to the end of time… where miracles happen all the time. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I am available to be “Spent” anytime just as a coin in your pocket, use me as you see fit. Thank you for making me worthy to participate in your plans. Thank you that you have good plans in store for the world. Thank you that it will be even more amazing than I could ever imagine! Thank you for your mercy, love and patience with me.
Q & A: Questions asked by Mar to individual members of the board.
Q1-Holy Spirit, Love, I thank you for leading me to create a Blog so that others may come to know of the love of God. Thank you that you say many miracles will be found in these pages of Eternal Party People. I am going to have so much fun sharing your love with people! What should I share and what should I be careful not to share?
***Dear Mar, share it all. Open up yourself to all. Be courageous. Do not worry about what people think of you. March to the beat of your own drum. Own it. You are about to embark on a wonderful journey. The EPP Blog will bless many people. Many miracles will be found in these pages full of God’s mercy and blessing for the world. This is just a small start of what will be EPP Blog. You will include many prayers for miracles in word and song. God will triumph over much evil with use of this tool you have just created. We have been working a long time to get you to where you are now. Be bold. Be courageous. Share it all. All of it. Hold nothing back. (Except please keep your sins for confession private. You may keep that just between yourself and the God who loves you.)
Q2- Father, Dad, Thank you for making me worthy to work in your business of saving souls; the family business. What is my first step in creating a blog for your use? What should I know in order to begin?
*** Mar, I am so glad you are open to starting EPP Blog. Take it slow because there is much to learn. The first step you need to work on is how to take it easy on yourself. There is no rush. This time period ahead of you this upcoming month of March will be a time to learn about blogging and what to put onto your blog. Then, once you get your new computer mid March, we will help you set up your blog. Don’t rush the process. You have a full month to get it up and running. Then, once it is created and ready for posts, it still won’t go public until around June. That will give you plenty of time to create it and put your past months of board meetings. You started on November 11th through today. We will help you in many ways. You won’t believe how everything will line up for you. I will invest in this new venture with you. You will soon be working for me. I will reward your work and dedication in many grand and beautiful ways! It’s going to be amazing! You will have a blast and also you will be working full time for my purposes. You will soon have your new Recording Studio and make music for miracles. Mark my words. I cannot lie, be patient just a little bit longer.
Q3-Jesus, I trust in you! I put everything into your hands. Show me what I need to do each day and keep me calm in this storm I call my crazy life.
*** Breathe in the Peace I give to you. Breathe out stress. I will not fail to bring calm, peace, love and rest. My yoke is light and you only need rely on me. Trust me. You don’t need to worry about a thing. Give it all to me so I can handle everything for you. If you don’t give it to me, my dear Bride, how can I take it away? You need to choose… really choose in your heart and mind, to give it to me. Give it to me each day when you wake. I will make your day beautiful and peaceful. You must give it to me in order for me to help. I can’t stress this enough, my love. I am the prince of peace. Breathe in my peace. Breathe out all stress. You are not in this alone. Many are with you and praying for you and your new venture. It will be a blast… if you give it all to me to sort out. Ok? Love you!
Q4-Momma, Queen of Angels, I love you! Thank you for your intercessions and for sending me the most incredible Angels to help me! Thank you for letting the most hilarious Angel, Edwina, as my own guardian angel. Help me get to know her even more in the future. I believe she is the comedic angel of all time! Open my ears to her jokes, assistance leading and guidance. Thank you that you have the wonderful Archangel Saint Michael available to be the chief angel in charge of my safety. I trust in them and will do my best not to do anything stupid that may test them out! What can I do to show my appreciation to them? Thanking them just doesn’t seem to be enough. They have saved my life numerous times… how to thank them, mom?
***Mar, oh Mar, your heart is what matters most. They know your heart. They are glad that you are aware now of their love and protection. We know you are sorry for not thanking them much in your life. They are used to it because most people just don’t know of their love and protection. Once you realized their help, you apologized and thanked them. Don’t look back. All is forgiven and the angels are just glad that you are now aware of them and appreciative of them. Just don’t forget to thank them each day and love them in your heart. They do a lot of behind the scene work for you!
Actions Requested:
-Remember to breathe in Jesus’ peace and breathe out stress
-Give everything to Jesus to handle. Don’t hold anything back. Trust Jesus to handle it all
-Thank my wonderful angels each day
Closing Remarks:
Thank you for meeting with me today. I pray that you will help me know my angels and learn to talk with them every day. Thank you that I can trust in you, God, and that you see my everything and still love me. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy, love, forgiveness, guidance, protection, and grace. Please give me all the grace I need to be a better channel for your peace. Give me the courage to do your will. Empower and enlighten my every step so that I can be effective in the family business that you are so dedicated to. Jesus, Mary, save souls! God, help me help you save souls. Don’t let even one of my sisters or brothers miss out on the eternal party. Help me do your will always. Guide me and help me stay on the path of your light and love. xo, ~Mar