2017-01-01 01:03am

Happy New Year, 2017!!!


Cheers, my love. I am so glad to start a new year with you and my beloved. I am excited for new beginnings! Some resolutions I have in mind: Make and record 2 new songs each month, Journal and board meetings more frequently, fasting with prayer, weight loss, exercise regularly, log all nutrients and stay in good weight loss range, poetry, write a book- so writing is going to be much more regularly a part of my routine. Most of all, I would like to wake earlier (at sunrise) so I can get more done each day. Let’s see… what else… hum… oh yes- LOVE! I want to love everyone more and think less of myself. I would like to do more good in the world and make a difference where I can. I would like to pay off the last of my credit card debt this year, like maybe in the next four or five months. I would like to win the lottery, but that has nothing to do with my doing… I can only hope and pray. But in all things, I plan to continue to be content with where I am now.


I pray that Mother Mary will mold me into the person more fit for you, Jesus. I want to love you more and more each day. Help me become the person you know I am destined to become. Help me be that person. Don’t let me miss my destiny. I love you, God. Please help me get to the cafe and to find more quality time with my prayer life and introspection. ShamRock Studios, I pray that 2017 is our year. Until then, help me to get some good song ideas sketched out and help me find time to get creative. I believe that getting up at sunrise will be a game changer! I will be able to get so much more done! I am very excited for this new beginning, but each day is a gift and a new beginning… But a new YEAR is something very special. I don’t want to waste it! I’d like to read the bible this year. Maybe I should start a reading plan online! What a great idea. The bible in a year plan or something like that would be great. I will check into it. Aha, yes… I would like to also declutter more regularly and make some new friends that like to have fun and maybe a walking buddy. I would also like to get EternalPartyPeople.Rocks online with the start of a blog/videos and maybe an e book on line for sale… just some ideas. We shall see what 2017 has in store. I love life. I. Love you, Jesus! I love DB! Please bless us and also our family and friends. Nite. See you in a few hours… I will revisit this journal on a regular basis!